
Saturday 9 October 2021

How can a slave woman give birth to her mistress?

Islamic Spirituality - The Forgotten Path
A lecture delivered by Maulana Imran Nazar Hosein
at the Maulana Abd al-Aleem  Siddiqui Masjid, Singapore

Shall I leave  you to think about it until tomorrow night? The only one who will be able to see that sign of Allah , when it comes true in the world - a major sign of the Last Day - is not the one who has a PhD from al-Azhar  University but inside has nothing. It is the one who sees  with two eyes,  who has knowledge  externally  derived  and internally derived. This is the most learned of all men. So when Musa pbuh asked, where can I meet him? and Allah said, ‘Go and you will find him at the place at which the two oceans  meet - majmaul  Bahrain. The  commentator  of the  Holy Qur’aan, Baidawi5, is the only one who has penetrated the meaning of it. He said that the two oceans  are:  the ocean  of knowledge  externally  acquired and the ocean of knowledge  internally acquired. When these  two oceans  of knowledge combine together  in one man, harmoniously, is integrated  together,  you have  the most learned of all men. Such a man was Maulana Muhammad Abd al-Aleem  Siddiqui τ, after whom this Masjid was named, and such a man was his student, and my teacher,  Maulana  Dr. Muhammad Fazlur Rahman Ansari  τ. We are just little candles glowing from the light which came from these great scholars of Islam. It is when you use these two oceans to combine together that you can crack it, ‘a slave woman giving birth to her mistress.’

Note 5 BAIDAWI  ('Abdallah ibn 'Umar al-Baidawi) Muslim critic, was born in Fars, where his father was chief judge, in the time of the Atabek ruler Abu Bakr ibn Sa'd (1226-60). He himself became judge in Shiraz, and died in Tabriz about 1286. His chief work is the commentary on the Koran entitled The Secrets of Revelation and The Secrets of Interpretation (Asrar ut-tanzil wa Asrar  ut-ta'wil).

It is already 10 pm so I am going to be very brief. In order to understand this you need to recognize two things which come from Dajjal and with which he attacks to try and take control of mankind. One, the Holy Prophet said that, The Age of Dajjal would be the age [Kasaratul riba]-when riba (interest and usury) will take control of the world. What happens when riba takes control of an economy is that the rich will remain permanently rich and the poor will remain permanently poor.

Wealth will no longer circulate. The rich will grow richer and the poor will reach to the depths of destitution. In other words another age of slavery descends upon mankind. That has already come. The Ulama of Islam have been eating halva; it has already come upon us.  Nobody teaches the subject about the prohibition of riba. I had the good fortune to live in New York, the capital city of riba, and there I  was able to put book knowledge to bear upon the real economy in the world today.  In  addition  I  was  blessed  to  study  western  economics;  International Monetary Economics for example in Europe.  This was how Allah blessed me with some understanding of the subject; thats why you will find my book outside, The Prohibition of Riba in the Quraan and Sunnah. It took me four years to write that  book.  When  an  economy  is  based  on  Riba  then  wealth  will  no  longer circulate. Its like mankind traveling on a ship with 15 % of the population of the world  traveling  first  class,  with  permanent  first  class  tickets  having  the  best drinking water, food, servants and luxury. The other 85 % are down in the hold of the ship living in squalor, misery, suffering and destitution, falling ill and dying like flies. So they  are slaves  down there.  That’s  Indonesia today. That  woman therefore is a slave woman down in the hold of the ship. She is the one we are talking about.

In the age of Dajjal, not only do we have riba, but something else. ‘The last people to come out to Dajjal will be women,’ said the Holy Prophet . Dajjal will weave such a web, of brainwashing of women that a man will have to return to his home and tie down his wife, daughter and sister to protect  and preserve  them from Dajjal. They’re  brainwashed!  Nothing you could say to them will change  their minds. Brainwashed!  This  is the  modern feminist movement.  What  does the modern  feminist  movement  want  to  do?  The  modern  feminist  movement challenges the notion that men and women are functionally different. That man has different basic functions from women. The modern feminist movement wants to remove the barriers. Anything a man does a women should have the freedom to do it. So women embrace the functional role of men in the feminist revolution. The Woman down in the hold is too poor to do it, the ones who do it are the elite. They’re rich! These are the first to embrace the functional role of men, the women traveling first-class.  What happens when women go out to work, the way men do. At 7 am she is dressed to go to work the way he is. She comes back home in the evening 6 to 7 pm the same way that he does. When she dresses to go to work, this is not going to a party;  this is going to work so she has to dress in working clothes.  So her dress becomes masculine. When she gets into a position of authority  in work, has people working under her, then she has to shed her shyness and talk like a man; behave like a man; so that she can command respect. But in the Holy Qur’aan Allah describes women differently. Musa pbuh, remember how he drew the water for the girls. Then one of them came back. Her father sent her to call him. Now she has to approach this man. A women approaching a man, and Allah describes in the Holy Quraan how shy and bashful she was that she has to approach a man. Uncle Sam’s daughter isn’t shy! They behave, dress and talk like men. Eventually their faces begin to look like faces of men. The softness, shyness and bashfulness is gone. As women assume the functional role of men, they begin to lose their femininity. But Allah describes the male and the female by using the analogy of the night and the day. Listen to Him! [The 92nd Sura, al- Layl [The Night], verses ]

He takes an oath by the night and that which it shrouds 
and covers so mysteriously, so beautifully

He takes an oath by the day and its bright powerful light

That, in the same way that Allah has created the night and the day; 
so to, did He create the male and the female.

Allah wants the day to be day and He wants the night to be night. When the day is day and the night is night, do you notice the attraction?  How much they are attracted  to each other! When the day is coming to an end and  it  is  approaching  the  night  do  you  notice  the  anxiety   and  the enthusiasm? How the day paints the sky in so many colours. Are you blind, don’t you see it? When the day reaches the night, the day plunges itself into the arms of the night. A rush of a plunge, into the arms of the night!  It happens every sunset. Then the day spends the night with the night. There is a time for rest, sleep, love, worship and meditation; and then the time comes to say goodbye. The day must say goodbye to the night but the night doesn’t want the day to go. So the night holds on to the day and only one ray of light comes out and then a second ray and a third ray of light; slowly, slowly,  slowly  the  light  comes  out  in  the  morning. How  different  from sunset. So when the day is day and the night is night there will be intense attraction  between  the  day  and the  night.  It  is because  of that  intense attraction  there  is a forbidden space  between  a man and a woman. The forbidden space is not just physical; but also psychological and sociological. It should not be invaded,  because  of the intense attraction  that  there is between the male and the female. But when the night tries to become day, the night will no longer be truly night. The day will no longer be attracted to the night. When the night is rivaling the day, in the workplace, it’s now an adversarial relationship not attraction. When the day is no longer attracted to the night what will happen? Its not what will happen but what is already happening. The  day  will now mate  with the  day. Wherever  the  modern feminist revolution and its struggle for women’s liberation have taken roots the necessary  corollary has always been homosexuality. But that is not our subject tonight. The slave woman is still down there and we want to know how a slave woman will give birth to her mistress. When the night tries to become day not only does the night lose her femininity, but she loses something else. She loses her fertility.   She can’t have  babies. But she is traveling  first class, remember! So then how will babies come? Eventually, the answer is the slave woman down there who is to poor to try and become day. So her womb is still fertile. This womb will now become a factory and she will be paid for her services. For nine months she will live like a queen. No genetically  reengineered food for her but real food. No milk and meat with hormones, that’s for the rest. So for nine months she lives like a queen. When the baby is born, baby goes first class and mum goes back down in the hold. So a slave  woman has given birth to her mistress and it has already started. While the scholars of Islam have been eating halva, it has already started. 

We are living now in the Last Age.  The only ones, who can read and understand and penetrate the last age, realize the reality of the world around them today; are who see with two eyes not one. Who in addition to the effort that they make to acquire knowledge externally -that effort has to be  made-  they  also  are  blessed  with  the  capacity  for internally  derived knowledge. When these two oceans of knowledge come together then they can understand, and penetrate the reality of the world in which we live in today. This has been an introduction to Islamic Spirituality, The Forgotten Path of Knowledge, to you.

We pray that Allah  may grant that tonights humble lecture  may be a wake up call, and that we may return to this important branch of knowledge and to this effort which must be made which will realize it.

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