
Saturday 27 June 2020

Healing by Herbs - Hulbah - Fenugreek

Healing Through Prophetic Medicine in Islam

Healing by Herbs

حلبة / Hulbah / Fenugreek

حلبة : ذكر عن النبي ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ ‏(‏أنه عاد سعد بن أبي وقاص  رضي الله عنه بمكة، فقال‏:‏ ادعوا له طبيبًا، فدعي الحارث بن كلدة، فنظر إليه،  فقال‏:‏ ليس عليه بأس، فاتخذوا له فريقة، وهي الحلبة مع تمر عجوة رطب يطبخان،  فيحساهما، ففعل ذلك، فبرئ‏)‏‏.‏

وقوة الحلبة من الحرارة في الدرجة الثانية، ومن اليبوسة في الأولى،  وإذا طبخت بالماء، لينت الحلق والصدر والبطن، وتسكن السعال والخشونة والربو، وعسرالنفس، وتزيد في الباه، وهي جيدة للريح والبلغم والبواسير، محدرة الكيموسات  المرتبكة في الأمعاء، وتحلل البلغم اللزج من الصدر، وتنفع من الدبيلات وأمراض الرئة، وتستعمل لهذا الأدواء في الأحشاء مع السمن والفانيذ  وإذا شربت مع وزن خمسة دراهم فوة، أدرت الحيض، وإذا طبخت، وغسل بها  الشعر جعدته، وأذهبت الحزاز‏.‏ ودقيقها إذا خلط بالخل، وضمد به، حلل ورم الطحال وتستعمل لهذا الأدواء في الأحشاء مع السمن والفانيذ

وهي نافعة من الحصر، مطلقة للبطن، وإذا وضعت على الظفر المتشنج أصلحته، ودهنها ينفع إذا خلط بالشمع من الشقاق العارض من البرد ويذكر عن القاسم بن عبد الرحمن، أنه قال‏:‏ قال رسول الله ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ‏:‏ ‏(‏استشفوا بالحلبة‏)‏‏.‏ وقال بعض الأطباء‏:‏ لو علم الناس منافعها، لاشتروها بوزنها ذهبًا‏.‏

Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam was reported to have visited Sa'ad bin Abi Waqqas Radi Allaho Anh once when he was ill while in Makkah and he asked that a doctor be brought to examine him. They brought Harith bin Kaladah who examined him and said, ‘There is no harm with him, just cook some fenugreek with dates and let him eat them. Sa'ad was reported to have done that and was then healed.

Hulbah (Fenugreek) is hot in the second degree and dry in the first degree.

When fenugreek seeds are cooked in water, they will soften the throat, chest and the stomach. It relieves coughing, dryness, asthma, hard breathing and increases the sexual drive. It also relieves flatulence, phlegm, piles and the various accumulations in intestines. Fenugreek seed dissolves the phlegm from the chest and helps against gastric ulcer and lung diseases. Hulbah is used to heal the intestines, mixed with some ghee and Faloodah.

When five measures of fenugreek are taken as a drink, it will increase the flow of menstruation, and when it is cooked and the hair is washed with it, it will make it curly and will combat dandruff.

When the flour of the fenugreek seeds is blended with some vinegar and used as a bandage on the tumor of spleen, it will dissolve it. In addition, the woman who suffers from pain in the vagina due to a tumor will benefit if she sits in the water in which the fenugreek was cooked.

When it is used as a bandage and placed on hard / cold tumors, it will help dissolve these tumors. When its water is drunk, it will help against the pain in the stomach that results from accumulation of gaseous materials and will cleanse the intestines.

When one eats the Hulbah cooked in honey, dates or figs on an empty stomach, it will dissolve the phlegm that accumulates in the chest and stomach, and will help against coughing that accompanies such ailments.

Hulbah relieves urine retention and works as a laxative. When it is placed on the erratic nail, it will heal it, while its oil helps against cracked skin due to extreme cold (when it is mixed with wax). There are many other benefits for the Hulbah (Fenugreek).

Reported by Qasim Bin Abdul Rahman that Prophet Muhammad Salallaho Alaihe Wasallam said : "Seek the Shifa (healing) with Hulbah".

Some doctors stated, "If the people had knowledge of its benefits, they would buy it with its weight worth of gold".

Fenugreek / Methi seeds

to be continued .....

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