
Sunday 4 February 2024

Conclusion on Dajjal (Anti-Christ), the Qur’an and the Beginning of History


Dajjal (Anti-Christ), the Qur’an and the Beginning of History



Our effort in this book to locate Dajjal at the beginning of history has borne fruit. Had there been no arrogant Jewish belief that Jews are the elect of mankind, or the chosen people of the Lord-God, with a birth-right of superiority over all other human beings, there would have been no cause for Dajjal. It was this false belief which led them to reject Jesus, the son of the Virgin Mary, as the promised Messiah; and which continues to drive their futile quest to re-establish Holy Israel, by hook or by crook, as the End-time ruling State of the world.


The Qur’an has not only rejected this false Jewish claim to an exclusive status with the Lord-God, but has also provided us with the means with which to identify Dajjal’s false State of Israel with the forbidden tree of heaven. 


The most important discovery of this book is, without doubt, our identifying Dajjal as the Jasad of the Qur’an.    


Our study in the Qur’an of the beginning of history also now allows us to recognize and identify a strange new actor who has mysteriously appeared on the stage of the world in the end-times. 


History began with a display of arrogance when Satan refused to bow and prostrate before Adam on the basis of a claim to a birth-right of superiority. History is ending with precisely that arrogance, as the new actor on the stage of the world proclaimed his birth-right of superiority over the rest of mankind and then proceeded to wage wars of naked aggression in order to establish his rule over mankind so that he could civilize the rest of mankind—including this writer.


History began with Adam ʿalayhi as-salām and his wife displaying a sense of shame when they became conscious of their nakedness. They then took the leaves of the trees of heaven and used them to cover their nakedness. History is ending with that shameless new actor dismantling and destroying the inherent sense of modesty and shame in the human being as he proceeds to uncover the human body until people appear naked before each other in public. This writer is a native of the Caribbean island of Trinidad where, but for body paint, people now dance naked in public in what is proudly proclaimed as a national festival of Carnival. Around that actor’s world of tinsel-town today, the glittering shopping malls are littered with women competing with each other in making a public display of their sexual assets.


History began with a Divine warning against approaching a forbidden tree of lust. That lust appears in the form of sexual lust. It should be clear that sexual lust is taking over the world in the End-time. It is that mysterious actor who is driving the wagon of lust helter-skelter around the world today.


That lust also manifests itself in the lust for life—hence to live for as long as is possible. It is that mysterious new actor on the stage of the world who is assisting in wondrous medical ways in fulfilling the lust of mankind to now live as long as is possible, and hence to delay death for as long as is possible. 



History began with a Divine warning not to approach a forbidden tree of lust to rule over others. History is ending with that new actor on the stage of the world displaying an unprecedented imperial lust to rule the world. That new actor possesses power unprecedented in human history and has already used that power through Gog and Magog to spread himself out in all directions as he took control of the world. He then proceeded to liberate the Holy Land for the Jews, to bring them back to the Holy Land to reclaim it as their own two thousand years after they had been expelled from it by Divine decree, and to restore in the Holy Land a State of Israel. That mysterious new actor is now preparing the way for Israel’s Pax Judaica to replace USA’s Pax Americana. This pioneering book on Islamic Eschatology has identified that strange and mysterious new actor who occupies center-stage in the world in the End-time, and brought modern western civilization into being, as Dajjal the false Messiah.  


We now end this first of our five books on Dajjal, the false Messiah or Anti-Christ, with Divine advice to those who would seek knowledge and guidance from the Qur’an. The Word of Allah Most Wise, below, is in Arabic, followed by our explanation, rather than translation, of the two verses:

(Qur’an, Ta Ha, 20:113-114)

Thus have We sent it down as a Qur’an in Arabic – hence to be recited in Arabic and studied in Arabic, and We have explained therein matters concerning which We have warned (and the warning concerning Dajjal is the gravest of all) in order that they may be conscious of Allah and fear Him, and also that it may be a means through which they remember Him.


High above all is Allah. He is the Supreme Sovereign. He is the Truth! Hence be not in haste with this Qur'an (either in reciting it, or in studying it to locate knowledge and guidance therein) before its inspired transmission to you is completed, but say, “O my Lord! Grant me more knowledge (of this Qur'an).”



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