
Sunday 14 April 2024


  Quranic Foundations And Structure Of Muslim Society



The QUR'AN came:

 to obliterate all anthropomorphic notions about God and to establish perfect Monotheism—not merely as a theological concept but as a full-fledged philosophy of life;

 to inculcate the establishment and maintenance of a living and dynamic relation with God in order that human beings may attain the highest spiritual and moral refinement and greatness;

 to teach the truth that human beings are basically theomorphic beings—emphasizing the ‘ascent of Man to God’ as opposed to the ‘descent of God in Man’,—and that the goal of every human being is the actualization of his or her potential vicegerency of God through the imitation of Divine Attributes;  

 to give to Woman her rightful place in Society, as basically the equal of Man;

 to resolve the dichotomy; of Faith and Reason;  of Religion and Science;  of Love and Law'  of Beauty and Simplicity; of Participation in godliness and Participation in worldly life;

 to establish in the domain of the philosophy of Religion, the positive concept of Fulfillment in place of the universally prevalent negative concept of Salvation;

 to extricate Religion from superstitions;

 to distinguish Spirituality from Mysticism and Psychicism; 

 to give a comprehensive Philosophy of Integration, based on the teaching of Unity-ism, thereby providing sure basis for the integration of the life of the Individual as well as of Society; and, beyond that, of Humanity at large; 

  to create an Integralistic Culture and an Integralistic Civilisation;  

 to make Morality the basis for Spiritual Development, on the one hand, and for Social Evolution, on the other;

 to inaugurate the era of Scientific Advancement by means of teaching the requisite fundamental principles;

 to highlight the role of Inductive Reasoning as the proper instrument for the pursuit of Knowledge;

 to emphasize the quest for Empirical Knowledge, as well as the resultant Technological Advancement and Conquest of Nature, as Exercise in the Worship of God;  

 to bestow on Religion the role of functioning as Social Alchemy for the establishment of a Total Welfare Society; 

  to harmonize Truth and Justice with Love and Mercy; 

  to make Social Justice the very foundation for healthy collective life;

 to establish the concept of Wealth for Welfare; 

 to eradicate Poverty, Disease and human Suffering in general;  

 to crown Labour with Dignity;

 to proclaim the principle that value lies in Labour, Productivity and Achievement; 

 to provide the Golden Mean between the extremist philosophies of Monopoly Capitalism and Communism;

 to open the avenues and provide Guidance for human progress in all healthy directions in general; 

 to close the doors on all those perversions in religious and non-religious thought which go to make Religion an opiate and the Secularistic Philosophies atheistic and immoral; 

and  to confer on Humanity many other Blessings, besides.

For that, the Qur’ân gave :

 a well-co ordinated System of Belief,               

 a fully-integrated Philosophy, and  

  a comprehensive Code of Practice.          


to be continued . . . . .

Quranic Foundation & Structure Of Muslim Society In The End Times


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