
Saturday 18 June 2022

Ideology: Creed and Systems

Ideology: Creed and Systems


· Islam obliges the Muslim to use his mind to believe in Allah and forbids imitation in Aqeedah.

· Islam calls to look deeply in the universe to understand its law and to be guided to the belief in the existence of a Creator


· Secularism is not based on mind rather it is built on a compromise between the Clergy and the Philosophers

· Instead of coming up with a rationally correct conclusion of the questions secularism compels man not to discuss the issue that if there is a Creator and does He have any relationship with this life, rather settles it by finding a middle path in the form of a compromised solution

· Hence Islam trains a Muslim to always look for the correct solution irrespective of the odds against him and not to compromise on principles for perceived worldly benefits. This produces a society with high moral values seeking the truth (Haq)

· Capitalism guides its adherents to seek a compromised solution in their life’s affairs as well, rather than the correct solution. This is why we hear quite frequently the phrase “lesser of the two evils” in all Capitalist states.

· The correctness of any Ideology is gauged by it’s creed since it is the creed from which all the systems emanate and it is the creed which provides the intellectual basis on which all thoughts are build. Islamic Aqeedah is the only correct creed since it is the only creed which convinces the mind


1. When deriving Islamic economic, ruling system etc, we should limit ourselves only to the Shari sources like Qur’an, Sunnah, Ijmah-us-Sahaba and Qiyas and should not accept any law from any other religion or ideology such as Socialism or Capitalism etc. by saying that Islam is silent upon this matter. Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) says in the Holy Qur’an: “We have revealed to you the Book as a clarification for all matters.” And Rasululllah (sallAllaho alayhi wasallam) said: “Whosoever introduces into our matter (deen) a matter (law) that is not from this matter (deen), then this (law) is rejected.” And he (sallAllaho alayhi wasallam) said, “Whosoever undertakes an action that is not from our matter, then this (action) is rejected.”

2. As far as technologies and tangible objects are concerned, their nature is different from the laws and systems. Hence, sharia’h allows their use and adoption from any people unless it violates the limits laid down by the Sharia’h e.g. the use of airplanes is allowed, whilst the cloning of humans is rejected due to it conflicting with the Qur’an, but cloning is permitted in plants and animals. Ordinarily technology and objects are not specific to any ideology or religion, but if this were so then their adoption is also Haram, as is the case with idols and the cross. We find the evidence for this principle from the famous Hadith regarding the augmentation of dates in which the Prophet (sallAllaho alayhi wasallam) said: “You are better acquainted with your worldly affairs”. Imam Muslim has also reported this hadith from the Prophet (sallAllaho alayhi wasallam): “I am but a human like you. Hence, if I ordered you something related to your Deen’s affairs, do take it and if I ordered you something related to your worldly affairs, then I am only human”. Here, the “Deen’s affairs” refers to economy, ruling, judiciary, in short all aspects related to man’s relationship with his Creator, fellow human beings and himself. Whilst the “worldly affairs” refers to science and technology, such as the aforementioned case regarding the augmentation of dates.

Adopting from other Ideologies and Civilizations

· There is a difference between the thoughts related to Aqeedah matters i.e. doctrines and Shari’ah rules, and the thoughts related to sciences, techniques, industries and the like

· We are not allowed to take Aqeedah matters as well as laws and principles related to systems and view point towards life from any other system, ideology or civilization. Thoughts such as democracy, privatization of public resources, freedom of expression etc are not to be taken as Allah has given us clear and precise Shari’ah rules in all the above matters.

· We can adopt administrative means and styles as Umar (ra) adopted the system of Diwan from the Romans

· We are allowed to adopt and learn anything related to science and technology or use tangible objects such as tanks, airplanes etc. as long as it doesn’t contradict Shai’ah rules

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