
Saturday 20 February 2021

The Prohibition of Riba in the Sunnah




The Prophet (Allah's blessings be upon him) emphasized the extreme danger inherent in riba by himself using the strongest possible language in order to warn mankind and Muslims about it He said:

Abu Huraira said that the Messenger of Allah said: Riba is of seventy different kinds the least grave being equivalent to a man marrying (i.e. having sexual intercourse with) his own mother.
(Ibn Majah, Baihaqi)

(I know of people who have accumulated wealth through riba and who, instead of responding with terror in their hearts, are highly offended by the above hadith).

Abdullah Ibn Hanzala reported that the Messenger of Allah said: A dirham (silver coin) of riba, which a man receives knowingly is worse than committing adultery thirty-six times.

Baihaqi transmitted it, on the authority of Ibn Abbas, with the addition that the Prophet continued to say: Hell is more fitting for him whose flesh is nourished by what is haram.

Abu Hurairah reported Allah's Messenger as saying; On the night I was taken up to heaven I came upon people whose bellies were like houses which contained snakes which could be seen from outside their bellies. I asked Gabriel who they were and he told me that they were people who had consumed riba.
(Ahmad, Ibn Majah)

Abu Huraira reported that the prophet said; Allah would be justified in not allowing four persons (i.e. four kinds of people) to enter paradise or to taste its blessings: he who drinks habitually, he who takes riba, he who usurps an orphan’s property without right and he who is unmindful to his parents.
(Mustadrak al-Hakim. Kitab al-Buyu'}

Samara bin Jundab reported that the Messenger of Allah said. This night I dreamt that two men came and took me to a holy land whence we proceeded on till we reached a river of blood, where a man was standing and on its bank was standing another man with stones in his hand. The man in the middle of the river tried to come out, but the other threw a stone in his mouth and forced him to go back to his original place. Whenever he tried to come out the other would throw a stone in his mouth and force him to go back. I asked: who is this? I was told: The person in the river was one who consumed riba.

We are here reminded of an incident which occurred at an Egyptian cemetery in late seventies and which was narrated by the late blind Egyptian Shaikh, Abdul Hameed Kishk, in one of his public lectures (before the Egyptian government shamelessly silenced him). Here is the story:

An Egyptian grave-digger does not always have to dig a grave. He sometimes only opens vaults into which dead bodies are placed. This is recognized as a form of burial. After the dead body has been interred, the door of the vault is sealed until the next dead body arrives.

Shaikh Kishk narrated the incident in which a grave-digger was one day on a routine job of opening a vault and preparing it to receive a dead body. The funeral was to take place later in the day arid so the vault had to be prepared. As he opened the door he was terrified to see a huge snake inside the vault. He quickly shut the door of that vault and fled in terror! After regaining his composure he attempted to open another vault, and again the same huge snake was inside. Again he fled in terror, but since he had a job to perform for his very livelihood, and a limited amount of time at his disposal to prepare the vault for the burial, he was forced to return and to open a third vault. When he found the same snake in the third vault as well his exasperation knew no limits. His terror gave way to anger. He spoke to the snake and demanded that he be allowed to bury the dead. The snake appeared to understand what was spoken for it promptly left the vault. The moment the burial was completed however, and the vault was about to be closed; the snake reappeared and dashed into the vault just as it was being closed. As the door of the vault came down the grave-digger heard the jaws of the snake crunching the very bones of the dead man.

The grave-digger was certain that there must be an explanation for that horrible scene he had witnessed. He inquired from the dead man’s family as to his way of life and his means of livelihood and was told that the dead man was a money-lender who lent money on interest (riba) and consumed the riba he derived from his loans. Through lending money on interest he had been able to amass a fortune! For this reason a snake from the hell-fire was waiting for him in his grave, and the punishment of Allah, the Most High, was truly dreadful. That was the story!

The ahadith of the Prophet which we have quoted have amply demonstrated the extent of the divine anger at the oppression caused through riba.

The Prophet (s) also reaffirmed the declaration of war from Allah the Most High, and His Messenger in connection with the prohibition of riba in the following hadith:

Jabir bin Abdullah said: I heard the Messenger of Allah say: If any one of you does not leave mukhabarah he should take notice of war from Allah and His Messenger. Zaid bin Thabit said: I asked: What is mukhabarah? He replied: That you have the band for cultivation for a half, a third, or a quarter (of the produce). (The danger here is that it leads, deceptively, to slave labor).
(Abu Daud)

The above hadith should open the eyes of the reader to the enormous dangers involved in riba. It can lead to slavery. Most of the arable land in Pakistan is owned by big absentee landlords. They employ peasant labor to cultivate the land and ensure that such labor is not only permanently available, but is available to them at a heavily discounted price. They employ the system of mukhabarah for literally imprisoning the peasants in a system of permanent poverty. That is riba. And it has produced a system of slavery in Pakistan. If ever the Islamic Movement wins power in Pakistan it will have to move quickly and forcefully to dispossess the big absentee landlords of their tide to the agricultural lands of Pakistan.

It should be clear from the statements of the Prophet presented above that the subject of the prohibition of riba is of supreme importance. Riba poses the gravest of all dangers to which the ummah of the Prophet (s) is exposed today. Nearly every other danger pales into insignificance when compared with it.

to be continued . . . . 

The Prohibition of Riba (Interest) by Imran Hosein

The Prohibition of Riba (Interest) (Q&A) by Imran Hosein

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