
Sunday 30 September 2012



Q.   What is Istinja ?
·        Istinja is a process for securing cleanness from uncleanness after natural evacuation such as discharging urine, excrement, etc.

Q.   What is the way to secure cleanness after making water ?
·        After one has made water, drops of urine stuck on the organ should be dried up with a clean sod, then washed with water.

Q.   What is the way to secure cleansing after easing oneself ?
·        After easing oneself, the rectum should be wiped with three or five pieces of sod, then washed with water.

Q.   Is Istinja desirable (Mustahab) or the Prophet’s Precept (Sun-nah) or it is a command (Fard) ?
·        Istinja is desirable (Mustahab) if excrement or urine has not spattered round the organs concerned. It is Prophet’s Precept (Masnun) if it spatters round the parts concerned but is less than a dirhem in circumference. It is however, commanded (Fard) if excrement or urine has spread beyond the circumference of a dirhem.

Q.   Which substances are usable in Istinja ?
·        A clean sod or pieces of stones can be used for the purpose.

Q.   What substances are undesirable (Makruh) to be used for the purpose ?
·        It is undesirable to perform Istinja with bone, dung, horsedung, eatables, pieces of coal or cloth and pieces of paper.

Q.   Which hand is to be used to perform the Istinja ?
·        The left hand should be used. It is undesirable to use the right hand.

Sunday 23 September 2012



Q.     How many kinds of  Visible Uncleanness are there?
·        It is of two kinds:
(1)   Gross uncleanness (Najasah Ghalidhah)
(2)   Light uncleanness (Najasah Khafifah)

Q.   What are Gross Uncleanness and Light Uncleanness?
·        Uncleanness which is thorough is Gross. The one which is comparatively light id Light Uncleanness.

Q.   What things fall under the category of Gross Uncleanness?
·        Human urine and excrement, excretion of animals, urine of forbidden animals, fluid blood of man and animal, wine and the droppings of hens and ducks fall under the category of Gross Uncleanness.

Q.   What things constitute Light Uncleanness?
·        Urine of Permissible (Halal) animals and the droppings of forbidden (Haram) birds constitute Light Uncleanness.

Q.   How much of Gross Uncleanness id excusable?
·        Gross Uncleanness could have substance or be a fluid. Substantial uncleanness such as excrement to a maximum extent of three grams is excusable while liquid uncleanness like wine or urine is excusable if it covers not more than the circumference of an english one rupee coin. To be excusable means that if one has offered one’s prayer with such uncleanness on the body or clothes, prayer will be considered valid but undesirable. Even this, if deliberate is disallowed.

Q.   How much of Light Uncleanness is excusable ?
·        It is excusable if it covers less than one fourth part of the body or clothing.

Q.   How to cleanse the clothes or body from Major Uncleanness ?
·        Major Uncleanness, whether Gross or Light is removed from the body or clothing by washing it thrice. The clothes must also be wringed after every wash.

Q.   Can such uncleanness be removed with anything other than water ?
·        Yes, cleanness may be achieved with other liquid things like vinegar or melon-water.

Wednesday 19 September 2012


MAS-H ON SOCKS (wiping the socks with wet hands)

Q.   On what kinds of Socks is Mas-h (wiping with wet hands) permissible?
·        Mas-h is permissible on three kind of Socks:
(1)   Socks made of leather which cover the feet upto ankle.
(2)   Such woolen or cotton socks which have a leather sole.
(3)   Such woolen or cotton socks which are so thick that they would not be torn if one walks wearing these socks a distance of three or four miles.

Q.   When is Mas-h permissible on socks?
·        Mas-h is performed on socks to renew the ablution provided the socks have been on since the feet were last washed in ablution.

Q.   For how many days is Mash permissible to be performed on socks once put on?
·        A person on station can continue to do the Mas-h for a day and night. A person on journey can continue to do it for three days and nights.

Q.   What is the way to perform Mas-h on socks?
·        Mas-h must be performed on the upper part of the feet. Doing Mas-h on the soles or heels is not permissible.

Q.   Is Mas-h on socks permissible in both, ablution and bath?
·        Mas-h on socks is allowed to be performed in ablution, but not in bath.

Q.   What is the right method to perform Mas-h?
·        The proper way to do Mas-h is to wet the fingers of one’s hands, cover the toes with three fingers and draw them up towards the ankle’s fingers in their full length should be used for the purpose. Tips of the fingers only will not suffice.

Q.   Is Mas-h allowed on torn socks?
·        Mas-h is not permissible on socks which are torn out to the extent that foot is open equivalent to three small fingers of the foot or it may open to the same extent in walking. If the tear is less, it is permissible.

WIPING THE BANDAGE (Mas-h on Jabirah)

Q.   What is Jabirah ?
·        Jabirah, literally is a flat piece of wood used as bandage for the cure of a fractured bone. But here the term applies to a piece of wood or cotton with ointment applied on it, for the wound.

Q.   What are the injunctions of Islam about the Mas-h on such piece of wood, bandage or cotton?
·        If the removal of this piece of wood, bandage or cotton is harmful for the wound or causes pain, Mas-h is permissible on it.

Q.   On what part of the bandage is Mas-h to be done?
·        Mas-h must be done on the whole length of the bandage whether or not it covers the wound.

Q.   What is the injunction if no pain or harm is likely to be caused by removing the bandage?
·        Washing is compulsory if no harm or pain is likely to be caused to the wound. In case washing the wound is likely to cause harm or pain, but not so the wiping of it, the latter (wiping or Mas-h) may be done. If however, washing and wiping the wound are likely to give pain or do harm, Mas-h on bandage is permissible.

Sunday 16 September 2012



Q.   What is the way to secure cleanness of the body from the Major Uncleanness (Hadath Akbar or Janabah)?
·        One can secure cleanness of the body from the Major Uncleanness (Hadath Akbar or Janabath) by undertaking bath.

Q.   What is bath?
·        To bathe means to wash the body. But Islam stipulates a particular way for the performance of bath.

Q.   What is the particular way to perform bath?
·        The method stipulated for bath is: first to wash one’s hands including the wrist joints, then to wash the secret parts and wash off the Major Uncleanness, if any, from the body, then to perform ablution, then to rub the whole of the body with sufficient quantity of water, then to pour water over the body three times, then to rinse the mouth and pass water into the nostrils.

Q.   How many commanded items (Fara’id) are there in bath?
·        There are three obligatories in bath:
(1)   Rinsing the mouth;
(2)   Passing water into nostrils, and
(3)   Pouring water all over the body.

Q.   How many Prophet’s precepts (Sun-nahs) are there in bath?
·        There are five Sun-nahs in bath:
(1)   Washing the hands including wrist joints;
(2)   Washing secret parts as well as the part of the body that is unclean;
(3)   Having the intention to remove uncleanness;
(4)   Performing ablution, and
(5)   Pouring water thrice all over the body.