
Sunday 24 September 2023

Da’bbatul Ard, a beast or creature of the earth


 Dajjal (Anti-Christ), the Qur’an and the Beginning of History

Da’bbatul Ard (i.e., a beast or creature of the earth)


Allah Most Wise created those who would incrementally chip away at the authority of Dajjal’s Israel—symbolized by Solomon’s Minsa’ah—until the Minsa’ah loses its Fitrah, i.e., divinely-bestowed constitution, and then collapses. It would only be when it collapses that the Jasad would lose his ability to convince the Jinn that it was Solomon who was sitting on the throne. At that moment when this fact dawns upon the Jinn, Dajjal’s unholy State of Israel will lose the support of the Jinn with consequences that must terrify every Zionist Jew and Zionist Christian supporter of that Israel. Here is the verse of the Qur’an which has delivered this extra-ordinary information: 

(Qur’an, Saba, 34:14)

When Allah Most High decreed that Solomon should die, the Jinn never realized that he was dead, and that there was an impostor sitting on his throne in his place in possession of his Minsa’ah, until Da’bbatul Ard consumed the Minsa’ah. And when it consequently collapsed in the sense that it lost its miraculous powers, the Jinn, who were subservient to Solomon by Allah’s command, then realized that he was dead and that they had been working all this time since his death for an impostor sitting on his throne and in possession of his Minsa’ah. Allah Most Wise then commented that if they had the knowledge of alGhaib, i.e., knowledge of events located beyond their capacity to perceive or observe while they remained bonded to Sulaiman, they would not have continued to toil in the shameful punishing servitude doing all the evil things the impostor decreed that they must do on Israel’s behalf.


It is clear that it was because of his possession of Solomon’s Minsa’ah that the Jasad, who was sitting on Solomon’s throne, could succeed in having the Jinn continue working for him. Solomon’s Minsa’ah had to possess certain divinely-bestowed miraculous powers or properties to have that effect on the Jinn. We can recall to advantage that it was with his staff (which also possessed similar divinely-bestowed power and properties) that Nabi Musa, i.e., Moses pbuh, struck the Red Sea, which then parted miraculously to make a track of dry land through which the Israelites could pass to safety (See Qur’an, al-Shura, 26:23).  It was also with his staff that Moses struck the rock and twelve streams of water then flowed miraculously from the rock—one stream for each of Israel’s twelve tribes (See Qur’an, al-Baqarah, 2:160). It was with that same staff that Moses defeated Pharaoh’s magicians when his staff became a serpent which miraculously swallowed all that they produced as magic (See Qur’an, al-‘Araf, 7:107–117). But it was with Yusuf’s shirt which was thrown on his father, Yakub’s face, that his sight was miraculously restored.


The commentators of the Qur’an are universally agreed that the word Minsa’ah above means ‘staff’ or ‘walking stick’.  If we accept this explanation of the meaning of the word Minsa’ah, then the implication would be that the Jasad was holding on the Solomon’s staff and benefitting from its miraculous powers which prevented the Jinn from knowing that Solomon was dead, and that there was someone else sitting on his throne.  


Da’bbatul Ard would then have to be something which incrementally dismantles and eventually succeeds in nullifying or destroying the miraculous properties of Solomon’s staff. The above verse of the Qur’an suggests the analogy of termites eating away at the base of a standing staff which then, eventually loses its balance and collapses. Our view is that one of the possible ways of identifying Da’bbatul Ard would then be the invisible electronic waves emitted from cellular phones and wireless internet which pollute the atmosphere. Perhaps it is these electronic waves which eventually cause Solomon’s staff to lose its miraculous properties, and that loss is described in the Qur’an as a collapse—and Allah Knows best!  Already bees have difficulty in navigating their way to and from the pollen in flowers, and as a consequence the production of honey in the mysterious modern world is in constant and alarming decline. 


But proper methodology requires that the Qur’an itself be used to explain the meaning of the word Minsa’ah. We must begin the application of proper methodology by recognizing that the Qur’an has always used another word for ‘staff’, i.e., Asah. Why then should Allah Most High depart from a word Asah which He has consistently used to mean ‘staff’, and in this solitary instance, use another word, Minsa’ah, to mean the same thing? This would be a strange and mysterious departure from the principle of literary consistency.


When we proceed to apply proper methodology in searching the Qur’an for any other instance in which the Minsa’ah occurs, we find one solitary instance in Surah al-Taubah as follows:


(Qur’an, al-Taubah, 9:37)

Allah Most High has denounced in the above verse the Arab practice of interfering with ‘time’ and has declared such to be one more instance of their refusal to acknowledge the truth—a means by which those who are bent on denying the truth are led astray. They declare this practice of adding an extra month every third year in order that the lunar year may synchronize with the solar year to be permissible in one year and forbidden in another year, in order to conform outwardly to the number of months which Allah has hallowed: and thus they make permissible what Allah has prohibited. Goodly seems unto them the evil of their own doings, since Allah does not grace with His guidance people who refuse to acknowledge the truth. 


The above verse of the blessed Qur’an has very clearly used the word to mean ‘time’. In this case it is the change in the system of measurement of the passage of time in which Allah Most High, has ordained that a year should comprise of twelve lunar months. 


When the Prophet ṣallā -llāhu taʿālā ʿalayhī wa-sallam used the same word, he also used it to mean ‘time’ in the sense of ‘life-time’:

 Whoever wishes that he be granted more wealth and that his lease of life be pro longed, he should keep good relations with his kith and kin.  (Bukhari, Muslim)


Hence neither does the Qur’an, nor does the Prophet ṣallā -llāhu taʿālā ʿalayhī wa-sallam support the meaning of ‘staff’ which has been given by the Commentators of the Qur’an to the word Minsa’ah.


We are now left with only one alternative, i.e., that Minsa’ah refers to some miraculous capacity in Solomon’s relationship with ‘time’. 


It is possible that Da’bbatul Ard destroys the miraculous capacity of the ‘staff’ to permit simultaneous travel back and forth through different dimensions of time. It was through this back-and-forth travel that the young men who were asleep in the cave could remain in two dimensions of time simultaneously (See Qur’an, al-Kahf, 18:16–20). If the Jasad could manipulate different dimensions of time, he could thereby present to the Jinn a Solomon who is still alive, while concealing from them, Solomon’s death. 


If Dajjal, the Jasad, can manipulate different dimensions of time through his possession of Solomon’s staff, and hence advance his agenda of eventually ruling the world from Holy Jerusalem, we will have to accept that the major function of Da’bbatul Ard is to eventually check-mate Dajjal, the Jasad by depriving him of that miraculous staff. They do so by consuming the staff and thereby depriving the staff of its miraculous properties and functions. And Allah Knows best!  


In another verse, the Qur’an further describes Da’bbatul Ard as something which will ‘speak’ (or injure):  

(Qur’an, al-Naml, 27:82)

Now, as for the deaf and blind of heart, when the word of truth stands revealed against them, We shall bring forth unto them out of the earth a creature, which will speak to, or injure them, because mankind had no real faith in Our messages. The emergence of the beast or creature of the earth i.e., Da’bbatul Ard, is therefore directly linked to the negligence of a world of people who allow themselves to become brain-washed.


The same Arabic word ‘speak’ can have two different meanings based on different punctuation. If it is written as (tukallimuhum) then it would mean ‘speak to them’. But if it is written as (taklimuhum) it would mean ‘wound them’. Both meanings would appear to apply if we interpret Da’butul Ard in the manner which we have just done. The learned companion of the blessed Prophet ṣallā -llāhu taʿālā ʿalayhī wa-sallam, Ibn Abbas, held this view. (See Tafsir al-Qurtubi) 


Already electronic communication through so-called ‘Smart Phones’ and other such cellular phones is rapidly transforming much of the thus ‘connected world’ into a virtual talk city in which the ‘cattle’ of the world spend endless, hours, days, weeks—and eventually a lifetime, communicating with each other in what may best be described as a ‘Talk City’. Eventually the ‘cattle’ become so addicted to what is sometimes known as ‘Bla’, that they cannot bear to live without those devices. They remain unaware that this explosion in ‘talk’ is not happening by accident. Rather a divine plan is unfolding in which the electronic waves emitted into the atmosphere, and into the human ear-drum and brain, will not only cause the miraculous properties of Solomon’s staff to be consumed electronically, but will also damage peoples’ brains to such an extent that brain cancer, dementia and a form of dementia known as Alzheimer would become common-place. Indeed there may be an epidemic in the making. Alzheimer’s is a brain disease that causes a slow decline in memory, thinking and reasoning skills. One of the most common signs of Alzheimer's is memory loss, especially forgetting recently learned information. It should be a cause for major concern that children as young as six and eight years of age are now falling victims to childhood dementia—i.e., Alzheimer’s.   


Our view is that Da’bbatul Ard can be identified with this electronic storm which has emerged out of the earth and is sweeping all of mankind into its deadly embrace in which the human mind itself, is being dismantled. Instead of living in the real concrete world, negligent mankind is being swept into the deadly embrace of what is called the virtual world. They eventually lose contact with spiritual reality, and they lose the consciousness of their own status as beings in whom reside the Divinely-breathed Ruh, or Spirit.


The Qur’an has delivered an ominous warning on precisely such a state of affairs:

 (Qur’an, al-Hashr, 59:19)

Allah warns mankind not to be like those who are oblivious of Allah, and whom He therefore causes to become oblivious of their own status as human beings: for it is they, they who are truly depraved!


Those who are not comfortable with the above identification of Da’bbatul Ard, may choose instead to await a Beast described elsewhere as follows:


Its head is like the head of a bull, its eyes are like the eyes of a pig, its ears are like the ears of an elephant, its horns are like the horns of a stag, its neck is like the neck of an ostrich, its chest is like the chest of a lion, its color is like the color of a tiger, its haunches are like the haunches of a cat, its tail is like the tail of a ram, and its legs are like the legs of a camel.


This function of Da’bbatul Ard must be very convenient for Dajjal, who has precisely the same goal of incrementally dismantling every rival to Israel that now exists in the world—hence the explanation for the fate which is now embracing such great States of the modern West as USA, UK, France, Germany, etc. These ruling States and their greatest allies which gave to the world the likes of Pax Britannica and Pax Americana, are being incrementally dismantled by hidden forces akin to termites which are constantly nibbling away at the staff that maintains the balance of a soulless body sitting on the throne reserved for the ruling State. The rivals to Israel’s status as ruling State in the world will one day collapse. It is just a matter of time. 


This writer pauses to advise all those who have faith in the One God (Muslim, Christian, Jew or otherwise) and who are living within the embrace of Dajjal’s electronically-connected world, to seek protection and healing through continuous recitation (of the Arabic text) of the blessed Qur’an.  This is particularly important for those who continuously use (foolishly so) their so-called Smart Phones and other cellular phones. This writer pauses to remind such people of the divine declaration that the Qur’an can ‘heal’:

(Qur’an, al-Isra’, 17:82)

Thus, step by step, has Allah Most High bestowed through this Qur'an that which heals, and is a grace unto those who believe in the One God, the while it only adds to the ruin of evildoers.



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