
Saturday 27 November 2021

A Final word on lesser of two evils!

The Shirk of Voting to Man-Made Law

Therefore, voting for any political party that is going to work within a democratic framework and voting for or against legislation in a parliament regardless of the apparent benefits is at best Haram, and at worst an act of Kufr and Shirk, taking one outside the fold of Islam. Voting for a secular party in the Western systems, regardless of a noble goal and the correctness of the intention, is something that contradicts the foundations of what it means to be a Muslim and without a shadow of a doubt is something that is prohibited.

The call of integration (e.g. voting) is a call for further subjugation of the will of the Muslims. It is a concerted effort by the enemies of Allah (swt) to drive the Muslims to integrate into British society and to instill into Muslims the values of Secularism, as manifested by the Labour and Conservative parties as well as the Respect party, The Green party amongst others. This drive towards secularising the Muslims has already led to many Muslims suffering the consequences of Freedom. Don't you look and see the dire consequences in which Muslims have adopted the lifestyles and values they have found around them? Muslim youth (our future) have become submerged into the Kufr culture around them. Rampant fornication, adultery and even homosexuality have found their way into the Muslim community. Do we as an Ummah want to continue to go down this road?

As Muslims, we must strengthen our own defenses against this Kufr onslaught by immersing ourselves in the vast Islamic culture, actively seeking out the Haqq (the truth), and not being satisfied to just imitate our so-called community leaders when they openly go against that which is known from Islam by necessity. At the same time, we need to stand together with the followers of Ahl Al Sunnah Wa'L Jamaah, wherever they are, in order to act as a pressure group, in the absence of the Islamic Khilafah State. We must enjoin the good and forbid the evil in society, stand up for Islam and Muslims, wherever they are, and strengthen our links with our Muslim brothers overseas, to maintain the "one-nation" concept.

May Allah (swt) guide us all to the Haqq (truth) and establish us upon it with firmness.




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