
Sunday 10 September 2023

Profile of the Two Great Prophet-Kings


Dajjal (Anti-Christ), the Qur’an and the Beginning of History

Profile of the Two Great Prophet-Kings


The Qur’an confirmed that David, i.e., Nabi Daud ʿalayhi as-salām, was chosen by Allah Most High as the ruler on earth who was given a kingdom (or State) over which he was required to rule or govern on the basis of Truth:


(Qur’an, al-Baqarah, 2:251)

And thereupon, by Allah’s leave, the Israelites routed them, and David slew Goliath; and Allah then granted him a Kingdom or State, and wisdom, and imparted to him the knowledge of whatever He willed.  .  .   


It is universally recognized that when the Qur’an referred in the above verse to a Mulk which was granted to David, i.e., Nabi Daud ʿalayhi as-salām, it meant a kingdom or State which eventually became known as Holy Israel. 


We deduce from the above that the Anti-Christ, or Dajjal, the false Messiah, must also be a man (and not a woman) who would rule over a Mulk, i.e.,  kingdom or State, which will lay claim to be Holy Israel, and that he must also possess knowledge and wisdom.


(Qur’an, Sad, 38:26)

Allah Most High addressed the Prophet David and informed him that he was appointed as a ruler who would rule or govern on Allah’s behalf on earth. David was then ordered to judge between men on the basis of Truth. Hence he had to judge on the basis of the Law which came from Allah Most High, and he should not follow vain desire by adopting a substitute secular law of his own. If he did so, it would lead him astray from the path of Allah: verily, for those who go astray from the path of Allah, there is suffering severe in store for having forgotten the Day of Reckoning! 


In consequence of this divine appointment, David, i.e., Nabi Daud ʿalayhi as-salām, established in the Holy Land the Holy State of Israel as a Khilafah State, i.e., a State in which rule and governance was based on divinely-revealed truth, and in which Allah’s Law was enforced as the supreme law. 


We can deduce from the above that Dajjal would also have to establish what he would claim to be a Khilafah State, in the Holy Land, and that such a State would have to (appear to) enforce the Divine Law as the supreme law. Dajjal’s Israel cannot, therefore, be a member-State of a United Nations Organization and be subject to the supreme authority of the UN Security Council. It cannot, also, be a member-State of the International Monetary Fund which prohibits the use of gold as money. The Jews would expect the Messiah to rule or govern on the basis of Truth. For this reason, Dajjal, the false Messiah, cannot expect the Jews to accept him as the true Messiah if his Israel is using fake money in the form of paper, plastic or electronic money. Israel will thus have to return to the monetary system of gold and silver coins. Every Jew in the world knows that the present monetary system is bogus, fraudulent and Haram, i.e., prohibited. Perhaps, the only ones now left on earth who cannot recognize what every Jew recognizes, are the learned scholars and leaders of the world of Islam—both in and out of the (hitherto) American Republic of Pakistan! 


Both David and Solomon, i.e., Nabi Daud and Nabi Sulaiman ʿalayhi as-salām, became kings who were raised by Allah Most High to a very high status in His creation, and who ruled over a mighty kingdom:


(Qur’an, al-Naml, 27:15)

Allah Most High granted true knowledge unto both David and Solomon, and they both responded with praise for Allah Who favored them above many of His believing servants! 


(Qur’an, Sad, 38:20)

Allah Most High caused David’s Kingdom, i.e., the Holy State of Israel, to become a very powerful State or Kingdom. Allah also gave him wisdom and sound judgment in speech and decision. 


In consequence of the above, Jews would expect the Messiah to rule over a Holy State of Israel that would compare positively with the mighty Kingdom of Israel under the rule of David and Solomon, i.e., Nabi Daud and Nabi Sulaiman ʿalayhi as-salām. We can now deduce from the above that Dajjal would have to seek to establish today’s Israel as precisely such a mighty kingdom and ruling State—hence Pax Judaica! 



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