
Monday 27 July 2020

Healing by Herbs - Kamah - Mushroom

Healing Through Prophetic Medicine in Islam

Healing by Herbs

كمأة / Kam’ah ~ Truffles (Mushroom)

ثبت عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال: الكمأة من المن وماؤها شفاءللعين، أخرجاه في الصحيحين

In the Sahihain, it is narrated that Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam said:

“The Kam’ah is among the (Munn) Manna and its water (extract or juice) cures the eye”.

The Kam’ah grows wild underground, and it is called Kam’ah because it grows hidden beneath the earth. It does not have leaves or stems.

The essence of the Kam’ah is partly earthly and partly vaporous, remains concealed underground during winter and then starts to grow above the ground with spring rainfall. This is why it is called the smallpox of the land, for it is similar to smallpox, which is caused by moistures clogged with blood that get aggravated during the early childhood years when the body stars to gain strength.

Kam’ah (truffles) grow in the spring and are eaten raw or cooked. The Arabs used to call truffles the plant of the thunder, because they grow in the aftermath of thunderstorms. The nomads in the desert use mushrooms in their regular diet. Further, the best types of truffles grow on sandy dry land. There are several types of Kam’ah; among which is a poisonous plant which is reddish in color and which causes asphyxiation.

Kam’ah is cold and wet in the third degree, and it is not favorable for the stomach and is not easily digested. Eating Kam’ah on a regular basis causes constipation, gastric pain, facial paralysis, stomach-ache and Dysuria (painful urination). Humid kinds of mushrooms are less harmful than the dry ones. Therefore, those who wish to eat Kam’ah should bury them in a muddy area and then boil them in water, add salt and mint, and then eat them with oil and spices. This is because the Kam’ah has a heavy earthly essence, although it contains a fair amount of water in its essence that makes it milder. In addition, using the Kam’ah as Kohl helps in cases of bad eyesight and Ophthalmia (conjunctivitis).

Some of the best doctors have agreed that mushroom water or juice helps strengthen the eyesight.

There are two opinions regarding the meaning of what Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam said: “The Kam’ah is among the Munn ~Manna”.

Some people said, “The Manna that Allah Has Sent down to the Children of Israel was not only the sweetmeat that we know, but several other plants that grow in the wild without effort or planting on the people’s part to grow. The Manna, in their opinion, means the Favor, and thus, every type of plant or bounty that Allah Grants to mankind without effort on their part is called Munn ~ Manna. All of Allah’s bounties that He Grants to mankind are a Favor from Him. Yet, Allah specifically Mentioned the types of His Favors concerning which the slave does not make any effort, whether in growing or producing them, and called these Favors, Manna.

During the years of wandering in the earth with which Allah Tested the Children of Israel, they used to sustain themselves on truffles that sufficed for bread. In addition, Allah gave them quails which sufficed as meat, and made their sweet the Manna that descends from trees. Therefore, their diet was complete.

Further, our beloved Prophet’s statement:

"الكمأة من المنِّ الذى أنزله الله على بنى إسرائيل"

“The Kam’ah is a type of Munn ~ Manna that Allah Has Sent down on the Children of Israel”.

Some considered that the Kam’ah is a type of Munn ~ Manna, although the word Munn ~ Manna is usually meant to describe the dew that descends on trees, which is originally called Taranjabeen.

The second opinion states that Kam’ah was called Manna because it resembles the Manna that descends on trees, in that it is collected without effort of planting or irrigation.

If someone asks, (if) this is the case with Kam’ah, then what about the harm that it contains?

Know that Allah Created everything in a perfect shape and essence. What Allah Created is free from defects and harm and is beneficial for the mankind. Various types of ailments occur later on when what Allah Creates becomes spoiled somehow by being mixed or polluted by other substances, and so forth, If what Allah Creates is left in its original shape (that Allah Has Created), it does not contain any harm.

Those who have knowledge of the world and of the creation’ realize that all types of evil or harm in the air, land, plants and various creations occur after they are created. In addition, ever since the mankind started disobeying their Prophets, all types of general and private evil occurred which causes them pain, illnesses, diseases, plagues, famines and loss of blessings in the land and in what it produces. The fruits and plants have thus lost their value and benefit gradually.

If someone does not comprehend these facts, the following Ayah should be enough for him to understand.

ظَهَرَ الْفَسَادُ فِى الْبَرِّ وَالْبَحْرِ بِمَا كَسَبَتْ أَيْدِى النَّاسِ  [الروم:41]

“Evil (sins and disobedience to Allah) has appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of men have earned (by oppression and evil deeds). (30:41)

One should apply this Ayah to what occurs in this world and compare them together.

Furthermore, the people notice how various illnesses and sicknesses occur in plants, animals and fruits. The more the mankind starts a new type of evil and sin, the more illnesses and diseases Allah Brings in their foods, fruits, air, water sources, bodies, shapes and outer appearance. In addition, the people’s behavior suffers a type of harm or alteration that is compatible with what their bodies commit of injustice and sin.

In the past, the crops and grains used to be larger in size than at the present time, for the blessings in such items was bigger than at the present.

وقد روى الإمام أحمد بإسناده: أنه وجد فى خزائن بعض بنى أميةَ صرة فيها حِنطةٌ أمثال نوى التمر مكتوبٌ عليها: هذا كان ينبُت أيامَ العدل. وهذه القصة، ذكرها فى "مسنده" على أثر حديث رواه

Imam Ahmad narrated, “A bundle that contained some wheat seeds as big as date seeds was found in a safe that belonged to members of the Umayyad dynasty. On the bag, these words were written, “This used to grow during the times when justice prevailed”. Imam Ahmad mentioned this story after narrating one of the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam.

The majority of the diseases and illnesses are the remnant of torments that were inflicted on the nations that lived before our time. These illnesses and diseases retained for those who followed their lead and imitated the previously tormented nations. This is a just judgment that Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam mentioned when he stated about the Plague:

وقد أشار النبىُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم إلى هذا بقوله فى الطاعون: "إنَّه بقيةُ رجز أو عذاب أُرسِلَ على بنى إسرائيلَ

“It is the remnant of an affliction that Allah has sent on the Children of Israel”.

In addition, Allah Sent the wind on the people of ‘Aad for seven nights and eight days. Allah Has Left some of this strong wind for the people who came after them to serve as a reminder (of what happened to ‘Aad).

Allah Made the works of the righteous and the sinning people as reasons behind much of what has happened in this world. For instance, when the people do not work righteousness or give in charity, the rain does not fall on them, and thus famine occurs. In addition, when the meek and powerless people are dealt with unjustly, when the people cheat in weights, and when the strong transgresses the rights of the weak, the injustice committed by the [tyrant] rulers intensifies as a consequence. Such unjust rulers do not grant mercy if they are asked for mercy, nor are they kind when they are called on to are kind. In reality, what the rulers do and commit is a mere reflection of what their subjects do and commit. Allah, with His Wisdom and Just Decisions, Makes people’s A’amaal (works ~ deeds) appear to them in various forms that are compatible to their A’amaal (works). Sometimes, Allah Strikes mankind with famines, with an enemy, with unjust rulers, with diseases, and sometimes with depression and sadness that will remain with them. Sometimes, Allah Strikes the mankind with preventing the blessings from descending on them and by allowing the devils to have power over them, and leading them to what is a certain torment. In this case, mankind will revert to what they were created for (either Paradise or the Fire).

The wise person thinks about the world and seeks the areas where Allah Exerts His Justice and Wisdom. Then he will realize that the Prophets and their followers are adopting the righteous path of safety, while the rest of mankind are leading themselves to the path of destruction and the land of failure. Allah Will certainly Bring His Judgment and Command to a successful conclusion; none can avert His decisions or commands. All success comes from Allah.

There are three opinions regarding the meaning of our beloved Prophet’s statement:

وماؤها شفاءللعين

“And its water cures the eye”.

First: that the Kam’ah water is an ingredient in the remedies for eye ailments, not that it is used alone.

Second: that Kam’ah is used alone after broiling it and extracting its juice, the fire matures and softens the mushrooms, thus dissolving the harmful wetness and excrements that the Kam’ah contains and leaving the beneficial ingredients.

Third: that the meaning of its water entails the rain that makes the mushroom grow and which is the first patch of rain that falls. In this case, the Hadith will be talking about the rain and not the mushrooms themselves. Ibn Al-Jawzi mentioned this opinion, which is the weakest among the three opinions mentioned herewith.

Other people said that this portion of the Hadith entails using Kam’ah water to cool the eye. Hence its water alone is a cure, while other parts are used as ingredients in compound remedies.

Al-Ghafiqi said, “The Kam’ah water (juice) is the best remedy for the eyes, when it is kneaded with the Ithmid (antimony type of Kohl) and then used as Kohl (i.e. eyeliner). It strengthens the eyelid and the eyesight and prevents many illnesses from attacking the eye”.

to be continued .....

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