
Sunday 28 May 2023

The Judeo-Christian alliance


An Islamic View of Gog Magog in the Modern World

The Judeo-Christian alliance

European Christians and European Jews forged a strange alliance through reconciling their hatred and hostility for each other. They have now embraced each other in mysterious mutual friendship and alliance. They have become the rulers of the whole world and they are an absolutely unique phenomenon in history. But they are a racially ominous world-order, ominous for non-Europeans in general and for Arabs and Muslims in particular, who dare to resist their racial jingoism, globalization, injustice and oppression. Their world-order waged relentless wars of aggression in order to occupy nearly all the non-European territories of the world. The world witnessed such ethnic cleansing in North America, Southern Africa and Australia etc., as could not have been perpetrated except by those who had hearts of beasts without as much as even a grain of a mustard seed of either Christian or Jewish faith in them. 


Judeo-Christian European colonial rule over the rest of the world was used to steal, plunder and exploit the wealth that belonged to the rest of mankind. But Judeo-Christian European colonization of the rest of the world had an agenda that transcended the exploitation of those territories for wealth. Rather, the ultimate agenda was that of putting political, economic, cultural and educational institutions in place through which the Judeo-Christian Europeans could continue to transform such colonial territories even after decolonization took place. The transformation was meant to secularize society through a process of dismantling all institutions which provided sustenance for the religious way of life in general and for the way of life of Islam in particular. 


Their secularism had already so transformed medieval Euro-Christendom that it became essentially godless and amazingly decadent modern secular civilization. But they pursued their sinister agenda with such powers of deception that ‘appearance’ and ‘reality’ have always been opposite to each other in everything they did and still do. Hence they succeeded in deceiving most of mankind to join with them in embracing godlessness and decadence.


They used their absolute power to corrupt, to oppress, and to engage in acts of injustice and wickedness unparalleled in history. Their wickedness and oppression is constantly escalating even as they offer public-relations apologies for European slavery. Even those European Christian and Jewish people who would live lives of piety, faith and righteousness and speak out against injustice and oppression were not spared. Former US President Jimmy Carter is now caricatured an “old fool”.  Jewish-Christian Western war crimes inflicted on Arab Muslim Iraq and Israeli genocide of Palestinian Muslims and Christians in Gazzah are worse than anything black Christian South Africa ever experienced during apartheid. 


Their greed is indescribable. They suck the wealth of all of mankind through legalized theft (otherwise known as inflation and as money-lending on interest) and even take from the poor the little they possess. Eventually they imprison all of mankind in a new economic slavery through Riba (usury). They lend huge sums of money on interest with the knowledge that the borrower would not be able to repay the loan with interest. They do so in order to gain a capacity for such financial blackmail that borrower nations eventually fall under their control. They also replace real-money with-intrinsic-value such as gold and silver coins, with nonredeemable paper currency, whose value is externally assigned and can be manipulated to their advantage. As paper-money fell in value, the masses around the world were reduced to miserable poverty while those who were already rich further enriched themselves at the expense of those who were so enslaved.   


Finally, they are a world-order that is strangely and mysteriously obsessed with liberating the Holy Land. Europe became Christian and then waged essentially European Holy Wars called ‘the Crusades’ for a thousand years until success was finally achieved, when a British army led by General Allenby defeated the Ottoman Islamic Empire’s army and triumphantly entered Jerusalem in 1917. Allenby then declared “today the crusades have ended”. He should have said today the European Crusades have ended. In fact, the European Crusades are still continuing and will not end so long as Muslims resist Judeo-Christian European oppression in the Holy Land and elsewhere in the world. 


Some Europeans also became Jewish and created the Euro-Jewish Zionist Movement, which then fanatically and pig-headedly pursued the goals of the Jewish return to the Holy Land and restoration of a State of Israel in that Holy Land. Those European Jews, natives of the Khazar tribes of Eastern Europe, were converts to Judaism. Europeans are not Semitic people, yet they successfully led the way, employing means more crooked than ever before, for the restoration of a State of Israel in the Holy Land. They used same means to literally force the semitic oriental (non-European) Israelite Jews, long residing in the Muslim world, to migrate to that secular State of Israel. They demonized all resistance to their oppression as anti-Semitism. The Judeo-Christian European world-order has protected and strengthened that Israel to such an extent that it has now become a superpower. Indeed it will soon become the ‘ruling state’ in the world.


Can all of this be an accident of history? Can it be something without meaning and explanation? If not, then what is that explanation?


There are scholars and writers who might obstinately shrug their shoulders and dismiss all of the above as mere chance. And there are others, who would be convinced by the evidence we present in this book derived from the blessed Qur’an as well as from the Ahadith of Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) that today’s strange and mysterious Judeo-Christian European world-order is the Gog and Magog world-order.


The evidence also reveals that Dajjal (the false Messiah or Anti-Christ) exploited the Zionist Jews and their Christian allies while defying every moral and religious law in order to pursue that ‘pig-headed’ effort to make Israel the ‘ruling state’ in the world. The effort was made while riding the back of the ‘Gog and Magog world-order’. At the end of it all that part of the Jewish world which persists in oppression and in ‘war on Islam’ will face the Messiah they had rejected and whose crucifixion they had demanded. At that time Allah Most High, who created Gog and Magog and gave to them their indestructible power, would Himself destroy an unjust Gog and Magog world-order. Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) prophesied that an unstoppable Muslim army would then march to Jerusalem while liberating every occupied territory on its way.  The ‘Holy’ State of Israel will replace the present imposter, the ‘oppressors’ would be punished and history would thus end with the triumph of Truth over falsehood and of justice and freedom over oppression and slavery. 


This writer is confident that rapidly unfolding events in and around the Holy Land in particular would continuously validate the central thesis of this book and in doing so, invalidate the arguments raised by critics of that central thesis. 


In Surah al-Kahf of the Qur’an as well as in Prophetic commentary (Ahadith), Gog and Magog are described as two people who descended from father Adam (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him). They were created by Allah Most High and endowed with great power. None but I can destroy them, said Allah Most High. Surah al-Kahf has described how they had to be contained behind an iron barrier because they were using their power to commit acts of Fasad (acts of wickedness, oppression corruption). The Surah also implied that they would use power to wage war on those who lived lives of faith and righteousness and that they would act malevolently against those who lived the primitive way of life or who eked out a bare subsistence living (as in Haiti, Somalia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Egypt, etc.). Thus the picture emerged of an absolutely godless and ruthless people who had the hearts of beasts. 


The Surah went on to inform that when the “warning of my Lord-God” came to pass (i.e. when the age of Fitan or Last Age would commence), Allah will bring down or level the barrierand Gog and Magog (who are a major sign of the Last Age) would be released into the world. Surah al-Anbiyah’ then revealed that they would eventually spread out or unravel in every direction thus infiltrating all people indicating that with an invincible power they would take control of the whole world and that, for the first time in history, one people would rule all of mankind. It also indicates that with their subtle infiltration they will transform or refashion all of mankind into carbon copies of themselves.


But since that world-order would witness oppression and war on religion, it would be in total conflict with the heavenly order above. No believer could possibly be comfortable with ‘mainstream society’ in such a world. 


to be continued . . . .

Sunday 21 May 2023

The strange world today


An Islamic View of Gog Magog in the Modern World

The strange world today

We may now proceed to look at the strange world today while insisting that it must be explained. If our critics cannot themselves provide an explanation of the reality of the strange modern age, they cannot dismiss, as false, our explanation involving Gog and Magog, given in this book.


For the first time in human history one people today totally dominate and control the entire world, its money, politics, international affairs, economy, markets, culture, food, news, sports, communication, entertainment, fashions and travel, etc. They possess absolute power that keeps on continuously increasing and which no possible combination of rivals can now challenge. Moreover, there is no secular evidence to suggest that their powerful grip over the whole world can ever be successfully challenged. 


They do much more than control the world. They keep on transforming it at will by breaking down all the barriers that have for ages were preserved, and the wonderful diversity of human societies which separated peoples from each other. They have already globalized mankind in such wise that a single godless global society has now emerged for the first time in human history. 


They created modern Western secular civilization and a European world-order to function as the medium through which they pursued their goals. Through their still unfinished scientific, technological, industrial, information and feminist and sexual revolutions (of which pornography is an integral part), they have so impacted upon society as to make the past look obsolete. They caused the new and the latest gadget, style or fashion to be happily embraced as the best. They succeeded in the process, in getting mankind to recognize their way of life to represent the supreme progress. 


They have continuously changed, unfolded and reinvented themselves thus changing the entire godless global society as well with them until it became a carbon copy of their way of life. But that way of life is decadent and destructive of human happiness and social stability. They seduced women, for example, into taking off their clothing to such an extent that they now dress themselves and are yet naked. Men were so provoked by that nakedness (among other things) that a sexual revolution resulted in which sex has become as freely available as sunshine. Marriage is becoming obsolete, most children are born out of wedlock, and people increasingly embrace a way of life replete with sexual promiscuity and casual sexual encounters. Pornography was used to whip up lust and carnal desires to such a sexual frenzy that eventually sexual harassment and rape became commonplace. Eventually the insatiable thirst created by lust could no longer find sexual satisfaction in normal private sexual relations and so public sex is now taking over and people will soon commit sexual intercourse in public like donkeys.  Also normal male-female sexual relations no longer satiate the sexual thirst and so homosexuality and lesbianism are fast emerging as a replacement or substitute.


They created a spectacular Manhattan skyline with skyscrapers and succeeded in getting all the rest of the world of naked barefooted shepherds to then compete with each other in the construction of such tall buildings. 


Their success has been so spectacular that regardless of belief in Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism or Islam, and despite the Prophet Muhammad’s pbuh grave warning that to Muslims that “you will follow them even down into a lizard’s hole”, all of mankind including Muslims imitated and followed their decadent, secular and essentially godless way of life. 


to be continued . . . .

Sunday 14 May 2023



An Islamic View of Gog Magog in the Modern World



Those who insist that Gog and Magog have not as yet been released into the world cannot deny the inescapable implication that emerges from such a claim, namely that Allah Most High has not as yet destroyed or leveled Dhul Qarnain’s barrier. This book insists that such doubters have had a religious obligation for the longest while to search for the barrier, which according to them is still standing.


There may be some who stubbornly reject all the arguments raised so far in this book, as well as in ‘Jerusalem in the Qur’an’, in support of the view that the release of Gog and Magog commenced in the Prophet’s lifetime and has been continuing ever since. Such people may choose to disregard arguments based on the Qur’an as well as Ahadith quoted in this book in support of the view mentioned above. They may do so by way of ingenious misinterpretations of such verses of the Qur’an or Ahadith. 


Let us commence this chapter by directly addressing those doubters. We do so by directing attention to the indisputable and irrefutable fact clearly established in the Qur’an that Dhul Qarnain built a barrier with blocks of iron and then coated it with molten copper. As a consequence of the construction of the barrier, Gog and Magog were effectively contained since they could neither penetrate nor scale over the barrier. Also indisputable is the fact established in the Qur’an that Allah Most High would Himself one day level or destroy the barrier and only then would Gog and Magog be released into the world. 


Those who insist that Gog and Magog have not as yet been released into the world cannot deny the inescapable implication that emerges from such a claim, namely that Allah Most High has not as yet destroyed or leveled Dhul Qarnain’s barrier.  


Search for the barrier

This book insists that such doubters have had a religious obligation for the longest while to search for the barrier, which according to them is still standing. If they made absolutely no effort whatsoever to embark on that search, they must at least provide some form of an explanation which justifies this curious act of omission in their duty towards the Qur’an. They must also explain why no one in the more than a thousand years has ever seen the barrier standing. In addition, they must inform us whether they ever intend to embark on such a search.  After all, this is an age in which the exploration of the Earth has advanced to an unprecedented extent and satellite technology has made it possible for literally every square inch on the Earth to be photographed (see Google Earth). 


Such an exploration to locate Dhul Qarnain’s iron barrier should be of very great importance indeed to them in the light of another Hadith quoted by Ibn Kathir in Al-Bidayah wan Nihayah (i.e., ‘the beginning and the end’) in which Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: 


"Every day, Gog and Magog are trying to dig a way out through the barrier. When they begin to see sunlight through it, the one who is in charge of them says, 'Go back; you can carry on digging tomorrow,' and when they come back, the barrier is stronger than it was before. This will continue until their time comes and Allah wishes to send them forth. They will dig until they begin to see sunlight, then the one who is in charge of them will say, 'Go back; you can carry on digging tomorrow, Insha’ Allah.' In this case he will make an exception by saying Insha’ Allah, thus relating the matter to the Will of Allah. They will return on the following day, and find the hole as they left it. They will carry on digging and come out against the people  .  .  .” (Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Ahmad) 


There are serious implications in this Hadith for those who stubbornly insist that the barrier is still standing to this day (since they believe that Gog and Magog have not as yet been released into the world). For example, the barrier must today be stronger than ever before hence it should not be difficult to recognize and locate it. Secondly, when once they locate the barrier they will not have to even search for Gog and Magog. According to the Hadith Gog and Magog would themselves be coming daily to the barrier to continue their effort to dig through it. Should that opportunity to actually see Gog and Magog themselves digging not be sufficient to rouse our critics to pack their bags and embark on the quest to find that barrier?


If such rejectionists do not pack their bags and embark on a search to locate Dhul Qarnain’s barrier which they insist is still standing somewhere on Allah’s Earth, and if they offer no explanation why no one has ever seen that barrier in the more than a thousand years and yet obstinately persist in their rejection of the view that the barrier has already been leveled or destroyed and Gog and Magog have already been released into the world, we advise our dear readers to regard the objections of such critics as frivolous and not meriting serious consideration. Those readers who choose to reject this advice of ours and persist in believing that there is merit in the view that the barrier is still standing would now themselves have to explain why they are not prepared to embark on the search to locate the barrier.


to be continued . . . .