
Saturday 17 October 2020

Riba, Method of Study


A proper study of the subject of the prohibition of riba in Islam requires that we turn first of all, to the treatment of the subject in that revealed scripture in which is located the authentic uncorrupted Word of the One God. Such exists only in the Qur’an, which `was revealed 1400 years ago to Prophet Muhammad (s) and which exists today exactly as it was revealed, without the change of a single word or letter. And so we have attempted an analysis of the prohibition of riba in the Qur’an. We not only analyze the verses of the Qur’an which relate to the subject, but also examine the chronological sequence and historical circumstances of their revelation. This in turn, reveals the three stages through which Allah, the Wise, the Supreme, dealt with the subject and eventually eliminated riba completely from the economy in which the Qur’anic revelation was first applied.

After the Qur’an, the second most authoritative and authentic source from which mankind may obtain knowledge of the subject would be the teachings and example of Prophet Muhammad (i.e. the Sunnah of the Prophet). It is for this reason that we also attempt a study of the prohibition of riba in the Sunnah. The student should constantly strive, throughout the effort to study this subject, to discover the system of meaning which links all that material together as a unity and as a harmonious integrated whole. Only such a methodology will deliver a grasp of the subject in its totality and admit the possibility of a penetrating insight into its very substance. The prohibition of riba in Islam needs to be studied with that methodology.

We have purposefully omitted front this book a review of the extensive and abstruse classical Muslim juristic literature on riba for two reasons:

Firstly, its tenuous relevance to the contemporary economic dilemma posed by the challenge of riba and secondly, the negative and intimidating influence it has sometimes excited because of the confusing complexity of the material and the ceaseless legal conflicts.

We have also made no effort to construct an alternative model of an economy to that of the riba based capitalist economy which now controls the world. Our view is that the goal of Islam is simply to restore the free and fair market. And the elimination of riba, the inculcation of the business ethics of Islam, and the enforcement of the penal code of the Qur’an will have the effect of restoring the free and fair market!

What we have done is to suggest, to those Muslims who now invest their savings in riba investments, an alternative which they can use for investment. Secondly, we have suggested to Muslims who now purchase houses and cars etc., with bank loans, an alternative way for buying houses without entering into riba .

The book also takes up the subject of riba and Dar al-Harb in view of the claim made by some scholars that USA, for example is Dar al-Harb and hence, the prohibition against riba does not apply in that country. We demonstrate that it is false to declare any territory to be Dar al-Harb when there is no Dar al-Islam in the world today! Iran and Sudan can be recognized as Dar al- Islam if they were to extricate themselves from the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations Organization which obliges them to submit to the supreme authority of the Security Council of the UN. The claim of supreme authority by any, other than Allah the Most High, is an act of shirk! Submission-to such supreme authority would also be an act of shirk!

This is a book which attempts to offer guidance to the Muslim masses. It does not embrace within its, scope guidance to those who have amassed fortunes by means both fair and foul and now wish in a selective demonstration of religiosity, to invest their money in halal (i.e. religiously permissible} Wall Street investments! There is no shortage of Muslim financial engineers who would be eager to lend their expensive expertise to assist.

Finally there are parts of this book which may not be readily understood. We sincerely hope that such would not lead the reader to a precipitate rejection of the statements made or ailments raised in the book. When prayer is joined to the act of reflection, contemplation and earnest inquiry, then Allah the Most High who is Most Kind, surely bestows that critical insight which leads the earnest inquirer to understanding.

Let us now turn to our subject proper to attempt a definition of riba.
to be continued . . . . 

The Prohibition of Riba (Interest) by Imran Hosein

The Prohibition of Riba (Interest) (Q&A) by Imran Hosein

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