
Saturday 3 October 2020

The Prohibition of Riba in Quran and Sunnah Preface


Thou shall not steal
Exodus 20:13

Director of Islamic Studies
Joint Committee of Muslim Organizations
Of Greater New York

Director of Da’wah
Tanzeem-e-Islami of North America.

Published by
Umma vision Sdn. Bhd.
Kaula Lumpur. Malaysia

Copyrights: Imran N. Hosein
First Published 1997 by
Masjid Darul Qur’an.
Long Island. New York. USA

This Edition Published by
Ummavision Sdn. Bhd.
P. O. Box 11123
50736 Kuala Lumpur


to my father
Ibrahim N. Hosein

the village school master
in the Caribbean island of Trinidad
Who taught me to love Islam

May Allah have mercy on his soul

A m e e n!


Being an explanation of the Islamic prohibition of riba (i.e. borrowing and lending on interest. among other things) and an effort:

to remind Muslims of the teachings of the Qur’an and the Sunnah as they pertain to the prohibition of riba and in particular that a violation of this prohibition constitutes a great sin;

to expose the grand design of hostile forces who have already made considerable progress, through riba in gaining control over mankind. Their aim is to gain total control and to use that power to destroy forth in Allah;

to assist Muslims to get out of direct involvement in riba and thus to preserve their faith (Imaan) while recognizing that it is today impossible to live a life which is completely free from riba.

to explain the economic Sunnah (i.e. the Sunnah as it pertains to economic affairs) and in particular the nature of the free and fair market and the different ways through which that market has today been totally corrupted.

to warn Muslims of the inevitable collapse of the present fraudulent system of non-redeemable artificial money, i.e. paper plastic and electronic money; and to encourage them to return to the use of the real money created by Allah i.e. gold and silver coins or any other real money;

to contribute towards the restoration of the free and fair market (with a different business ethics to that of riba-based capitalism) by encouraging ba’i (business) in the place of riba and raising of capital by way of mudarabah and musharaqa investments rather than bank loans on interest.

That time has now arrived!


Imran N. Hosein was born in Trinidad. West Indies, in 1942. He studied Islam under the guidance of the distinguished Islamic scholar and Sufi Shaikh, Maulana Dr. Muhammad Fadlur Rahman Ansari (Al-Qaderi), at the Aleemiyah Institute Of Islamic Studies, Karachi, Pakistan. He also did post graduate studies in Philosophy at Karachi University and in International Relations at the University of the West Indies, Trinidad and the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, Switzerland.

A former Foreign Service Officer in the Trinidad and Tobago Foreign Service. He resigned his job in 1985 to devote his life to the mission of Islam. He was appointed Principal of the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies Pakistan, a position he held until 1988. In 1989 he migrated to USA and was appointed Director of the Institute for Islamic Education and Research in Miami, Florida. Since 1991 he has worked in New York as Director of Islamic Studies for the Joint Committee of Muslim Organizations of Greater New York. This included the Islamic Community of the United Nations at the UN headquarters in Manhattan, NY, where he has conducted the Friday congregational prayers once monthly for six years. In December 1996 he was appointed by Dr. Israr Ahmad as Director of Da’wah for Tanzeem-e-Islami of North America.

He has traveled extensively in the cause of Islam visiting South East Asia, for example, seven times since 1988 on Islamic lecture tours. He has recently completed a full year of service to the cause of Islam in the Caribbean islands of Grenada, Tobago and Trinidad.

As an author in Comparative Religion he has produced a seminal work on ‘Islam and Buddhism in the Modem World’ published in Pakistan in 1972. His works on Islam and International Relations includes ‘Diplomacy in Islam - An Analysis of the Treaty of Hudaibiyah’. A collection of his writings was published in Singapore in 1991 under the title ‘Islam and the Changing World Order’.

His most recent works published in 1997 in the Ansari Memorial Series (which commemorate. the 25th death anniversary of Dr Ansari), are:-
‘The Importance of the Prohibition of Riba in Islam’
‘The Prohibition of Riba in the Qur’an and Sunnah’
‘The Religion of Abraham and the State of Israel - A View from the Qur’an’
‘The Caliphate. the Hejaz and the Saudi-Wahhabi Nation-State’ and
‘One Jama’at, One Ameer - The Organization of a Muslim Community in the Age of Fitan’
He hopes to complete two more books in the Ansari Memorial Series on the topics: - ’Suratul Kahf and the Modem Age’ and ‘An Islamic View of the Return of Jesus’. 



Chapter One: Introduction
- Method of Study

Chapter Two: Definition of Riba
- Different forma of riba
- Which is the most dangerous form of riba?
- Riba and the free market
- Payment of loan with an extra amount permitted
- How much interest constitutes riba?

Chapter Three: The Prohibition of Riba in the Qur’an
- The Qur’anic method of dealing with riba
- Qur’anic revelations prior to the Qur’anic prohibition of riba
- First revelation on riba
- Riba leads to fasad
- The prohibition of riba in the Torah
- The prohibition of riba in the Psalms (Zabur) of David
- Dhul Kifl and the prohibition of riba
- The prohibition of riba in the Gospel of Jesus
- Jewish rejection of Muhammad and of the Qur’anic prohibition of riba lead to the creation by Allah of a new ummah
- The second stage of the Qur’anic prohibition of riba
- The third stage of the Qur’anic prohibition of riba: total eradication of riba from the economy
- Jesus. Imam al-Mahdi, and the end of riba

Chapter Four: The Prohibition of Riba in the Sunnah
- The strong language of the Prophet on riba
- The Prophet and different forms of riba
- Different forms of riba
- Note on ba'i muajjal
- Murabaha (to sell at a profit)
- Bank loans and riba al-fadl
- Bank interest and riba - some dissenting views
- The Prophet. artificial money, inflation and riba

Chapter Five: Some Basic Responses to Riba
- Debt and the economic Sunnah
- Helping to pay the debts of others
- Qard hasana
- On seeking help and entering into debt
- Austerity and the economic Sunnah
- The economic Sunnah of spending
- Food production
- Specific Proposal
- The strategy of public confrontation

Chapter Six: Riba and Dar al-Harb

Chapter Seven: Riba and the Law of Necessity

Chapter Eight: Conclusion

Appendix - Questions and answers on riba


This book, on the topic: ‘The Prohibition of Riba in the Qur’an and Sunnah' is site second publication in the Ansari Memorial Series, published in honor of my teacher and Shaikh of blessed memory. Maulana Dr. Muhammad Fadlur Rahman Ansari (3914-1974). The first was a booklet entitled: The Importance of the Prohibition of Riba in Islam. Because of the great danger posed by riba and the critical importance of the subject, some 60.000 copies of that previous booklet were printed for free distribution in USA, and in Malaysia and Singapore.

As a consequence of the effort which I made to study riba. I have become acutely aware of the fact that most Muslims do not have an adequate knowledge of this subject. Some are incapable of understanding the subject because of veils before their eyes. Others would rather not study the subject because life would become very difficult if they had to make a sincere effort to abstain from riba. That is a matter of great moment indeed.

Anas said that he heard the Messenger of Allah say: Among the signs of the Last Hour will be the removal of knowledge and the abundance of ignorance.....
(Bukhari, Muslim).

Around the world of Islam today. ’Muslims urgently need books on riba which would explain the subject with simplicity and clarity and such books must be given very wide circulation. The purpose of our humble effort in writing this book as well as the previous booklet in the Ansari Memorial Series: The Importance of the Prohibition of Riba in Islam is to attempt to fill a dangerous void. If we have failed in any way, it is because of our short comings and we would certainly welcome comments, assistance and advice from our leaders. If we have succeeded in any way it is solely because of Allah s Grace.

A basic Feature of the style we have adopted for dealing with this difficult subject is to let-the Qur’an and the hadith address the reader as much as possible and to limit the comments of the writer. Our basic role has been one of organizing the material and presenting it in a systematic way. Some verses of the Qur’an and some ahadith of the Prophet, are repeated in different places in the book. The reason for this is because the texts that are repeated have a manifold application. The (s) after the names of Prophets is an abbreviation for ‘peace and blessings of Allah be upon them'. And the (ra) after the names of companions of the Prophet (s) is an abbreviation for ‘Allah is pleased with them.’

The exposition of the subject has exposed the gigantic fraud through which al-Masih al-Dajjal (the Anti-Christ) seeks to reduce the Muslim masses, by deception, to destitution and as a consequence to kufr (disbelief). We hope that knowledge of riba will lead our readers to appropriate action which would counteract these evil forces Insha Allah.

A number of friends and colleagues have reviewed the manuscript of this book and made valuable suggestions. Among them were Siddiq Ahmad Nasir, Ali Mustafa, Al Fahime Jobe, Kem Kamaluddeen and Dr. Shujuat Ali Khan. Some who reviewed the manuscript specifically requested that their names not be mentioned in this preface ~ an indication perhaps of the difficulties which already confront those who dare to raise the subject of the prohibition of riba in Islam. Fifty years front now it might be impossibly difficult for a Muslim to even teach this subject. So great will be the ignorance of Islam and so thoroughly brainwashed will the masses be.

We pray that Allah’s mercy and blessings on Abu Sulaiman Asghar Hassan and Umm Lubna Mabboob Fatima as well as on Brother Abdul Rasheed, all of Singapore, whose kindness and generosity made it possible for us to research and write this work. Haji Muhammad Saleem’s generous grant, which was made in the names of his parents, for meeting the cost of printing this book (first edition) is also gratefully acknowledged. May Allah bless, forgive and show mercy to his parents, Marhoom Zafar Ali and Ashraf Jan of Rawal pindi, Pakistan. Ameen!

We are specially grateful to Brs. Aftabuddin and Shakeel (of Sanatech Printers) for their labour of love in respect of the page making and printing of this book and to Muhammad Yar for designing the cover. Irfan Quraishi provided me with both the computer and printer used in preparing the MS of this book and Nabeel al-Masry introduced me to the Word Perfect Windows word-processing program. May Allah bless them all. Ameen!


Masjid Dar al Qur’an
Long Island. New York.
Shawwal 1417 /February 1997

to be continued . . . . 

The Prohibition of Riba (Interest) by Imran Hosein

The Prohibition of Riba (Interest) (Q&A) by Imran Hosein

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