
Saturday 21 November 2020

The Prohibition of Riba in the Qur'an



The Divine wisdom established, through the process of the gradual revelation of the Qur’an, a stage-by-stage method for dealing with the subject of the prohibition of riba. It consisted of three distinct stages:

Stage 1 - Education concerning the evil of riba, but with no legislation prohibiting riba; the language which is used is mild, not fearsome and its basic purpose is to teach;

Stage 2 - Legislation prohibiting riba while yet refraining from a retro-active enforcement of the legislation; - process of education also continued; the language which is now used is more graphic, - the believers are expected to be able to recognize the rip off that is riba;

Stage 3 - Retro-active enforcement of the legislation prohibiting riba;
- Sanction for waging war to eradicate riba;
- Debt relief;
- Process of education continued

In fact there was much similarity between this and the divine method employed for prohibiting the consumption of intoxicants, for prohibiting gambling and for dealing with the institution of slavery. As a consequence, a study of the methods employed in the Qur’an for prohibiting intoxicants and gambling, and for dealing with slavery, would yield very useful knowledge for an understanding, of the method used by the Qur’an for the prohibition and eradication of riba.

It is important that the Islamic Movement pay serious attention to this stage-by-stage divine method of dealing with riba. If Pakistan were to embark on an effort to eradicate riba from the economy, the effort would easily end in failure if it does not commence with a massive campaign of skillfully designed public education. 
to be continued . . . . 

The Prohibition of Riba (Interest) by Imran Hosein

The Prohibition of Riba (Interest) (Q&A) by Imran Hosein

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