
Saturday 12 February 2022

7. Dr. Rafi-Ud-Din’s Characterization of Evolution

The Process of Creation

A Qur'anic Perspective
by Dr Israr Ahmad

7. Dr. Rafi-Ud-Din’s Characterization of Evolution
Essentially, following ideas presented by Rumi in his poetical lines,                                Dr. Rafi-ud-Din has pointed out three stages of the long process of evolutionary developments viz., firstly physico-chemical evolution, secondly biological evolution and thirdly ideational or ideological evolution. This, in effect, means that the second stage of the descent of creation coincides with the first stage of evolutionary process. That is to say, as a result of the “Big Bang”, tiny particles appeared which synthesized together to constitute “atoms” which in turn collectively constituted “molecules”. Combination and recombination of these molecules in due course of time led first to the formation of inorganic compounds and then ultimately to the formation of organic compounds which represents the completion of the first stage of evolution. It must be noted here that we have characterized this stage also as the climax and completion of the third stage of the process of descent which has been expressed eloquently by Mirza Abdul Qadir Baydil in the words “two realms (of “khalq” and “amr”) consumed …” But since this third stage of the descent of creative impulse was also the first stage of evolution, biological evolutionary process started from this very phase.

As a matter of fact, the natural scientists have so far not been able to explain as to how the chemical compounds pertaining to the inorganic level acquired the altogether different and higher element/characteristic of “life”. This, in fact, is a perennially irresolvable issue because it necessarily relates to the working of Divine agency of “amr” which is beyond and outside the jurisdiction of the so-called scientific enquiry and method. Indeed, it is only on account of a word “kun” of Allah (swt) that dead and inert matter acquired the current and throb of life and was thus elevated to an ontologically different and distinct sphere. Post-Darwin researchers have conclusively proved that changes occur in the genes or DNA of a species and these cannot be explained at all on the premises of Darwin’s theory. 
In the miraculous birth of Hazrat 'Isa (pbuh), the role of the sperm coming from the father’s side was substituted by the word “kun” of Allah (swt). Similarly, the word “kun” was used by the Almighty Allah for bringing about change in the genes of all species of animal kingdom, thus creating a new variety of living beings. And this process of evolutionary change (under Divine creativity) continued till the appearance of beings known as “homo sapiens” in the terminology of modern Biology. We will come back to Dr. Rafi-ud-Din’s characterization of evolution in the form of three levels of evolutionary process --- particularly the human, intellectual and social evolution --- in the last subsection of this treatise.

 to be continued  . . . .

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