
Saturday 29 May 2021

Austerity and the economic Sunnah


Muslims must be advised to adopt that life of moderation, simplicity and austerity which is the essence of the economic Sunnah, and which not only makes it possible to extricate themselves from debt and riba but also, makes savings possible. And so, a major element in the overall strategy against riba must be the inculcation of the economic Sunnah as it relates to simplicity, austerity and moderation in living. Such a lifestyle is not possible for those given to excessive consumption, an example of which is commonly found in overeating. And so the Qur’an warns, with language of great severity, against such:

Eat of the good (and wholesome) things which We have provided for your sustenance. but commit no excess therein, lest My wrath should justly descend on you; and those on whom My wrath descends surely perish.
(Qur’an; Ta Ha;-20:81)

... and eat and drink but do not be immoderate or intemperate: verily He does not love those who are immoderate or intemperate.
(Qur’an: al-'Araf-7:31)

Abu Hurairah reported Allah's Messenger as saying. My Lord has given me nine commands - 
to fear Allah in private and in public; 
to speak justly both when angry and when pleased; 
to show moderation both when poor and when rich; 
to reunite friendship with those who have broken it off with me; 
to give to him who refuses me; 
to forgive him who has wronged me; 
that my silence should be occupied with thought: 
that my utterance should be occupied with mention of Allah; 
that my looking should be an admonition; 
and that I should command what is good and virtuous.

The Prophet (s) is also reported to have said:
Each one of us does not need more, in this world, than the provisions which a traveler takes with him on a journey.

How much, we well may ask, did he, the Messenger of Allah the Most High, take with him during his journey of life?

Aisha said that Muhammad's family did not have enough barley-bread to satisfy them on two consecutive days up to the time when Allah's Messenger was taken in death.
(Bukhari, Muslim)

Sa'id al-Maqburi quoted Abu Hurairah to the effect that when he passed some people who had a roasted sheep in front of them and invited him to eat, he refused to do so, saying: Allah’s Messenger left this world without ever having had a full meal of barley bread.

Anas said that he took some barley bread and rancid fat to the Prophet who had given a coat-of-mail of his to a Jew in Madinah and received from him some barley for his family. The transmitter reported that he heard Anas say Muhammad's family had in the evening a sa of wheat or a sa of grain, yet he had nine wives.

Umar said that he went in to see Allah's Messenger and found him lying on a reed mat with no sheet between him and it, with marks of the mat on his side, and supporting himself on a leather cushion stuffed with palm fibers. I said: Messenger of Allah, pray to Allah to enrich your people, for He has enriched the Persians and the Byzantines, yet they do not worship Allah. He replied: Is that how you feel, Ibn Khattab? These people have been given their good things in advance in the present world. 
A version has: Are you not pleased that they should have the present world and we should have the next?
(Bukhari, Muslim)

Mu'adh bin Jabal said that when Allah's Messenger sent him to Yemen he Said Beware of living extravagantly (or sumptuously), far Allah's servants do not live extravagantly.

Ali reported Allah's Messenger as saying: If anyone is satisfied with small provisions from Allah, Allah will be satisfied with a few good deeds from him.

to be continued . . . . 

The Prohibition of Riba (Interest) by Imran Hosein

The Prohibition of Riba (Interest) (Q&A) by Imran Hosein

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