
Saturday 12 March 2022

The Battle between Good and Evil

The Process of Creation

A Qur'anic Perspective
by Dr Israr Ahmad

The moral and religious life of human beings is in fact a constant struggle and tussle between his lower or animal self and the higher or spiritual self. As far as the external battlefield of this strife in society is concerned, there are two agents of good and similarly two agents of evil. The one in each is physical and perceptible viz. those human beings who invite and encourage us towards moral acts and, on the other hand, those evil persons who mislead and lure us to immorality and sin. The other agent is invisible and non-physical in both cases: in moral and pious acts, angels strengthen the good people; they will have their friends and protectors in the angels who give them glad tidings. On the other hand, Satan and his progeny and acolytes mislead and waylay humanity. 

Our life in this world, according to the Qur`an, is a probationary period so that Allah (swt) may test our actions and perseverance. A believer has to prove his fidelity to Allah (swt) resisting against the evil temptations and lures induced by Satan. Satan and his progeny (especially from the jinns) have a privilege that, being invisible, they attack and present a snare for human beings from a realm from where they cannot take notice of them, as the Qur`an says in Surah Al-A`raf:

“… for he (Satan) and his tribe watch you from a position where ye cannot see them.” [7:27]

A Hadith of the Holy Prophet a further elaborates the strategy of Satan according to which Satan enters the inner denizens of human self as the blood rotates in the interior of the body. Even if we take this Hadith as a metaphor, it makes perfect sense insofar as Satan prompts us to do the evil from our interiority, as Qur`an asserts:

 “… (Seek refuge) from the mischief of the Whisperer (of evil) who withdraws after his whisper, who whispers into the hearts of mankind.” [Al-Naas; 114:4, 5]

The inward whispering of Satan stirs the evil and vicious tendencies of man and thus has the potential to influence his entire being. Thus, Satan and his progeny penetrate and pierce man’s inmost psyche and exercise considerable control over it, turning it towards sin and impiety. The literal meaning of the above-mentioned Hadith too is quite understandable since jinns have been created from fire and it is a finer material as compared to clay. They can assume different forms. Similarly, it is not too difficult to believe that they can lodge, penetrate and rush through human bodies made of clay.

On the other side of the spectrum is the protection and guaranteed safety Allah provides to believers against the devilish machinations of Satan and his agents. This, in effect, means that those who become bondsmen of Allah (swt) with sincerity and utmost purity of heart and intention are saved from falling prey to Satan. From amongst the human beings only those are influenced by Satan who have, instead of attending to the dictates of higher spiritual self, accepted and given in to the base promptings of nafs-e-ammarah and subservience to it. This has been explicitly stated in Surah Al-Hijr and Surah Al-Isra in these words:

i) “For over my servants no authority shall thou have except such as put themselves in the wrong and follow thee.” [15:42]

ii) “As for My servants, no authority shall thou have over them. Enough is thy Lord for a disposer of affairs.” [17:65]

However, as already explained above with reference to the verses of Surah Saad and Surah Al-Hijr, Satan admitted his complete failure to mislead and waylay those sincere and dedicated bondsmen of Allah (swt), who through sincerity and purity of motive have been declared mukhlas.

In the history of humankind, until the time the role of the individual dominated over society or group, the conflict between good and evil too concentrated on the internal and external fronts of individuals. However, over the last three hundred years, the world has witnessed a radical change and transformation. On the one hand, man has acquired greater awareness of his rights and importance. Secondly, various scientific inventions ushered in the industrial revolution. Thirdly, great strides were taken in the development of science and technology and progress in this was achieved with tremendous speed. 
Allama Iqbal, along with many intellectuals of 20th Century, has eloquently referred to this scientific-technological progress of man and his controls over the forces of nature. But this progress at the material level had no parallel improvement and progress at the level of morals and social relations among people. In fact, Satan was extremely active throughout this historical epoch and with the help and cooperation of his agents among human beings, made evil rampant in all spheres of human life: social, economic and political. Through promoting extremism and lack of moderation, corrupt and immoral conduct and ideological and practical falsehood and deception. Satan has succeeded in pressing the influence of evil to the farthest reaches of social life and civilizational fabric. It is a fact that the main agent who is corrupting and morally vitiating the entire spectrum of human life in its multi-dimensional spheres is Satan, called Lucifer in the religious literature of Christendom. It is in this very context that William Guy Kerr, the eminent American writer, agrees with this assertion in his work “Pawns in the Game”. The book has been read with tremendous interest by thoughtful readers across the world.

William Guy Kerr explains graphically how Satan laid down his devilish snare in humanity about two and a half century ago by means of the “Order of the Illuminati” in the West. Its agenda was further promoted by “Free Masonry” and similar other organizations. This was taken up in due course, about 140 years ago to be precise, by “Elders of the Zion” who achieved their envisioned targets first through the WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) in the form of Balfour Declaration (1917) and finally in the creation of Israel in 1948. After fully dominating the Christian world the satanic onslaught is advancing with full speed and zest towards the entire globe under the banner of “New World Order” advocating irreligious liberal programmes of sinful nudity, free sex and immorality. All these activities are supported, according to the agents of Satan, by the so-called Charter of Human Rights. However, we Muslims believe that according to the Qur`anic verse:

“And (the unbelievers) plotted and planned, and Allah too planned, and the best of planners is Allah.” [A`le-Imran; 3:54]

the final victory will be of Truth and Deen al-Haq. The last showdown between the Good and Evil has been referred to in the Bible as “Armageddon” and in the Hadith as a colossal war or “Malhama al-Uzma” in which millions of human beings will be massacred. Allama Muhammad Iqbal, the visionary sage, too had glimpse of this final clash. Let us look at representative verses in this regard:

The soul and body yet face a clash,
This culture has made her wild beast’s rash.
Allah has faith in momin’s might and will,
On Europe’s hardware, Satan makes his skill.
(“Advice of Old Baloch to His Son”: Armaghan-e-Hijaz)

But here we Muslims must recall the truth stated categorically about the final victory of Truth:

“And say: Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished. For Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish.” [Al-Isra; 17:81]

From its nature, falsehood must perish for it is the opposite of Truth, and Truth must ever prevail. Only this Qur`anic assurance and authentic prophetic traditions provide the panacea for the cynicism and extreme pessimism shown by a large majority of Muslims (who only pay lip service to Islam) in view of the current global domination of the forces of evil and crass materialism.

 to be continued  . . . .

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