
Sunday 24 December 2023

Arrogance in Awwal Al-Zaman


Dajjal (Anti-Christ), the Qur’an and the Beginning of History

Chapter Five

Arrogance in Awwal Al-Zaman


(Qur’an, al-Baqarah, 2:30)

And Lo! Thy Lord-God said unto the Angels: Behold, I am going to establish upon earth one who shall be a Khalifah, i.e., who would govern or rule .   .   .


A Khalifah (or Ruler) on Earth   

The Qur’an has disclosed in the verse above, that Allah Most High addressed the Angels in Awwal al-Zaman and informed them that He was going to place on earth one who would be a Khalifah, i.e., he would rule or govern on earth (Qur’an, al-Baqarah, 2:30). This declaration constitutes the foundation on which the entire edifice of Islamic political philosophy, as well as Islam’s model of a State, is built. 


The Qur’an went on to disclose that when Allah Most High appoints a Khalifah on earth, his function would be to govern or rule with al-Haq i.e.,  Divinely-revealed ‘Truth’, and hence to establish a Holy Khilafah State or Pax Dei, which would enforce Allah’s Law as the Supreme Law. The modern West, created by Dajjal, effectively denies any State the freedom with which to establish Allah’s Law as the Supreme Law. All States must belong to the United Nations Organization and, as a consequence of membership in that organization, must accede to the UN Charter which has, in effect, imposed the UN Charter, and the resolutions of the UN Security Council, as the Supreme Law. The modern West also demonizes the Khilafah State as a theocratic State, and indoctrinates all of mankind to so despise and reject a theocratic State as to banish it to the museums of history. 


In its place the West has delivered to the world the modern republican State in which the supreme law is the law of the State rather than Allah’s law. A republican State, such as Pakistan, cannot be a Khilafah State, since the highest law in a republican State is always the law of the State, and not Allah’s Law. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal appears not to have been aware of this elementary fact when he wrote the following in his Magnum Opus, ‘The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam’:


The republican form of government is not only thoroughly consistent with the spirit of Islam, but has also become a necessity in view of the new forces that are set free in the world of Islam. 

(Essay entitled: The Principle of Movement in the Structure of Islam)


A republican form of government requires the prior establishment of a Republic, and the ‘new forces’ to which Dr.Iqbal referred above were, of course, the modern secular republican State which was created by Dajjal, and was introduced to the world through Dajjal’s modern western civilization. 


When viewed from the perspective of the less-than-dismal scholarship that still exists in the world of Islam on the subject of Dajjal (who is the subject of this book), one cannot but respond with a summary dismissal of the expected objections and sarcastic comments that the above statement concerning the republican State will inevitably provoke from secular scholarship in and out of Pakistan. 


Muslim India’s Khilafat Movement, with all its defects and deficiencies, represented the last effort on the part of Muslim India as well as the rest of the world of Islam, to remain faithful to the political philosophy and model of a State which was located in the Qur’an. Britain, on the other hand, wanted to embrace all of British India, Hindu as well as Muslim, and then the rest of the world, with the new model of a republican State which had emerged in Dajjal’s western civilization. One misguided sentence (quoted above) from India’s most illustrious Islamic scholar was sufficient to nail a final nail into the coffin of Islam’s Khilafah State, and pave the way for the birth of a republican State of Pakistan, and for the subsequent embrace of the rest of the world of Islam in Dajjal’s secular world-order of republican States. For this alone, Dr. Iqbal richly deserved the knighthood which Britain conferred on him—in consequence of which he became Sir Muhammad Iqbal.  


(Readers may wish to read my essay entitled: Can Muslims Vote in Elections of the Modern Secular State?) http://www./articles/islam-and-politics/85-can-muslims-vote-in-elections-of-the-modern-secular-state.html

They may also wish to view my lecture entitled ‘Iqbal Pakistan and the Khilafah State’ at


The Qur’an went on to warn that those, such as the Republican secular State, who rule over the earth or any part thereof, and do not do so with al-Haq, i.e., Truth, would face an awful doom on the Day of Reckoning. This will be because any rule, other than that based on al-Haq, would lead the ruler (and hence the people as well) away from Sabil Allah, i.e., the Divine Way or Path:  

(Qur’an, Sad, 38:26)

And it was said unto him: O David! Lo! We have set thee as a ruler in the earth; therefore govern or rule over mankind with al-Haq, i.e., Truth, and follow not your own secular agenda, for such would lead you away from the way or path of Allah. Lo! Those who depart from the way or path of Allah have an awful doom, in consequence of having forgotten the Day of Accounts, i.e., Judgment Day. 


If a Khilafah State, or Pax Dei, is to be established, and if it is to survive, then it must have power to resist those who will seek to attack and destroy it. Hence, when Nabi Daud ʿalayhi as-salām established the Holy State of Israel, Allah Most High also blessed it with power, thus clearly confirming that such a Holy State must have the power with which to establish itself as Pax Dei:


(Qur’an, Sad, 38:20)

And Allah Most High strengthened his Kingdom, hence Pax Dei, and bestowed upon him wisdom and sagacity in judgment. 


A Khilafah State would thus have an obligation to build military power to the maximum extent that it can be built. The Qur’an explains, however, that such power is to be used to deter aggression, and not to commit aggression or to establish a hegemonic dominance over others:

(Qur’an, al-Anfal, 8:60)

Hence, make ready against them whatever military force and war mounts you are able to muster, so that you might deter thereby the enemies of Allah, who are your enemies as well, and others besides them of whom you may be unaware, but of whom Allah is aware; and whatever you may expend in Allah’s cause shall be repaid to you in full, and you shall not be wronged.

We can see quite clearly that if Korea had not faithfully followed this command of the Qur’an, it would have already become a client-State of the present Zionist Judeo-Christian world-order—which is the fate that has already befallen the southern part of the Korean peninsula. Dajjal’s modern West not only succeeded in embracing all of mankind in a United Nations Organization with a Security Council dominated by the oppressors of the modern world, i.e.,  Zionist western Judeo-Christian alliance, but also forced upon the world a Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NNPT) which prohibits member States from building the power that the Qur’an has demanded. If India had not demonstrated integrity in resisting membership in NNPT, it is certain that the so-called Islamic Republic of Pakistan would have acquiesced with docility to NNPT membership.   


Whenever a Khilafah State is established, and it struggles to build power in conformity with Allah’s command, Divine assistance will always come to such a State, as it came to Solomon’s Holy Israel:

(Qur’an, al-‘Araf, 7:69)

.  .  .  and remember how Allah Most High made you rulers on earth after Noah's folk, and gave you growth of stature; and remember all the bounties of your Lord, that you might be successful. 


The Qur’an reminded the Israelites that Allah responded to their plight of suffering by extricating them from that distress, and replacing it with rule on earth (through a Khilafah State):

(Qur’an, al-Naml, 27:62)

Is not He best who responds to those who are wronged when he such a person cries out unto Him and he removes the evil, and has made you rulers on earth? Is there any God beside Allah? Little do they reflect! 


The above verses of the Qur’an disclosed that it was by Allah’s leave that the Israelites remained on earth as rulers for long years. But at no time were they able to restore Holy Israel as Pax Dei. This was because Nabi Daud’s son, Nabi Sulaiman, ʿalayhi as-salām, prayed that his Holy State of Israel could not belong to anyone after him, i.e.,  none could succeed in restoring Holy Israel after him. He made this prayer after he was shown the vision of a Jasad sitting on his throne:

(Qur’an, Sad, 38:34)

Allah Most High caused distress to Solomon by placing upon his throne a Jasad, or body without a soul; and thereupon he turned to Allah in prayer.


The prayer was made because he recognized the Jasad to be Dajjal, and he knew that Dajjal would attempt to rule over Holy Israel. Hence he prayed as follows:

(Qur’an, Sad, 38:35)

Solomon prayed: O my Lord-God, forgive me my sins, and bestow upon me a kingdom which cannot belong to anyone after me. Verily, You are the one who bestows such! 


Allah Most High obviously answered his prayer since Holy Israel collapsed after Solomon’s death and has never since been successfully restored. Hence Dajjal’s present effort to restore Holy Israel in order to convince the Jews that he is the true Messiah, is bound to fail.


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