
Saturday 7 August 2021

The Prohibition of Riba in Quran and Sunnah Conclusion

Being an explanation of the Islamic prohibition of riba (i.e. borrowing and lending on interest. among other things) and an effort:

to remind Muslims of the teachings of the Qur’an and the Sunnah as they pertain to the prohibition of riba and in particular that a violation of this prohibition constitutes a great sin;

to expose the grand design of hostile forces who have already made considerable progress, through riba in gaining control over mankind. Their aim is to gain total control and to use that power to destroy faith in Allah;

to assist Muslims to get out of direct involvement in riba and thus to preserve their faith (Imaan) while recognizing that it is today impossible to live a life which is completely free from riba.

to explain the economic Sunnah (i.e. the Sunnah as it pertains to economic affairs) and in particular the nature of the free and fair market and the different ways through which that market has today been tonally corrupted.

to warn Muslims of the inevitable collapse of the present fraudulent system of non-redeemable artificial money, i.e. paper plastic and electronic money; and to encourage them to return to the use of the real money created by Allah i.e. gold and silver coins or any other real money;

to contribute towards the restoration of the free and fair market (with a different business ethics to that of riba-based capitalism) by encouraging ba’i (business) in the place of riba and raising of capital by way of mudarabah and musharaqa) investments rather than bank loans on interest.

That time has now arrived! 

Islam declares that the oppressed have the right to resort to force in their struggle for liberation from all forms of oppression, including economic oppression! No law can take away that right from them.

This work has exposed the many forms of riba to be the most destructive forces at work corrupting and destroying the free and fair market. Riba should be recognized as the curse of business and trade, - and as systematically destroying the collective benefits which are derived from business and trade. The injustices involved in riba are both enormous and dangerous. It breaks up, for example, the unity and fraternity of the social order and creates class hatred, violence, chaos etc. or what the Qur’an describes as fitan.

The prevalence of riba in the world today further confirms that we now live in the age of fitan (evil) which the Prophet (s) prophesied to be the last age before qiyamah (the end of the world). How should a Muslim live in the age of fitan? A companion of the Prophet (s) named Hudhaifa asked the Prophet about the age of evil and how we should live in that age. This was his reply:

Among the Signs of the last day as described by Allah's Messenger to his companion, Hudhaifa, is the following: People will follow a Sunnah other than mine and give guidance other than mine, so you will find in them both something to acknowledge and something to reject. I asked whether there would be any evil after that good and he replied. Yes, there will be people who summon others at the gates of jahannam into which they will cast those who respond to them. I asked Allah's Messenger to describe them to us and he said: They will be of our stock and speak like us. I asked: what command he had to give me if that happened in my time and he replied: You must adhere to the jama'at.

The Prohibition of Riba (Interest) by Imran Hosein

The Prohibition of Riba (Interest) (Q&A) by Imran Hosein

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