
Sunday 3 June 2012


Q.   How do we know that the Holy Qur-an is the Book of Al-lah?
*  Hadrat Muham-mad (peace be on him) said that the Holy Qur-an is the Book of Al-lah who revealed it to him.

Q.   Was the whole of the Qur-an revealed to the Prophet at one time or bit by bit?
*  It was revealed bit by bit according to the needs of the time. Sometimes one verse, sometimes two or three verses (ayahs) and sometimes the whole of the chapter (Surah) was revealed.

Q.   How long did the revelation of the whole of the Holy Qur-an take?
*  It took twenty three (23) years.

Q.   How was the Holy Qur-an revealed?
*  Hadrat Jibril (Gabriel) came to him. He recited the verse or the verses or the whole chapter to the Holy Prophet (peace be on him). The Holy Prophet (peace be on him) memorized it, then he dictated it to some literate person who commited it to writing.

Q.   Why did he not write it himself?
*  It is because he was unlettered (Um-mi).

Q.   What is an Um-mi?
*  Um-mi is one who has not learnt how to read and write from anyone. The Holy Prophet did not learn how to read and write from anyone, but Al-lah bestowed the profoundest knowledge upon him.

Q.   Who is Hadrat Jibril?
*  Hadrat Jibril is an angel. He carried the orders of Al-lah to the Holy Prophet.

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