
Sunday 26 May 2024


  Quranic Foundations And Structure Of Muslim Society



















Chapter 1



In projecting the discussion about the Holy Qur’an it is necessary to introduce first the personality and the mission of him who was the recipient of its revelation. To do so with any degree of justice would require volumes because of the extreme richness of the personality as well as the mission. The limitations of the present work, however, permit only the briefest introduction. In that connection, again, it seems advisable to present only certain facts, and those too in the words of such Western scholars who, unlike others who were thoroughly drowned in blinding prejudice, felt hesitant in concealing or perverting certain very obvious truths, and exerted, with all their background of inherited prejudice, to adopt fair-mindedness in whatever degree possible. 


In their words, because no judgment can be regarded as more critical than their judgment, and because “the best testimony is that which comes from the enemy’s camp”, and the Western scholarship in general,—indeed, Christendom and the international Jewry, has exhibited, and continues to exhibit, such limitless cruelty in terms of a planned campaign of misrepresentation and vilification of Islam and the Holy Prophet  that in a very brief assessment only this course seems to be beneficial for all those who fall victim to Western propaganda,—such persons existing in large numbers in all the communities.  


The campaign of vilification has, indeed, staggering dimensions. Because, it is not only the Christian priests of the medieval ages and the orientalists of the present day,1 but also scholars totally unconnected with the polemics against Islam, who have continued to participate in this filthiest and the most degrading job. Just to cite a few examples selected at random, we may refer to four of them:


1 “During the first few centuries of Mohammadanism,” observes Bosworth Smith, “Christendom could not afford to criticize or explain, it could only tremble and obey. But when the Saracens had received their first check in the heart of France, the nations which had been flying before them faced round as a herd of cows will sometimes do when the single dog that has put them to flight is called off; and though they did not yet venture to fight, they could at least calumniate their retreating foe. Drances-like, they could manufacture calumnies and victories at pleasure.” (Mohammad and Mohammadanism. p. 63. 3rd ed., London, 1889). After this remark, Bosworth Smith records those calumnies (pp. 63-72). To say merely that they are vulgar, wild and obscene would not do justice to their atrocious nature. The Dutch orientalist Snouck Hurgronje supports Bosworth Smith’s verdict when he says : “The pictures which our forefathers in the Middle Ages formed of Mohammed’s religion, appear to be a malignant caricature.” (Mohammedanism, p. 4). But neither Hurgronje nor the other orientalists could cleanse themselves of the poison inherited from their medieval forefathers, with the result that the West, even after the debacle of Christianity, remains on the whole an inveterate enemy of Islam and Muslims and continues to spread poison against them through all the available media.


1.    Dr. J. H. Muirhead of the University of Birmingham has written a text-book on ethics named “The Elements of Ethics”, where, just for the sake of insulting Islam, he has irrelevantly inserted the following false statement: “In the lives of the saints among the Turks, as Locke reminds us in his celebrated chapter entitled ‘No Innate Practical Principles’, the primary virtue of chastity seems to have had no place” (p. 231). This allegation applies actually to Christian monasticism of the Middle Ages. But, instead of referring to it, both Locke and Muirhead have foisted a falsehood on Islam!

2.    In his book: “The Theory of Good and Evil”, which is throughout a work of academic interest on ethical philosophy and which deals only with the western moral theories, Dr. Hastings Rashdall of New College, Oxford, has, without any relevance, hurled a slur on Islam with a touch of innocence thus: “When the Caliph Omar (if the story be not a myth) ordered the Alexandrian library to be burned,[1] it is probable that he knew [2] very imperfectly what the Alexandrian library or any other library really was” (vol. 1, p. 137).

3.    Max Weber, who enjoys a very high place among modern sociologists, has shown a vulgar ignorance of Islam, if not devilish perversion, in his book: “The Sociology of Religion” (E. T., Ephraim Fischoff), wherein it was his duty to adopt scientific objectivity and to acquire a thorough knowledge of Islam before speaking about it. His entire statement on Islam, from p. 262 to p. 266, is, to say the least, abusive. Just to quote a few sentences, picked up off-hand: “… a national Arabic warrior religion … a religion with very strong class emphasis … Even the ultimate elements of its economic ethic were purely feudal … Muhammad’s attitude in opposition to chastity sprang from personal motivations … the ethical concept of salvation was actually alien to Islam … An essentially political character marked all the chief ordinances of Islam … the original Islamic conception of sin has a similar feudal orientation. The depiction of the prophet of Islam as devoid of sin is a late theological construction, scarcely consistent with the actual nature of Muhammad’s strong sensual passions and his explosion of wrath over small provocations … he lacked any sort of tragic sense of sin … unquestioned acceptance of slavery, serfdom, and polygamy; the disesteem for and subjection of women ….”[3]


4.    Arnold J. Toynbee, whose academic labours in the field of history are gigantic, and who was naturally expected to be objective in his approach to all religions, displays in respect of Islam the Crusader’s zeal rather than the spirit of intellectual honesty. Indeed, the distortion of facts in his hands and the perversion of truth by him is fully reminiscent of the dark minds of those Christian priests of the Dark Ages for whom the more flimsy a cock-and-bull story that was invented about Islam the more spiritually enjoyable it was. Just to quote a few stray samples of Toynbian rubbish from “A Study of History”, vol. 12: “Hatra had been under the protection of the trinity of goddesses who, in Muhammad’s day, were the protectresses of Makka. Their potency was so great that Muhammad almost succumbed to the temptation to stultify his mission by proclaiming them to be daughters of the One True God of the pure religion of Abraham” (p. 466). “In the Arabia of Muhammad’s day there was a widespread feeling that it was high time for the Arabs to become ‘People of the Book’,[4] such as the Jews and the Christians were” (p. 467). “Thus. by the time of Muhammad’s hijrah to Madina, the Arabs already possessed all the requisites for becoming world-conquerors except one, and that was political unity” (p. 469). “If the Hijazi prophet Muhammad had failed, the Najdi prophet Maslamah might have done the equivalent of Muhammad’s work; and, if Maslamah, too, had failed, some other prophet would have arisen, in some other part of Arabia, to step into Maslamah’s and Muhammad’s shoes” (p. 468).[5]


However, we may proceed now to the findings and judgments of some of those Western scholars who could show some fairness in respect of the different aspects of the Holy Prophet Muhammad’s  personality and mission, to provide a very brief introduction in that behalf.

[1] It was Dr. Rashdall’s duty as a scholar, if he was not following Paul’s principle of “speaking lies for the glory of God”, to be absolutely sure about the veracity of his statement before falsely insulting a people who brought the light of learning to Europe. The truth is that the said library was burnt by the co-religionists of Dr. Rashdall, who did so to promote Christianity. “… Muslims were friends to learning … It was not Muslims but (Christian) monks who burnt the Greek library at Alexandria.” (G.D.H. Cole and M.I. Cole: The Intelligent Man’s Review of Europe Today, London 1933, p. 31).

[2] Mark how a second insult has been added to the first!

[3] A perusal of the present book will reveal even to a casual reader as to how baseless is Max Weber’s indictment.

[4] Mark how a historian of world renown is projecting a myth!

[5] Toynbee’s vituperative concoctions are so baseless as hardly to deserve any refutation. They are actually based on the old and extremely irrational and groundless Christian accusation of imposture attributed to the Holy Prophet

. Some of the modern Western scholars have, however, felt ashamed of it and have controverted and refuted it in strong terms. We will quote later in that connection Montgomery Watt who, in contrast to Prof. A.J. Toynbee, is an Arabicist and specialist in Islamic history, though he too is not a friend of Islam and Muslims. 


to be continued . . . . .

Quranic Foundation & Structure Of Muslim Society In The End Times


Sunday 19 May 2024


  Quranic Foundations And Structure Of Muslim Society



 The general view of mankind concerning Religion is that its function is confined to the problem of salvation in the next world.

But present-day Humanity has become increasingly interested in achieving salvation in the present world.

Hence Religion has fallen into disrepute as something incapable of solving human problems relating to the earthly life;—nay, even as a definite impediment to human progress.

Here Islam has a unique role to play, because it is definitely, directly and vehemently committed to the salvation of Humanity in both the worlds: the present one as well as the next.

Nay, Islam’s role stands at an even higher level, because it substitutes the positive concept of fulfillment for the negative concept of salvation. And its concept of fulfillment comprehends the healthy and harmonious development of the Individual and the Society in all respects: spiritual, aesthetical, moral, intellectual and physical.

All in all, Islam stands in history as Eternal Guidance: the Guidance for yesterday, today and tomorrow.

The Present may be gloomy because of the wrongs committed by the Muslims themselves during the different epochs of their history, including the present. But;




to be continued . . . . .

Quranic Foundation & Structure Of Muslim Society In The End Times


Sunday 12 May 2024


  Quranic Foundations And Structure Of Muslim Society



 Muslims rose to greatness through the Qur’an, which built them up into a World-Force dedicated to the service of Humanity, and they led Humanity for a long time in every phase of human activity; spiritual, moral, intellectual, aesthetical, economic and political.

But it is a tragedy of human nature that it is easy for human beings to continue to stick to certain beliefs but difficult to maintain the tempo of the struggle for executing the Practice.

The same has happened to the Muslims, who have fallen from their pinnacle of glory because of their progressive digression from the Qur’anic Way of Life.



The old-fashioned as well as the outwardly-westernized religious-minded Muslims, who form the overwhelming majority, are demonstrating in their lives a view of Islam which confines their obligation to devotional and ceremonial practices alone—leaving out even morality;—while:

The truly-westernized, secularized, modernized Muslims, who are emerging as the major controlling force in many Muslim communities, are groping in the darkness of utter confusion; and in sheer ignorance they look greedily to fashionable un-Islamic and anti-Islamic ideologies and modes of life for imitation and adoption.

 Taking Humanity as a whole; 

In the ideological war that is raging all over the world between the Ideational and the Sensate cultural points of view—between the forces of the other-worldly religions and this-worldly social philosophies, wherein the Higher Values of Life are becoming progressively submerged in the quagmire of Secularism—nay, of rank Materialism, Atheism, Nihilism and Libertinism, leading to grave imbalance in the lives of the Individuals and the Communities to the heights of a Mighty Crisis, a Philosophy and a Code of Life based on Integralism is needed very urgently—a Philosophy and a Code that may establish a Culture wherein all human yearnings, ranging from the Transcendental to the Physical, may find their fulfillment and whereby Humanity may be enabled to achieve its true Destiny.

 That Philosophy and that Code of Life has been given in the Holy Qur’an.

 And the present work, being a systematic and comprehensive exposition of the same, forms the need of the hour and deserves serious study by everyone who possesses a serious attitude towards the problems of life.


to be continued . . . . .

Quranic Foundation & Structure Of Muslim Society In The End Times