
Sunday 16 April 2023

Gog Magog are linked to the abandonment of the Hajj

An Islamic View of Gog Magog in the Modern World

They will take most of mankind into the hellfire hence they are an essentially godless and sinful people (Hadith)

The Hadith narrated by Abu Said al-Khudri and recorded in the Sahih of Imam al-Bukhari (quoted before) contains within it a Hadith al-Qudsi (i.e. direct speech of Allah Most High) indicating that Gog and Magog would transform 999 out of every 1000 of mankind into Ahlu Y’ajuj wa M’ajuj (i.e. members of their household) and, as a consequence, all those people would enter into the hellfire. The inescapable implication is that the Gog and Magog mainstream way of life would be godless and sinful and would lead to the hellfire. 


They are linked to the abandonment of the Hajj (Hadith)

A Hadith recorded in Sahih Bukhari disclosed a link that exists between Gog and Magog and the abandonment of the Hajj: Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri: The Prophet pbuh said, “The people will continue performing the Hajj and 'Umra to the Ka‘ba even after the appearance of Gog and Magog.” Narrated Shu'ba extra: The Hour (i.e. Last Hour) will not be established till the Hajj (to the Ka'ba) is abandoned. 


What this prophecy does is to direct attention to the eventual abandonment of the Hajj and to inform that the release of Gog and Magog into the world is an event that would precede that abandonment of the Hajj. In other words, when the Hajj is abandoned it would no longer be possible for any Muslim to deny the release of Gog and Magog. (This writer expects the Hajj to be finally abandoned at that time when Israel wages her big war and attempts to take control of all territory between “the river of Egypt and the river Euphrates” (see Genesis: -15:18, “On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abraham, saying: To your offspring I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates . . .”) Israel’s great war can take place at any time now, and will most certainly take place before Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salam) returns. We may not have long to wait before this important part of the Gog and Magog profile manifests in the world to silence all critics who reject the view that Gog and Magog have already been released into the world.    


to be continued . . . .


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