
Sunday 22 January 2023


An Islamic View of Gog Magog in the Modern World



Since the Qur’an has declared Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salam) to be the ‘Ilm of the Sa’ah, the implication, in our opinion, is that his return would mark the grande finale of the Signs of the Sa’ah. It follows that all parts of the Gog and Magog profile must not only be interrelated to each other but must also be related to the return of the true Messiah. When once we recognize any part of that profile of Gog and Magog (we prefer to refer to it as any of their ‘footprints’) in the world today, it should lead us to other footprints which in turn eventually lead to the grande finale. Secondly, and just as important, if we find a part of the Gog and Magog profile located in the Qur’an, it must be given greater recognition and priority than other ‘footprints’ located in the Ahadith.  


We have attempted in this book to answer a number of questions concerning Gog and Magog such as: 

  • Who are Gog and Magog? 
  • Have they been released as yet (by divine decree) into the world?
  • What would be the implications of their release into the world?
  • Can we identify them?
  • What would be the end of Gog and Magog?  


In this chapter we attempt to answer only the first question. We noted earlier the incident in which Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him) met some of his companions sitting and discussing a certain matter and he enquired from them about the subject of their discussion. When told that it was the ‘Signs of the Sa‘ah’ (i.e. Last Hour) he declared, as only a true Prophet of the One God could have declared, “La takumu alSa‘atu hatta . . .” (i.e. that “the Last Hour would not come until . .”) ten Signs appeared in the world. Among the ten was the Sign of  Y’ajuj and M’ajuj (i.e. ‘Gog and Magog’).


The implication of the Prophetic declaration that the Sa‘ah cannot occur until certain ‘Signs’ first manifest in the world, is that these ‘Signs of the Last Day’ such as ‘Gog and Magog’, ‘Dajjal, ’the sun rising from the West’, etc., have to occur prior to the event of the Sa’ah. Hence a careful observation of these unfolding Signs should allow a perceptive observer to discern a time-line of the approaching Sa’ah. As a consequence no Sign including Gog and Magog, should be studied by itself in isolation. Rather all Signs must be recognized to be related to each other as an organic whole. 


Since the Qur’an has declared Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salam) to be the ‘Ilm of the Sa’ah, the implication, in our opinion, is that his return would mark the grande finale of the Signs of the Sa’ah. It follows that all parts of the Gog and Magog profile must not only be interrelated to each other but must also be related to the return of the true Messiah. When once we recognize any part of that profile of Gog and Magog (we prefer to refer to it as any of their ‘footprints’) in the world today, it should lead us to other footprints which in turn eventually lead to the grande finale.


Secondly, and just as important, if we find a part of the Gog and Magog profile located in the Qur’an, it must be given greater recognition and priority than other ‘footprints’ located in the Ahadith. 


Misinformation on the subject of Gog and Magog to which Muslims are exposed constitute a problem affecting understanding of an already difficult subject explained in the Qur’an and Ahadith in verses that sometimes have to be interpreted. Those verses can be misinterpreted, and have been previously misinterpreted and it is to precisely such misinterpretation of verses that the Qur’an has referred when it declared of its Mutashabihat verses:


“. . .  Now those whose hearts are given to swerving from the truth go after that part of the Book which has been expressed in tashabuh (allegory) seeking a (mis)interpretation of their meaning that sows confusion and discord. . . ."  (Qur’an, Ale ‘Imran, 3:7)


Our method of response is to begin with a carefully extracted profile of Gog and Magog derived primarily from the Qur’an (Surah al-Kahf in particular) and secondarily from the Ahadith, in order to bring clarity to the subject.  



  • ·         Gog and Magog are human beings

  • ·         A double-faced people who are capable of swift motion

  • ·         Possess extraordinary military power

  • ·         Use ‘power’ to oppress

  • ·         Make possible the return of people to their ‘town’

  • ·         Absorb mankind into their global godless melting pot

  • ·         Can wage ‘star wars’

  • ·         Would target Arabs in particular for oppression

  • ·         Would be sent/raised only after Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salam) has returned and after he has killed Dajjal?

  • ·         Consume an excessive amount of water

  • ·         Gog, Magog and the Sea of Galilee

  • ·         Will take most of mankind into the hellfire hence they are an essentially godless and sinful people

  • ·         Are linked to the abandonment of the Hajj

to be continued . . . .


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