
Saturday 23 January 2021

Jewish rejection of Muhammad and of the Qur'anic prohibition of riba lead to the creation by Allah (swt) of a new ummah


The chronological sequence of Qur’anic revelations as they pertain to the change in Qiblah (direction of prayer), the promulgation of compulsory saum (fasting), the promulgation of Qital (fighting), the denunciation of the Jews for consuming riba, and the Qur’anic revelation prohibiting riba, appear all to be chronologically related to the Jewish response towards the Prophet (s) and his message.

On arrival in Madinah after the Hijrah, the blessed Prophet (s) did two things which were profoundly significant for Christians and Jews. Firstly he performed his prayers (salaat) while facing in the direction of Jerusalem, and ordered all his followers to do likewise. The Jews held Jerusalem to be their spiritual capital (and Qiblah). The Christian attachment to Jerusalem was so profound that Euro-Christianity waged, in the medieval age, several crusades (holy wars) in an attempt to wrest control of the city from Muslims. In establishing Jerusalem as the first Qiblah of the Muslims. Prophet Muhammad (s) dramatically impressed upon the Jews and Christians his link with the following:

·         David and Solomon who, as Prophet-Kings, had established the holy city of Jerusalem.

·         The Temple built by Solomon (masjid al-aqsa),

·    The Rock (sakhrah) which Jews find Christiana held to be sacred because of their (erroneous) belief that it was associated with Abraham’s momentous sacrifice (the original reason for it being sacred appears to have been because it was selected by Allah the Most High, Himself to function in the same capacity as the black stone at the kaaba).

·         The Truth which had been preached by Abraham, David, Solomon, Moses, Jesus,  etc. (Allah's blessings be upon them)

Secondly the Prophet (s) fasted with the Jews on those days when they fasted. And he fasted in accordance with the law of the Torah. Thus as stated earlier, the fast commenced after the night prayer and did not end until the next night. And during the time of fasting food, drink and sex were prohibited.

The Jewish law can still be located today in Leviticus (3:26-32) where, in respect of the Day of Atonement (youm kippur), the Torah states as follows:

It shall be a sabbath of complete rest for you and you shall practice self-denial (i.e. fasting); on the ninth day of the month at evening, from evening to evening, you shall observe this your sabbath.

The decision by the Prophet (s) to fast with the Jews served to reinforce the previous decision (to pray in the direction of Jerusalem) in impressing upon the Jews in Madinah (and Christians in Palestine, Syria, South Arabia and Abyssinia) that he recognized the Torah as divine revelation.

Our assessment is that these acts of the Prophet (s) were supposed to facilitate Jewish assessment and acceptance of his claim to be the Prophet of Allah the Most High, whose advent was prophesied by Moses (s). And Allah the Most High, knows best!

Shortly after the arrival of the Prophet (s) in Madinah the Jewish rejection of his Prophethood became manifest. The event which triggered their open hostility and which exposed in public what was concealed in their hearts for some time, was the conversion to Islam of their learned Rabbi, Husain ibn Salaam, Rabbi of the Jewish tribe of Banu Qainuqa.

Husain Ibn Salaam, who was renamed Abdullah ibn Salaam by the Prophet (s), came with his entire family to the Arab Prophet (s) and took the shahadah, thus recognizing Muhammad (s) as the awaited Messenger of Allah the Most High, whom the Jews were expecting. In doing so he affirmed, of course, that Allah the Most High, had chosen, as His final messenger, one who was not a Jew. The implication of this was that Allah the Most High, in His final chapter of revealed Truth. i.e. the appointment of the last Prophet and the revelation of the last scripture, had turned away from the Jews on account of their wickedness. With the acceptance of the prophethood of Muhammad (s), the Arab, by their own learned Rabbi, the moment of truth had arrived for the Jewish people. And this was the bitter truth. Allah the Most High, had fulfilled His promise to Abraham - I will make thee an Imam (leader) to mankind. Abraham had responded by asking whether that promise would also include his progeny. And to that question Allah the Most High, had responded with the statement: My promise will certainly not extend to the wicked (from your progeny). (Qur’an al-Baqarah;- 2:124).

Allah the Most High, turned away from the Jews when appointing His last Prophet (s), and it was this which was so unpalatable. i.e. the fulfillment of the warning: My promise will not embrace the wicked (from your offspring), (2:124). The majority of the Jewish people had committed enormous acts of wickedness. Allah the Most High, recounted some of those acts of wickedness:

We commanded them: Transgress not in the matter of the Sabbath. And We took from them a solemn covenant. They have incurred divine displeasure in that they broke their Covenant; that they rejected the Signs of Allah; that they slew the Messengers (of Allah) in defiance of right; that they said; Our hearts are wrappings (which preserve Allah's Words - We need no more); - nay Allah has set a seal on their hearts because of their blasphemy and little is it they believe.

That they rejected faith; that they uttered against Mary a terribly false charge, (i.e. that she fornicated and as a consequence, that Jesus was a bastard child!)

That they said (in boast): We killed Christ Jesus the Son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah . . . (i.e. the bastard child of Mary the fornicator, who dared to claim that he was the Messiah).

Because of the wickedness of the Jews We have made unlawful for them (many) good things which previously had been lawful for them. (We have done this also) because they obstructed (and led astray) so many from the Path of Allah.

And (because) they took usury (riba) although they were prohibited from doing so; and because they cheated people of their wealth (through a system of legalized theft )...
(Qur’an: al-Baqarah; 2:154-161)

When Abdullah ibn Salaam recognized Muhammad (s) as the Prophet of Allah the Most High, he was able to swallow national pride and embrace the divine verdict against the Jews. The Qur’an affirms that the Jews also, were all able to recognize that which their Rabbi affirmed;

The people of the Book know this (that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah} as they know their own sons.
(Qur’an : al-Baqarah.-2:146)

The Jew's could not reconcile themselves to the fact that the long-awaited Prophet was not a Jew from Banu Israil. He was an Arab. What must have truly shaken them was the verdict that their wickedness had caused this. And the Qur’an declared the Jewish consumption of riba to be one of their many acts of wickedness.

When Abdullah ibn Salaam took the shahadah (declaration of faith in Islam) and recognized Muhammad (s) as the Prophet of Allah the Most High, he expressed his fear to the Prophet (s} that the Jews would accuse him of being a liar if they were to learn that he had become a Muslim. The Prophet (s) waited until some Jews came to him and he then questioned them concerning their Rabbi. They replied: He is the best amongst us and he is our chief and the son of our chief. The Prophet (s) then asked: What would you think if Abdullah bin Salaam embraced Islam? They replied: May Allah the Most High, protect him from this! Then Abdullah came out before them and announced: I testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah the Most High, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah the Most High. The Jews then said: Abdullah is the worst of us and the son of the worst of us and cursed their Rabbi, insulted him, vilified him and in doing so, poured out all their pent-up and concealed hatred for Muhammad (s) and for the Qur’an.

The Jews not only made manifest their rejection of Muhammad (s), the Prophet, and the Qur’an, the Word of Allah the Most High, but their hostility led them to now conspire for the destruction of Islam. Allah the Most High, responded to the Jewish rejection of, and hostility to the Prophet (s) with revelations of great significance indeed. First of all He condemned them in very harsh language:

Will you then, O Jews, every time a prophet comes to you with what you yourselves do not like, you take to false pride and arrogantly reject some and kill others? They rationalize and seek to excuse themselves by admitting to dimness of vision. Allah, however, curses them for their disbelief. Little are they convinced of the Truth. And when the Book which came from Allah and which confirmed their own scripture was - brought to them and invoked for their own benefit, they denied it. Hitherto they were boasting of such revelation and deriding the disbelievers (who did not believe in One God, for example) for not receiving any. Now that the same Truth which they had known beforehand has come to them from Allah, they reject it. Allah's curse will surely fall upon the disbelievers (who reject the Qur’an).
(Qur’an: al-Baqarah 2:87-89)

It was shortly after this, in the month of Shaban in the year 2 H, after the Muslims had prayed in the direction of Jerusalem for seventeen months that Allah the Most High, sent down the revelation ordering the Muslims to pray in the direction of the ka’aba in Makkah. Allah the Most High, explained the purpose of the change in Qiblah:

We decreed your former Qiblah only in order that We might shift the true followers of the Messenger of Allah from the apostates and deceptors.
(Qur’an: al-Baqarah:-2:143)

And so a new ummah was born. And it excluded those who rejected Muhammad (s) and clung to Jerusalem as the Qiblah. At this time also, Allah the Most High, made fighting (al-qital) compulsory. And then, in order to teach the lesson that power must first he acquired internally before it can be projected externally on the battlefield. Allah the Most High, sent down the compulsory fast of Ramadan. Then, in a revelation located immediately after the revelation which promulgated the fast of Ramadan and which therefore came down in the month of Shaban in the year 2H. Allah, the Most High repeated His warning to the Muslims in connection with the economic oppression caused by riba for which He had just condemned the Jews:

And do not (through riba and other form of fraudulent transactions) wrongfully acquire the wealth of others nor employ legal artifices with a view to devouring sinfully and knowingly, anything that by right belongs to others.
(Qur’an al-Baqarah- 2:188)

And so our conclusion is that the Jewish rejection of the Qur’anic prohibition of riba and the Jewish insistence on the consumption of riba played a major role in their rejection of the prophethood of Muhammad (s). And as a direct consequence of their rejection of Muhammad (s) Allah the Most High, responded by creating a last new religious community (ummah) which would be among other things. a riba -free model unto mankind. Allah, the Most High, also warned the Blessed Prophet (s) and the Muslims concerning the Jews and the distinct possibility that they will seek to seduce Muslims away from the Truth, such as the Qur’anic prohibition of riba:

Take care lest they sway you away from some of the revelations made to you. If they turn away from you, know that Allah in pushing them for some of their misdeeds. Most of them are immoral ....
(Qur’an: al-Mai’dah 5:49-50)

It must therefore be recognized that the embrace of riba by the contemporary ummah constitutes the ultimate betrayal of Islam!

to be continued . . . . 

The Prohibition of Riba (Interest) by Imran Hosein

The Prohibition of Riba (Interest) (Q&A) by Imran Hosein

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