
Sunday 12 May 2024


  Quranic Foundations And Structure Of Muslim Society



 Muslims rose to greatness through the Qur’an, which built them up into a World-Force dedicated to the service of Humanity, and they led Humanity for a long time in every phase of human activity; spiritual, moral, intellectual, aesthetical, economic and political.

But it is a tragedy of human nature that it is easy for human beings to continue to stick to certain beliefs but difficult to maintain the tempo of the struggle for executing the Practice.

The same has happened to the Muslims, who have fallen from their pinnacle of glory because of their progressive digression from the Qur’anic Way of Life.



The old-fashioned as well as the outwardly-westernized religious-minded Muslims, who form the overwhelming majority, are demonstrating in their lives a view of Islam which confines their obligation to devotional and ceremonial practices alone—leaving out even morality;—while:

The truly-westernized, secularized, modernized Muslims, who are emerging as the major controlling force in many Muslim communities, are groping in the darkness of utter confusion; and in sheer ignorance they look greedily to fashionable un-Islamic and anti-Islamic ideologies and modes of life for imitation and adoption.

 Taking Humanity as a whole; 

In the ideological war that is raging all over the world between the Ideational and the Sensate cultural points of view—between the forces of the other-worldly religions and this-worldly social philosophies, wherein the Higher Values of Life are becoming progressively submerged in the quagmire of Secularism—nay, of rank Materialism, Atheism, Nihilism and Libertinism, leading to grave imbalance in the lives of the Individuals and the Communities to the heights of a Mighty Crisis, a Philosophy and a Code of Life based on Integralism is needed very urgently—a Philosophy and a Code that may establish a Culture wherein all human yearnings, ranging from the Transcendental to the Physical, may find their fulfillment and whereby Humanity may be enabled to achieve its true Destiny.

 That Philosophy and that Code of Life has been given in the Holy Qur’an.

 And the present work, being a systematic and comprehensive exposition of the same, forms the need of the hour and deserves serious study by everyone who possesses a serious attitude towards the problems of life.


to be continued . . . . .

Quranic Foundation & Structure Of Muslim Society In The End Times


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