
Saturday 4 June 2022

Conceptual Understanding to address Thinking


 Islam's Political System

Conceptual Understanding to address Thinking

Ideology: Creed and Systems

· Every Ideology has a set of fundamental concepts known as “Creed” from which specific Systems emanate Systems

· Creed There are six systems emanating from the Creed

Economic system

Judicial system

Ruling system

Foreign Policy

Education Policy

Social system

· Creed: A comprehensive idea about life and what is beyond it

A comprehensive thought must answer following questions

What is man, life and the universe?

Where did life come from (What is before life)?

What happens after death (What is after life)?

What is man’s purpose in life (What is the relationship of this life with that which preceded it)?

What is man’s motivation to fulfill

 his purpose in life (What is the relationship of this life with whatever is after life)?


Secularism professes the following concepts

· Instead of arriving at a conclusion based on enlightened thinking regarding the existence of a Creator, the idea of secularism advocates a compromise. Hence one can believe in the existence of a Creator and the Hereafter if he wants or reject it altogether.

· They refuse to accept any role of the “Creator” in life affairs even if He exists.

· Man’s purpose in life, his motivation to carry out actions, his behaviour with others and himself would be defined by man himself rather than the Creator.

· The people’s representatives would decide, based on majority, as to how the society should organize its affairs; how should people carry out economic, ruling and social transactions etc.

· Lawmakers should legislate upholding freedom, equalities and national interest.

Islamic Aqeedah

Islamic Aqeedah is based on enlightened thought

· Islam requires its followers to answer these basic questions using ration and intellect.

· Hence the existence of the creator is proven with definite evidence, so is the proof of Qur’an being the word of the Creator. Messengership of Muhammad (saw) follows from the proof of Qur’an

· According to Islamic Aqeedah Allah has given us clear guidance as to what is Man’s purpose of Life and what should be his motivation to fulfil it.

· Man’s purpose in life is to worship Allah by following His commands in all aspects of life, which He revealed through His messenger Muhammad (saw) in the Qur’an and in his (saw) Sunnah.

· Man’s motivation to follow Allah’s commands is the knowledge that he would be accounted on the Day of Judgement. A Muslim seeks the pleasure of Allah and strives for eternal paradise whilst saving himself from Allah’s displeasure and Hellfire.

Capitalism: Extracting Systems from Creed

Islam: Sources of Legislation

The primary sources of Legislation are:

· Qur’an

· Sunnah

There are two other sources indicated by the primary sources

· Ijma us-Sahaba

· Qiyas with ‘illa Shariya


1. Ijtihad is derived from the root word Jahada. Linguistically, it means striving or self exertion in any activity which entails a measure of hardship. As a juristic term, Ijtihad is the process of extracting Sharai Hukam from the sources of Shari’ah by exhausting all of one’s efforts in studying the problem at hand thoroughly along with the related Shari Text. This is an utter misconception that Ijtihad is to pass a judgment purely based on Aql (mind) assuming that Qurn’an and Sunnah offer no ruling/solution for the issue at hand. The Prophet (SAW) said: “Allah does not remove the ‘Ilm after it was given to you, rather the ‘Ilm would be removed with the death of the ‘Ulema. Then some people, who are ignorant, will start giving their Ra’ee based on their desires and they are misled and will lead the Ummah astray.” (Bukhari & Ahmad)

2. He (SAW) also said: “My Ummah will be divided into 70 something sects. The worst group will be those who will start taking the Deen from their Aql.” (Al Darami) He (SAW) also said, “He who adopts an opinion based on his Aql, he will reserve for himself a place in the hellfire.” (Bukhari & Muslim)

These Ahadith are clearly referring to the person who adopts opinions or gives Fatwa based on his Aql without any evidence from the Shari’ah. Furthermore, Qur’an and Sunnah are not silent on ANY issue concerning man’s life as is claimed by the Qur’an itself. “We have revealed to you the Book as a clarification for all matters.”

3. The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “He who generates in our order (deen) something that is alien to it, it must be rejected.”(Muslim) The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “The Hour shall not come until my Ummah follows the ways of the nations before her, hand span to hand span and arm length to arm length”. Upon this they asked: “Such as the Persians and the Romans?” He (saw) replied: “Who else among people but them?” (Bukhari)

This is clear prohibition to take anything related to systems and organizations of relationship of man with his Creator, fellow human beings and himself from any other ideology, religion or philosophy. But this restriction doesn’t apply to science and technology as discussed in the noble Hadith of pollination of dates in which the Prophet (saw) said: “You are better acquainted with your worldly affairs”.

4. Imam Muslim has also reported this hadith from the Prophet (sallAllaho alayhi wasallam): “I am but a human like you. Hence, if I ordered you something related to your Deen’s affairs, do take it and if I ordered you something related to your worldly affairs, then I am only human”. Here, the “Deen’s affairs” refers to economy, ruling, judiciary, etc. Whilst the “worldly affairs” refers to science and technology, such as the aforementioned case regarding the augmentation of dates.

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