
Sunday 10 June 2012


Q.   How do the Muslims worship Al-lah?
*  The Muslims (i) offer Salat (prayers), (ii) observe fasts, (iii) give Zakat (alms) and (iv) perform Haj (pilgrimage to Makka).

Q.   What is Salat?
*  Salat is a particular way of worship and devotion to Al-lah taught by Him through the Holy Qur-an and by His Prophet Muham-mad (peace be on him) through his Sunnah (precepts).

Q.   What is the way to perform the particular mode of worship called Salat?
*  Muslims stand with folded hands before Al-lah either in a Masjid or in their houses. They recite verses from the Holy Qur-an. They praise Al-lah, affirm His Greatness and pay homage to Him. They bow before Him, place their foreheads on the ground and affirm their servitude and submissiveness to Him.

Q.   Where does a person offering the Salat truly find or present himself before Al-lah? Is it the masjid or in the house?
*  No matter whether one offering the Salat in his house or in the masjid, he is before Al-lah, because Al-lah is everywhere. But far greater reward is given for Salat offered in the masjid.

Q.   The Muslims wash their hands, face and feet before they offer Salat. What is the name given to this act in Islam?
*  This act is called ablution (Wudu). No Salat is valid without ablution.

Q.   Which direction must we face in Salat?
*  We face the west (in countries like India which are to the east of the Holy Ka’bah in Makka).

Q.   Why is it essential to stand with the face turned towards the west (in countries like India)?
*  It is because the House of Al-lah (known as Ka'bah) stands in the Holy city of Makka. It is essential to face it (the Ka'bah) in Salat. It is to the west of our cities (in India). Hence we face the west when we offer Salat.

Q.   What is the name given to the direction which we face in Salat?
*  The direction is called Qiblah.

Q.   How many times in a day and night should we offer Salat?
*  A Muslim is commanded to offer Salat five times in a day and night.

Q.   What are the respective names for the prayers thus offered five times?
*  The first is the Salat of Fajr. It is performed in the morning before sunrise. The second is the Salat of Dhuhr. It is said in the afternoon. The third is the Salat of 'Asr. It is said one-and-a-half or two hours before sunset. The fourth is the Salat of Maghrib. It is offered immediately after sunset. The fifth is the Salat of 'Isha. It is said in the night, one-and-a-half or two hours after sunset.

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