
Saturday 12 June 2021



The corporate world of the capitalist economy has no concern with values. It worships the idol of profits. This explains the sordid behavior of the tobacco companies. This also explains the support given to the white South African government by the corporate world of Euro-capitalism all through the years when the rest of mankind was struggling against apartheid. It also explains their support for Israel.

Such a corporate world would never attempt to challenge the movement towards increase of profits (in the production of food) through the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, genetic engineering etc. Yet when milk is produced through altering the hormones in cows, as with all other products of genetic engineering when applied to food, it can alter the composition of food and lead, among other things. To a loss of chemo-preventative agents in food which can prevent, cancer, for example. The following letter to the Editor of an American newspaper published in 1994 is revealing;

Genes Tell Story Why Some Get Cancer While Others Don’t (Science Times. May 17) is on track. Not only are there markers to indicate where a specific alteration in DNA is, but there are assays which may indicate the degree of DNA damage. There may also be chemo-preventative agents to repair damaged DNA before the cell divides and thus prevent the mutations that may cause cancer.

Perhaps we will find more chemo-preventative agents occurring naturally in foods than laboratories can ever produce.

Carlyle Milter MD.
President, Cancer Prevention Research Institute, New York

The lesson which emerges from this letter is that we should consume only that food which is pure and which, as a consequence, has been produced the natural way. But the natural way of production is labor intensive. As a consequence, food which as produced the natural way is more expensive to produce and is thus becoming increasingly scarce. Corporate farming pursues profit through chemical pesticides, genetic engineering etc. An opportunity has presented itself for Muslims to enter into the field of food production to produce food which is pure. That would be food which is produced the natural way, i.e. organic farming. It will surely cost more to produce, but it will be healthy food which, will prevent cancer. By making such food available to Americans, and themselves consuming such food. Muslims will advance the cause of Islam in USA through the elimination of one of the major causes of illness in modem secular society.

A project of food production represents an opportunity for Muslims to intervene in the name of Islam, the religion, of nature, to provide that food which is pure and which has been produced in accordance with nature (i.e. organic fanning). Such food can thus function as nature intended:

i) as a source of nutrition and energy.

ii) as a cure for certain illnesses, and

iii) as a preventative for diseases such as cancer.

Americans, who are increasingly exposed to the growing risks of cancer (in particular breast cancer) would respond with gratitude to Muslims for such a project. In the process of intervening in such a positive way in the life of this country. Muslims can achieve some success in counteracting the negative publicity which the Jewish-controlled media is constantly using to demonize Islam and Muslims. 


Abu Sa'eed reported Allah’s Messenger as saying. The best wealth which a Muslim can possess (i.e. in the time of fitan) will soon be sheep which he will take to the sides of hills and to places where rain falls, fleeing with his religion from civil strife.

Abu Bakar reported Allah’s Messenger as saying: Commotions (insurgence) will arise after which other commotions will arise, and then there will be a period of commotions in which the one who sits will be better than the one who walks, and the one who walks is better than the one who runs to it. When that happens he who has camels should remain with his camels, and he who has sheep should remain with his sheep, and he who has land should remain with his land.

Please note the great wisdom in this advice. When Muslims resort to dairy and food farming, it not only ensures them provision of sustenance, but also, food which is not contaminated by chemicals and hormone injections etc. Additionally, those whose wealth is in animals and land will not be ripped off by the constantly decreasing real value of wages, the constantly falling value of paper money and the concomitant constantly rising prices.

They will sell neither their animals nor their land, and hence their wealth will be preserved. It is those whose labor is paid for in paper money or who must sell their goods or properties for less and less, who will grow poorer and poorer, and eventually end up in debt and working for slave wage. Others will live off their sweat.

The owners of animals, and of land, who stick to the land, will not only deny the predatory elite the opportunity to exploit them, but they can even increase their wealth if Allah the Most Gracious, blesses their flocks and herds with manifold increase.

The wisdom in the advice of sticking to land and to animals is also to be found in the doubt which will attend all livelihood which is earned in a totally corrupted economy. When the entire system is ripping of an individual, then that individual may end up being forced to rip off others in order to earn his livelihood .And this is precisely what happens when a business, operating from a high-priced rental property, for example, pays to an adult man who is employed full-time, a wage which is insufficient for him to minimally maintain himself and his family. When that happens then the system would have succeeded in its quest to destroy the faith of all of mankind.

Muslims who read this hook should think seriously about disposing of assets find buying farmland and animals with the cash obtained.
to be continued . . . . 

The Prohibition of Riba (Interest) by Imran Hosein

The Prohibition of Riba (Interest) (Q&A) by Imran Hosein

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