
Sunday 10 December 2023

The Angels Prostrate before Adam


Dajjal (Anti-Christ), the Qur’an and the Beginning of History

Chapter Four

The Angels Prostrate before Adam

in Awwal Al-Zaman


(Qur’an, al-Hijr, 15:28–29)

So when Allah Most High has formed man fully, and

breathed into him of His Ruh, or Divine Spirit, bow

down before him in prostration!


Why Prostration?

The Ruh or spirit, is life. It is a capacity or a force which is breathed into a thing. When the Ruh is breathed into a human being, the human Nafs, i.e., soul or self, can then be activated (for want of better language). Allah Most High breathed the Ruh into the first human being, i.e., Adam ʿalayhi as-salām. However in a Hadith recorded in Sahih Bukhari Prophet Muhammad ʿalayhi as-salām explained that it is an angel (rather than Allah Most High) who breathes the Ruh into the unborn fetus: 


Verily, each of you is brought together in his mother’s abdomen for forty days in the form of a drop of fluid. Then it is a clinging object for a similar period. Thereafter, it is a lump looking like it has been chewed for a similar period. The angel is then sent to him and he breathes into him the Ruh or spirit. [Sahih Bukhari]


Who or what is ‘I’?  Where is my personal identity? ‘I’ is my Nafs or self. It is my personal identity. ‘I’ is not my body of clay, nor is ‘I’, my Ruh or spirit.


The Qur’an has warned of the day when the human body will be given the capacity to speak, and would then give evidence against the Nafs or person to whom the body belonged. Consider the following ominous verses of the Qur’an:


(Qur’an, Yasin, 36:65)

On that Day Allah Most High will set a seal on their mouths, but their hands will speak unto Him, and their feet will bear witness to whatever they have earned in life. 


(Qur’an, Fussilat, 41:20–22)

When they come close to the fire on Judgment Day, their hearing and their sight and their very skins will bear witness against them, speaking of what they were doing on earth.  And they will ask their skins, Why did you bear witness against us?—and these will reply: Allah, who gives speech to all things, has given speech to us as well: for He it is who has created you in the first instance—and unto Him you are now brought back.  And you did not try to hide your sins lest your hearing or your sight or your skins bear witness against you: nay, but you thought that Allah did not know much of what you were doing. 


The Prophet warned: Fear the Firasah of the one who has faith, for he surely sees with Allah’s Nur, or light.   (Tirmidhi, Kitab Tafsir al-Qur’an)


The Qur’an confirmed this capacity as follows:

(Qur’an, al-Isra’, 15:75)

Surely in this are messages or portents for the Mutawassimin, i.e., those who can read the Signs of Allah.


Thus the human being, by virtue of a Divine-endowment, now occupied an elevated position in creation that was second to none, and this was permanently engraved at the very beginning of history in the most dramatic event ever to have occurred in history, i.e., the Angels prostrating themselves before Nabi Adam ʿalayhi as-salām as an act of honor, and in recognition of that Divine spark with which every human being was now endowed. (See verses below).


The Qur’an has declared that the material human being, created from humble clay, did not occupy the status of highest in creation. Indeed, the creation of the Samawat, i.e., the parallel universes—or the other worlds of space and of time, and the earth or material universe, is recognized in the Qur’an to be greater than the creation of human-kind:

 (Qur’an, al-Ghafir, 40:57) 

Greater indeed than the creation of man, is the creation of the heavens and the earth: yet most men do not know of this. 


Here now, are the verses of the Qur’an which inform us of the most dramatic event that occurred in Awwal al-Zaman, i.e., at the beginning of history:   

(Qur’an, al-Isra’, 15:28)

Allah Most High said unto the angels: Behold, I am about to create mortal man out of potter’s clay, out of mud molded into shape: 


(Qur’an, al-Hijr, 15:28–29)

So when I have formed him fully, and breathed into him of My Ruh, i.e., Divine Spirit, fall down before him in prostration! 


(Qur’an, al-Sajdah, 32:7–9) 

Allah Most High makes most excellent, everything that He creates.  Thus, He begins the creation of man out of clay; then He causes him to be begotten out of the essence of a humble fluid; and then He formed or fashioned him in accordance with what he is meant to be, and breathed into him of His Ruh or Spirit, and consequently He endowed mankind with hearing, and sight, and hearts: yet how seldom are they grateful! 


In consequence of the Divine Ruh or Spirit being breathed into him, the human being was endowed with both sensory perception as well as a rational faculty. But that was not all! In going on to disclose that the Divine Ruh or Spirit also bestowed on the human being a heart, the implication was that every human being was divinely endowed with a capacity to see—both externally and internally—and hence to possess both external sight and internal sight, to hear, both externally and  internally, and to process externally acquired information and thus acquire knowledge with the rational mind, as well as to receive knowledge internally with the spiritual heart.


This gift was divinely-conferred on all human beings, and it raised their status to such an extent that the Qur’an declared it to be an honor:

(Qur’an, al-Isra’, 17:70)

Indeed, Allah Most High has conferred honor and dignity on the progeny of Adam, and hence on all human beings . . . .


The Qur’an has thus delivered a beginning of history in which every human being, by virtue of being a human being, held an honored status in Allah’s creation. Every human being was honored when he was given the divine capacity for knowledge, both externally-acquired and internally received. It was because of this epistemological gift to man that the Angels were ordered to bow down and prostrate before Nabi Adam ʿalayhi as-salām.


The link between this gift to man, and the End-time, can be readily perceived when we ponder over the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad ʿalayhi as-salām that “Dajjal sees with the right eye, and that he is blind in the left eye—but your Lord God is not one-eyed”. Dajjal, who is internally blind, is incapable of acquiring knowledge other than externally, i.e., through the scientific method of observation, experimentation and rational enquiry, and all those who follow Dajjal suffer the same fate of internal blindness!


The claim of the Israelite people to a unique spiritual status with the Lord-God to the exclusion of all the rest of mankind, is thus manifestly false, since all of mankind were honored by the Angels when they prostrated themselves before Adam ʿalayhi as-salām. All of mankind, including the Israelite people, have originated from the same father—Adam, and the Lord-God has Himself honored all the progeny of Adam.



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