
Sunday 25 August 2024


  Quranic Foundations And Structure Of Muslim Society



Chapter 1




The Holy Prophet Muhammad (in whom God’s Blessings and Peace abide!) was un-lettered, not knowing how to read and write, because he had received no formal education in any degree from anyone. The historical testimony in this respect is complete and thorough, even as the Qur’anic Revelation contains the proclamation addressed to him and meant to emphasize to his opponents the Divine source of the profound Wisdom that was flowing from his sacred lips:

“And you (O Muhammad!) did not recite any book before this (i.e., knew not how to read), nor were you (able) to transcribe one with your right hand (i.e., knew not the art of writing). Otherwise, indeed, those who talk baseless things (against your Divine Mission) could have (some excuse for having) doubted (the revealed character of the Qur’an).” (39:48).

The Holy Prophet’s sole teacher was God, and no one else:

“. . . and Allah has revealed to you (O Muhammad!) the Book and the Wisdom, and has taught you what you knew not; and Allah’s Grace unto you is immense.”  (4:113).

Thus, the Holy Qur’an is not the product of the Holy Prophet’s speculation and thinking. Rather, every word of that Book is the Word of God which was communicated to him through the process of Revelation:

“(This is) the revelation of the Book (i.e., the Qur’an in which there is no (ground for) doubt,—(a Book) from the Lord of the Worlds. Will they say: ‘he has forged it’? Nay, it is the Truth from your Lord …” (32:2).

“Blessed is He (i.e., Allah) Who sent down the Criterion (i.e., the Qur’an) to His servant (Muhammad), that he may be a Warner to all the creatures.” (25:1).

“Say (O Muhammad!): The (Qur’an) has been sent down by Him Who knows the Mystery (that is) in the heavens and the earth…” (25:6).

“But A11ah bears witness that what He has revealed to you (O Muhammad!) He has revealed from His (own) Knowledge; and the angels bear witness (also); but enough is Allah for a witness.” (5:166).[1]

Indeed, the Holy Qur’an calls itself the “Speech of God” (9:6) and the “most excellent Discourse”, “sent down gradually by Allah” (39:23), communicated to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be on him!) not as mere ‘inspiration’ but as the “Arabic Qur’an” (12:2)—as Recitation “in plain Arabic language” (24:195), through the process of Prophetic Revelation (42:7; etc.) which was the same as in the case of the previous Divine Messengers from Adam to Jesus (Peace be upon nature them!) (42:3), and which descended upon the “heart” of the Holy Prophet not metaphorically but literally, namely, in the form of language in which it was subsequently transcribed by the Scribes.

Being the revealed Word of God, it imparts knowledge which is immune from all possibilities of doubt (2:2), all types of crookedness (17:1), every form of discrepancy (4:82), and the faintest taint of evil (26:210). On the positive side, it is the embodiment of Truth and the Balanced Thought together with the Balanced Way of Life (42:17); it is Blessed (with Holiness) (6:155), it is the Light that is Manifest (4:174), whose function is to lead forth humanity from the spiritual and moral darkness into the light of the achievement of human destiny (14:1), it is the Healing which cures the very basis of spiritual and bein moral ailments (10:57); it is Mercy and Glad Tidings to those who follow it faithfully (16: 89); and it is the Criterion which distinguishes clearly the right from the wrong, the good from the evil, the true from the false (2:185); it is the Guide for all humanity (2:185), which imparts detailed and comprehensive guidance in all matters wherein human reason can possibly fail in any measure and in any manner (6:114; 16:89); and, imparting new knowledge as it does (2:151), it emphasises that all unbiased persons dedicated to knowledge are bound to uphold its truth at the time of its revelation (34:6), and to attest it, in later ages, as the horizons of human knowledge expand further and further (41:53).




The Prophetic Revelation has nothing to do with the natural mental processes that relate to the human brain. It does not consist even of intuitional flashes like those experienced by certain eminent scientists and thinkers in respect of the discoveries of certain facts of knowledge. It is not just an inspiration of notions and ideas. Namely, it is not merely an ‘internal’ and subjective fact with no ‘external’ and objective dimension. Rather, it is a concrete objective phenomenon— though, of course, supernatural or metaphysical in character. It is ‘God’s Speech’ communicated at the highest level.

Of course, God’s Speech (kalÉm) is not of the same nature as the human speech. For, God is Transcendent in His Being, so also in the nature of His Attributes (30:27). That does not imply, however, the impossibility of communication between Him and His creatures. Rather, to the contrary. Because, it is He Who alone is the Fountainhead: not only of existence but also of guidance for every particle of the cosmos:—as the One Who, ‘encompasses all things’ (41:54), and Who is, in the case of Man, ‘closer to him than his jugular vein’ (50:16).

God’s Speech is communicated to different things in Creation in the form suitable to their function, the goal being the guidance of those things (8:12; 16:68; 41:12; 99:5). Human beings, not belonging to the category of the Prophets and Messengers, have also been the beneficiaries of this Divine blessing in the form of a subjective guidance in terms of inspiration (5:3; 20:38; 28:7). In their case, however, it was purely a personal affair.

It appears as if the higher the calibre and the function of anything in the cosmos, the higher, in the sense of more explicit, is the form of manifestation or expression for God’s Speech, and the lower the calibre of anything the less its capability to accommodate that manifestation of the Divine Speech which relates to a higher level. Thus, the Speech of God may express itself to an inorganic object or a plant in the form of ‘sensation’ appropriate to it, to an animal in the form of inner ‘perception’, to a human being not falling under the category of a Prophet and a Messenger in the form of ‘conception’. But in the case of those human beings who were chosen by God to be His Prophets and Messengers and whose function consequently was, not to obtain stray guidance for themselves, but to be the recipients of a full-fledged philosophy of life and a comprehensive code of practical guidance for establishing the Divine Order in the life of humanity, reason leads us to the truth that the Speech of God should have expressed itself through the highest medium—the medium of language, and not through implicit and vague media of inner ‘sensation’, ‘perception’ and ‘conception’. Thus, although none of the human languages is the ‘language of God, the Speech of God has expressed or manifested itself in all the human languages through the Divinely-inspired Teachers who arose in all the communities of the world, in one era or the other, since the time of the Holy Prophet Adam to the advent of the Holy Prophet Muhammad—who came as the last and the final—(May God’s Blessings be on all of them!) (14:4). There is nothing, in fact, in literal Revelation to the Divine Messengers that may discount it philosophically or scientifically as impossible or even as improbable, provided we do not reduce that phenomenon to the category of the natural phenomena. 

[1] We have quoted here just a few verses off-hand. Actually, the Holy Qur’ān is replete with statements that proclaim explicitly that it is, in its entirety, the revealed Word of God. 


to be continued . . . . .

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