
Saturday 15 May 2021

Helping to pay the debts of others


Muslim communities around the world should embark on projects of public education and mobilization not only for warning Muslims about the peril of entering into debts but also, for assisting those in greatest need in order that they may have relief from the burden of debt.

Thus the Prophet (s) encouraged Muslims to help pay the debts of brother Muslims who bad debts they could not pay, or may have died without being able to pay:

Abu Said al-Khudri reported that the Prophet responded when Ali ibn Abi Talib paid the debt of a Muslim who had died with debts by saying: May Allah redeem your pledges from hell as you have redeemed the pledges of your brother Muslim! No Muslim will discharge his brother's debt without Allah redeeming his pledges on the day of resurrection.
(Sharh As-Sunnah)

Imran bin Husain reported Allah's Messenger as saying: When anyone has something due to him from another he will be credited with sadaqa for every day he allows the other to postpone

Sumarah said: The Prophet asked: Is there anyone from such-and-such a tribe present? No one replied. Again he asked. Again no one replied. Then again he asked. Then a man said: I am here Oh Prophet. He asked What prevented you from replying the first two times? I wish to tell you something good. Your companion had been detained from entering paradise on account of a debt. Then l saw that the debt was paid off (by you) and there remained no one to demand from him anything-
(Abu Daud)

Jabir said: The Prophet would not say funeral prayers over a person who died with a debt. A janaza was brought and he asked: Did he have debts? They said: Yes! Two dirhams. He said: Pray over your companion. Abu Qaiadah al-Ansari said: I will pay the debt. The Prophet then prayed. When Allah granted conquests to the Prophet he said: I am nearer to every believer than himself if anyone dies and leaves a debt I shall be responsible for paying it. And if anyone leaves property it is for his heirs.
(Abu Daud)

In the process of educating and convincing Muslims to make every effort to extricate themselves from debt, and in the process of assisting them to do so. Muslim community educational programs will be making considerable progress towards extricating Muslims from riba.

to be continued . . . . 

The Prohibition of Riba (Interest) by Imran Hosein

The Prohibition of Riba (Interest) (Q&A) by Imran Hosein

1 comment:

  1. Makam muslim Awesome article, it was exceptionally helpful! I simply began in this and I'm becoming more acquainted with it better! Cheers, keep doing awesome!
