
Saturday 21 May 2022



Evidences from Ahadith

· In the ahadeeth of the beloved Prophet (saw)

The Prophet (saw) said: "When the oath of allegiance has been taken for two Khalifs, kill the latter of them". (Narrated in Sahih Muslim by Sa'id al-Khudri)

· The Prophet (saw) also said:

"Whoso comes to you while your affairs has been united under one man, intending to break your strength or dissolve your unity, kill him." (Narrated in Sahih Muslim by 'Arfajah)

Ijma'a (consensus) of the Sahabah (r.a.)

· It is in the books of "As-Sirah" of Ibnu Kathir, "Tarikh ut-Tabari" by at-Tabari, "Siratu Ibn Hisham" by Ibn Hisham, "As-Sunan ul-Kubra" of Bayhaqi, "Al-fasil-fil Milal" by Ibnu Hazim and "Al-A'kd Al-Farid" of Al-Waqidi, that AlHabbab Ibn ul-Munthir said when the Sahaba met in the wake of the death of the Prophet (SAW) (at the thaqifa hall) of Bani Sa'ida:

"Let there be one Amir from us and one Amir from you (meaning one from the Ansar and one from the Mohajireen)". Upon this Abu Bakr replied: "It is forbidden for Muslims to have two Amirs (rulers)..." Then he got up and addressed the Muslims.

· It has additionally been reported in "as-Sirah" of Ibnu Ishaq that Abu Bakr went on to say on the day of Thaqifa:

"It is forbidden for Muslims to have two Amirs for this would cause differences in their affairs and concepts, their unity would be divided and disputes would break out amongst them. The Sunnah would then be abandoned, the bida'a (innovations) would spread and Fitna would grow, and that is in no one's interests".

· The Sahabah (ra) agreed to this and selected Abu Bakr (ra) as their first Khalifah. Habbab ibn Mundhir (ra) who suggested the idea of two Ameers corrected himself and was the first to give Abu Bakr the Baya'a (pledge of allegiance). This indicates an Ijma'a of all of the Sahabah (ra) and thus is a divine source for us. Ali ibni abi Talib(ra), who was attending the body of the Prophet (saw) at the time, also consented to this.

Evidences from Ulema

· Imam ash-Shawkaani wrote in his book "Tafseer al-Qur'an al-Atheem", volume 2, page 215: "It is known from Islam by necessity (bi-dharoorah - i.e.: like prayer and fasting) that Islam has forbidden division amongst Muslims and the segregation of their land".

· The well renowned Imam Hassan Al-Mawardi(ra) in his book "Al-ahkam Al-Sultaniyah" page 9 says: "It is forbidden for the Ummah to have two Imams (leaders) at the same time."

· Imam An-Nawawi in his book "Mughni Al-Muhtaj", volume 4, page 132 says: "It is forbidden to give an oath to two Imams or more, even in different parts of the world and even if they are far apart".

· He also stated in his book, "Sharhu Sahih Muslim" (explanation of Sahih Muslim) chapter 12 page 231, "If a baya'a were taken for two Khalifahs one after the other, the baya'a of the first one would be valid and it should be fulfilled and honoured whereas the baya'a of the second would be invalid, and it would be forbidden to honour it. This is the right opinion which the majority of scholars follow, and they agree that it would be forbidden to appoint two Khalifah's at one given time, no matter how great and extended the Islamic lands become".

· The Imam Ibnu Hazm in his book "Al-Muhalla", volume 4, page 360 says: "It is unlawful to have more than one Imam in the whole of the world".

· Al-Imam Al-Juzieri, an expert on the Fiqh of the four great schools of thought said regarding the four Imams, "...It is forbidden for Muslims to have two Imams in the world whether in agreement or discord." From: "Fiqh ulMathahib ul-Arba'a" (the fiqh of the four schools of thought), volume 5, page 416.

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