
Sunday 21 May 2023

The strange world today


An Islamic View of Gog Magog in the Modern World

The strange world today

We may now proceed to look at the strange world today while insisting that it must be explained. If our critics cannot themselves provide an explanation of the reality of the strange modern age, they cannot dismiss, as false, our explanation involving Gog and Magog, given in this book.


For the first time in human history one people today totally dominate and control the entire world, its money, politics, international affairs, economy, markets, culture, food, news, sports, communication, entertainment, fashions and travel, etc. They possess absolute power that keeps on continuously increasing and which no possible combination of rivals can now challenge. Moreover, there is no secular evidence to suggest that their powerful grip over the whole world can ever be successfully challenged. 


They do much more than control the world. They keep on transforming it at will by breaking down all the barriers that have for ages were preserved, and the wonderful diversity of human societies which separated peoples from each other. They have already globalized mankind in such wise that a single godless global society has now emerged for the first time in human history. 


They created modern Western secular civilization and a European world-order to function as the medium through which they pursued their goals. Through their still unfinished scientific, technological, industrial, information and feminist and sexual revolutions (of which pornography is an integral part), they have so impacted upon society as to make the past look obsolete. They caused the new and the latest gadget, style or fashion to be happily embraced as the best. They succeeded in the process, in getting mankind to recognize their way of life to represent the supreme progress. 


They have continuously changed, unfolded and reinvented themselves thus changing the entire godless global society as well with them until it became a carbon copy of their way of life. But that way of life is decadent and destructive of human happiness and social stability. They seduced women, for example, into taking off their clothing to such an extent that they now dress themselves and are yet naked. Men were so provoked by that nakedness (among other things) that a sexual revolution resulted in which sex has become as freely available as sunshine. Marriage is becoming obsolete, most children are born out of wedlock, and people increasingly embrace a way of life replete with sexual promiscuity and casual sexual encounters. Pornography was used to whip up lust and carnal desires to such a sexual frenzy that eventually sexual harassment and rape became commonplace. Eventually the insatiable thirst created by lust could no longer find sexual satisfaction in normal private sexual relations and so public sex is now taking over and people will soon commit sexual intercourse in public like donkeys.  Also normal male-female sexual relations no longer satiate the sexual thirst and so homosexuality and lesbianism are fast emerging as a replacement or substitute.


They created a spectacular Manhattan skyline with skyscrapers and succeeded in getting all the rest of the world of naked barefooted shepherds to then compete with each other in the construction of such tall buildings. 


Their success has been so spectacular that regardless of belief in Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism or Islam, and despite the Prophet Muhammad’s pbuh grave warning that to Muslims that “you will follow them even down into a lizard’s hole”, all of mankind including Muslims imitated and followed their decadent, secular and essentially godless way of life. 


to be continued . . . .

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