
Sunday 1 January 2023

The end of history


An Islamic View of Gog Magog in the Modern World

The end of history

The viewpoint of Islam is that the End of History would occur when the religion or ideology that is authentically founded on ‘truth’ achieves its final and conclusive triumph over all other rival religions and ideologies and, just as important, when the authentic expression of truth prevails over all rival sects within that religion or ideology. The Qur’an has thrice repeated a verse which clearly refers to such an end of history:

“He it is who has sent forth His Messenger with the (task of spreading) guidance and the religion of truth, so that (eventually at the end of history) He may cause it to prevail over all (false) religions (ideologies etc.), however hateful this may be to those who ascribe divinity (sovereignty, supreme authority, supreme law, etc.) to aught beside Allah.”  (Qur’an, al- Taubah, 9:22; al-Saff, 61:9) 


“He it is who has sent forth His Messenger with the (task of spreading) guidance and the religion of truth, to the end that He make it (eventually) prevail (at the end of history) over all (false) religions (ideologies etc.), and none can bear witness (to the truth) as Allah does.”  (Qur’an, al-Fath, 48:28) 


The most spectacular and compellingly insistent of all ideological claims to truth emerged in the world when modern Western secular civilization was born. With this civilization a ‘sun’ has risen triumphantly on the world from the ‘west’ with an emphatic declaration that all claims to truth that preceded it are now superseded and redundant. Arnold Toynbee was quite honest when he declared “Western civilization is aiming at nothing less than the incorporation of all of mankind in a single great society and the control of everything in the earth, air and sea . . .” (Toynbee, Civilization on Trial, p 166)


Not only has this civilization succeeded in dominating the whole world but in addition, it has laid audacious claim to bringing history itself to an end. Western philosophers of history such as Francis Fukuyama argue that this civilization represents the culmination of the historical process and the end of history since there is nothing that can possibly challenge or replace its triumphant dominance over all of mankind and over all its rivals including Islam.  


However, Fukuyama was completely innocent about the real movement of history which would culminate with the dramatic return of the true Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary.


While this writer confesses his sense of surprise and astonishment at the absolutely amazing spectacle of a Western sunrise that continues to rise triumphantly, he recognizes it nevertheless to be a false sunrise and, indeed, to be the fulfillment of one of the Signs of the Last Day as prophesied by Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam), i.e. that the ‘sun would one day rise from the west’. The above verse of the Qur’an, repeated three times in that blessed book, has conveyed a Divine assurance that history will end differently. Islam is destined to prevail over modern secular Western civilization as well as all other rivals at the end of history. 


The Islamic view on the subject is further revealed in verses of the Qur’an and prophecies of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him) that depict the final triumph of truth and the consequent end of history to occur at the time of the return of the true Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, and the advent of the Imam al-Mahdi. Together they would rule the world from Jerusalem with justice and such rule would also represent the triumph of truth in the religion of Islam over all its rivals. Islam has designated that moment in time as the major or ultimate ‘Sign’ of the Sa‘ah’ (i.e. Last Hour) and it is in connection with that ‘Last Hour’ that Prophet Muhammad prophesied ten (major) Signs. 


Since the dramatic return of the true Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, would validate Islam’s claim to truth, it may be that with his return the Sa‘ah will commence. And Allah Knows best! But the Last Hour would not end until the material universe ceases to exist. All the Signs occurring prior to Jesus’ return would be Signs foretelling the approaching Sa‘ah. 


Some of these Signs are plainly visible. A dramatic example of this was recorded in the Qur’an. The disbelievers of Makkah taunted the Prophet: “If you are indeed a Prophet then why do you not split the moon and we will then believe in you.” The Prophet responded by praying to Allah Most High to grant him this miracle and the moon was promptly split. One half was seen over Mt. Saffa and the other half over Mt Kaikaan. The Qur’an made reference to this event and declared that it represented a Sign that the Sa‘ah or Last Hour had now drawn near:

 The Last Hour draws near, and the moon is split asunder! (Qur’an, al-Qamar, 54:1)

to be continued . . . .

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