
Sunday 30 April 2023

Gog is the Anglo-American-Israeli alliance and Magog is Russia

An Islamic View of Gog Magog in the Modern World

Gog is the Anglo-American-Israeli alliance and Magog is Russia 

We have interpreted ‘arrows’ to imply that Gog and Magog possess ‘star wars’ military technology. Both Russia and the Anglo-American-Israeli alliance are capable of waging star wars. 


There is emerging evidence confirming Khazar origins of modern Russia. Gog, on the other hand, would have to be located in Christians of Western Europe who dramatically reconciled with Khazar Jews to create the Western alliance which Britain and USA dominate.


If our identification is correct, then the coming ‘star wars’ clash between Gog and Magog would be a clash between Russia and the Western Anglo-American-Israeli alliance. Such a gigantic Gog and Magog nuclear war that would result in (40 days?) of smoke (see Qur’an, al-Dukhan, 44:10-11) and would significantly reduce the world’s population and render large parts of the Earth barren is not far-fetched. Surah al-Kahf (verse 8) delivered precisely such a warning when it declared “ . verily (in time) We shall reduce what is on it (i.e. the Earth) to barren dust.” Also consider the following Hadith: 


"There will be a battle the like of which has never been seen, so that even if a bird were to pass their ranks, it would fall down dead before it reached the end of them". (Ahmad, Muslim) 


A coming nuclear attack on Pakistan, ostensibly in response to alleged terrorist activity, but actually to destroy that country’s nuclear plants, would convince Russia that she would eventually suffer the same fate unless she responds vigorously to Western (NATO) encirclement and intimidation. That is the recipe for eventual war. It is in that context that we can understand and anticipate the fulfilment of the prophecy concerning the conquest of NATO-controlled Constantinople (i.e. modern-day Istanbul):

Prophet Muhammad pbuh said: "Lataftahanna al-Qustantiniyya wa lani`ma alamiru amiruha wa lani`ma al-jayshu dhalika al-jaysh." "Verily you shall conquer Constantinople. What a wonderful leader will her leader be, and what a wonderful army will that army be!" (Ahmad, Bukhari)


Russia’s most immediate strategic military goal in any contest with the West would have to be conquest of Constantinople that would permit access for the Russian navy to the Mediterranian Sea and thus to Israel. That conquest is likely to be achieved through the alliance between Rum (i.e., Russia) and the Muslims as prophesied by the blessed Prophet (sallalahu ‘alaihi was sallam). 


Since the Qur’an uses the word Ya’juj in the active tense and Ma’juj in the passive tense it may imply that Gog would eventually prevail over Magog in that (Armageddon) contest, i.e, the Western Anglo-American-Israeli alliance will prevail over Russia. The more likely outcome however would be mutual destruction of both Gog and Magog.


The most important implication of the coming star-wars clash between Gog and Magog is one which relates to Israel and the Holy Land. Israel would be left completely defenceless after that war since Gog’s possible victory over Magog would still leave the victor incapacitated. We can anticipate that the modern world of sophisticated electronic military technology will collapse in the wake of that nuclear war (perhaps because of such things as nuclear radiation). It would, perhaps, be at that time that the world would witness the fulfilment of Prophet Muhammad’s prophecies that Muslims would liberate the Holy Land from Jewish oppression and tyranny:


Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Black banners shall emerge from Khorasan (i.e. area which includes Afghanistan, North-West Pakistan, Iran and parts of Central Asia) and no force will be able to stop them until they are inserted in Aelia (Jerusalem).” (Sunan Tirmidhi)


Abu Hurairah reported Allah’s messenger as saying: “The Last Hour will not come before the Muslims fight the Jews and the Muslims kill them, to the extent that Jews will hide behind rocks (i.e. very large stones) and trees and the rock and tree will say, ‘O Muslim, O servant of Allah. There is a Jew (hiding) behind me; so come and kill him’. .  .  .” (Sahih Muslim) 


to be continued . . . .


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