
Saturday 21 August 2021

Dajjal and Islamic Spirituality The Forgotten Path

Islamic Spirituality - The Forgotten Path
A lecture delivered by Maulana Imran Nazar Hosein
at the Maulana Abd al-Aleem  Siddiqui Masjid, Singapore
Dajjal see with one eye, his left eye. The left eye symbolizes his external capacity for sight. Dajjal is blind in the right eye; indicating that Dajjal is internally blind. Therefore all those that follow Dajjal will all be internally blind. What is the price that  we pay if we are internally  blind? PhD from university  of Singapore!  But inside, blind. What is the price that we pay? Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala declares that huge numbers of people are condemned for the hellfire. What did they do that they are condemned for the hellfire?
[The 7th Sura, al-Araaf [The Heights], Verse 179]

They have hearts but they cannot understand.
They have eyes but they cannot see.
They have ears but they cannot hear.

The people who are internally blind are a people who in the age of Dajjal are destined for the hellfire. How does Allah describe such people?  He says: [The 7th Sura, al-Araaf [The Heights], Verse 179]

They are just like cattle

What! With a PhD? Yes! They are just like cattle.

Rather! They are more misguided than cattle.

These are the ones that are truly heedless.

Heedless of the signs of Allah !

This is our introduction to Spirituality in Islam. Spirituality is the path through which the heart comes alive. When the heart comes alive, then it can see; and hear; and understand that which rationality can never penetrate.  Allah sent down in the Holy Quraan the 18th  Sura, Kahf (The  Cave).  The Holy Prophet identified this Sura as the only Sura in the Holy Quraan which protects  from Dajjal. Recite the first ten verses of Sura, Kahf over Dajjal and he wont be able to harm  you.  He  also  said  something  else  about  Sura,  Kahf.  You  know  these (physical)  eyes can’t see unless there is light. Similarly this eye (spiritual eye of the heart) cant see without Nur. You can’t buy nur in the stock market. Where does the Nur come from?
[The 24th Sura, al-Nur (The Light), Verse 35]

Allah encompasses the totality of the Nur
in the Heaven and the Earth

You cannot get nur other than from Allah . Not even from the Security Council of the UN. So we need nur, if we are to be protected from Dajjal; and therefore to be able to see with the internal eye, because  he does not see with the internal eye-.   He said recite Sura Kahf on a Friday3  and it will deliver to you nur from the heavens to the earth and that nur will stay with you until the next Friday. So now I ask you to raise your hands. Let me see how many people have recited Sura al-Kahf last Friday. What happened to your hands? Something wrong? This is the dearest Masjid in the whole of Singapore for me. Fourteen years ago when I came to Singapore for the first time I came as a guest of this Masjid. I lectured here first and I slept at the room at the back. So this Masjid is the dearest of all. It is named after Maulana Abd al-Aleem  Siddiqui τ. Do you know who he was? My teacher, my shaykh,  my murshid  was Maulana Dr. Muhammad Fazlur Rahman Ansari τ whose masterpiece, the two volumes The Quraanic Foundations and Structure of Muslim Society is now available. His teacher, his shaykh, his murshid was Maulana Abd al-Aleem  Siddiqui τ. So I am the second generation from him. So next time I come I want to see your hands raised that you are now reciting Sura al-Kahf every Friday without failure.

Note 3 The Holy Prophet said: Whoever would read Sura Al-Kahf on Friday it would provide him of light for the duration between the two Fridays”. It was reported by 'Al-Hakim, page 564 of volume 1 who said that it was of sound ascription.

 to be continued  . . . .

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