
Sunday 11 June 2023

Water in the world and in the Sea of Galilee


An Islamic View of Gog Magog in the Modern World

Water in the world and in the Sea of Galilee

There is additional evidence supporting our conclusion derived from the above Ahadith, for example, Gog and Magog have a profile already described, of such great consumption of water that rivers and lakes would run dry. The world is already experiencing precisely such a phenomenon of diminishing sweet water resources and evidence of such continues to increase as nations and tribes threaten to wage wars over increasingly scarce water resources. 


Dramatic evidence related to water confirming the release of Gog and Magog is also located in the Hadith describing them passing by the Sea of Galilee on their way to Jerusalem and drinking the water in that sea to such an extent that it would eventually dry up:


“.  .  .  It will be under such conditions that Allah will reveal to Jesus these words: I have brought forth from among My servants such people against whom none will be able to fight; you take these people safely to Tur, and then Allah will send Gog and Magog and they will swarm down from every slope. The first of them will pass by Lake Tiberias (i.e. the Sea of Galilee) and drink out of it, and when the last of them passes, he will say: ‘There was once water here .  .  .  .’” (Sahih Muslim)


The water level in the Sea of Galilee is now so low that it is considered essentially dead, i.e. it is only a matter of time before it dries up. As we write this book, the water-level in the Sea is fast approaching the “black line” level of -214.4 meters below sea level. When it reaches that level, removing water from the lake, which is one of Israel's major water resource, will no longer be possible because the pumps will be above the water level. This is almost certain to occur before this book is published and reaches our readers. Readers are advised to keep abrest of the situation through Google search using ‘Lake Kinneret Black Line’.   


Additional dramatic proof of the release of Gog and Magog can be found in the growing evidence of the world’s great lakes now drying up. Canada’s Lake Superior for example, the greatest Great Lake and the world's largest freshwater reservoir, is now at its lowest water level ever.


to be continued . . . .

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