
Saturday 22 January 2022

4. The Third Stage of Descent

The Process of Creation

A Qur'anic Perspective
by Dr Israr Ahmad

4. The Third Stage of Descent

The third stage of descent began when, as stated above, planets with extremely high temperature cooled off and so did our planet Earth. The cooling off process produced two results.

Firstly, just as a burning coal after a while gathers ash on the outer surface, similarly a ‘layer’ of clay appeared on the outer surface of the earth. This “crust” of the earth, in due course became the origin and source of all forms of earthly life --- vegetative and biological.

Secondly, the steam or vapors emitted from the earth enveloped the planet and thus constituted its atmosphere. The combination of hydrogen and oxygen in the atmosphere led to the emergence of water which in turn became the source of all forms of life on earth, as the Qur'an asserts: “…..and that We made every living thing of water.” [Al-Anbia, 21:30] Taking the form of clouds, it rained torrentially on earth for a long spell of time. At this stage of creation there was perhaps nothing on earth except water and probably this has been referred to by the Qur'an in the words: “…..and His Throne was on water…..” [ Hud, 11:7]. As a result of the cooling of the earth, its outer crust shrank making its surface at some points high (where we now see mountains and plateaus); while some other areas were turned into deep pits which were filled by rain water and eventually became oceans.

Then with the passage of time, chemical fermentation and evolutionary processes started through the interaction of the stuff of all created objects (i.e. earthen soil or clay) and the source of all living/organic beings (i.e. water). And thus emerged the organic compounds leading to the first tiny living amoeba – the starting point of the biological or living realm that  evolved and passed through a myriad of stages.

Indeed, this completes the third stage in the hierarchy of descents from the Supreme Creator, which in a way also marks the first stage of evolution. This very truth has been beautifully expressed in a Persian couplet of Baydil (Mirza Abdul Qadir Baydil) roughly translated into English thus:

“Two realms (of “khalq” and “amr”) have been consumed in the creation of a prototype of living beings,O spring flower of nothingness! Be mindful of your lofty status”

 to be continued  . . . .

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