
Sunday 30 September 2012



Q.   What is Istinja ?
·        Istinja is a process for securing cleanness from uncleanness after natural evacuation such as discharging urine, excrement, etc.

Q.   What is the way to secure cleanness after making water ?
·        After one has made water, drops of urine stuck on the organ should be dried up with a clean sod, then washed with water.

Q.   What is the way to secure cleansing after easing oneself ?
·        After easing oneself, the rectum should be wiped with three or five pieces of sod, then washed with water.

Q.   Is Istinja desirable (Mustahab) or the Prophet’s Precept (Sun-nah) or it is a command (Fard) ?
·        Istinja is desirable (Mustahab) if excrement or urine has not spattered round the organs concerned. It is Prophet’s Precept (Masnun) if it spatters round the parts concerned but is less than a dirhem in circumference. It is however, commanded (Fard) if excrement or urine has spread beyond the circumference of a dirhem.

Q.   Which substances are usable in Istinja ?
·        A clean sod or pieces of stones can be used for the purpose.

Q.   What substances are undesirable (Makruh) to be used for the purpose ?
·        It is undesirable to perform Istinja with bone, dung, horsedung, eatables, pieces of coal or cloth and pieces of paper.

Q.   Which hand is to be used to perform the Istinja ?
·        The left hand should be used. It is undesirable to use the right hand.

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