
Thursday 7 May 2020

Healing by Rutab - Ripe Dates

Healing Through Prophetic Medicine in Islam

Healing by Food

رُطَـــبٌ  Rutab (Ripe Dates)

رُطَبٌ‏: قال الله تعالى لمريَمَ‏:‏ ‏‏وَهُزِّى إلَيْكِ بِجِذْعِ النَّخْلَةِ تُسَاقِطْ عَلَيْكِ رُطَباً جَنِيّاً فَكُلِى وَاشْرَبِى وَقَرِّى عَيْناً‏‏ ‏[‏مريم ‏:‏ 25‏]‏‏.‏ وفى ‏(‏الصحيحين‏)‏ عن عبد الله بن جعفر، قال‏:‏ ‏(‏رأيتُ رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يأكُلُ القِثَّاءَ بالرُّطَبِ‏)‏‏.‏ وفى ‏(‏سنن أبى داود‏)‏، عن أنس قال‏:‏ ‏(‏كان رسولُ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يُفْطِرُ على رُطَباتٍ قَبْلَ أن يُصَلِّىَ، فإنْ لم تكُنْ رُطباتٍ فتمراتٍ، فإن لم تكن تَمَراتٍ، حَسَا حسْوَاتٍ من ماءٍ‏)‏‏.‏ طبْعُ الرُّطَبِ طبعُ المياه حار رَطب، يُقوِّى المعدة الباردة ويُوافقها، ويزيد في الباه، ويُخصِبُ البدنَ، ويوافق أصحابَ الأمزجة الباردة، ويَغذُو غِذاءً كثيراً‏.‏

وهو مِن أعظم الفاكهة موافقةً لأهلِ المدينة وغيرِها من البلاد التي هو فاكهتُهم فيها، وأنفعها للبدن، وإن كان مَن لم يَعْتَدْهُ يُسرعُ التعفُّن في جسده، ويَتولَّدُ عنه دم ليس بمحمود، ويحدث في إكثاره منه صُدَاعٌ وسوداءٌ، ويُؤذى أسنانه، وإصلاحُه بالسَّكنْجَبِين ونحوه‏.‏ وفى فِطر النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم من الصوم عليه، أو على التمر، أو الماء تدبيرٌ لطيفٌ جداً، فإن الصوم يُخلى المعدة من الغذاء، فلا تَجِدُ الكبدُ فيها ما تَجذِبُه وتُرسله إلى القُوَى والأعضاء، والحلوُ أسرع شىء وصولاً إلى الكبد، وأحبُّه إليها، ولا سِيَّما إن كان رطباً، فيشتدُّ قبولها له، فتنتفع به هي والقُوَى، فإن لم يكن، فالتمرُ لحلاوته وتغذيته، فإن لم يكن، فحسواتُ الماء تُطفىء لهيبَ المعدة، وحرارة الصوم، فتنتبهُ بعده للطعام، وتأخذه بشهوة‏.‏

Allah Said to Maryam Alaih as Salaam:

"And shake the trunk of date palm towards you; it will let fall fresh ripe dates upon you. So eat, drink, and be glad. Moreover, if you see any human being, say: Verily, I have vowed a fast unto The Most Gracious (Allah) so I shall not speak to any human being this day". 
(Maryam: 25, 26)

In addition, in the Sahihain, it is narrated that Abdullah bin Jafar Radi Allaho Anh said: "I saw the Messenger of Allah (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) eating cucumbers with ripe dates".

Abu Dawood narrated in his Sunan that Anas Radi Allaho Anh said: "The Messenger of Allah (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) used to break his fast with some ripe dates, and if he did not have any, then with dry dates. Otherwise, if he even did not have the dry dates, he would have several sips of water".

Ripe dates are just like water, hot and wet; and they are favorable for and strengthen the cold stomach, increase the production of semen and fertility, are suitable for cold temperaments and are very nutritious.

Ripe dates are the best types of fruit for the people Madinah al Munawwarah specifically and for all others in general where ripe dates grow. It is a very beneficial fruit for the body. But ripe dates spoil quickly in the stomach (of those who are not used to eating them) and thus produce putrid blood. Eating excessive amounts of ripe dates causes headaches, produces the black bile and harms the teeth. Oxymel (Sakanjabeen ~ a drink made with honey, vinegar and water) helps neutralize the irritants that accompany eating ripe dates.

When Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam used to break his fast, he used to eat first ripe or dry dates, or would drink some water. This is a wise decision, because fasting empties the stomach of food. Thus the liver would not find any sufficient energy that it could transfer to the various organs. Sweets are the fastest food to reach the liver and are favored by the liver, especially when one eats ripe dates, in which case the liver accepts it even more favorably, benefits from it and then transfers the benefit to the rest of the organs of the body. If there are no ripe dates available, one should eat dried dates because they are sweet and nutritious as well. Otherwise, some sips of water would extinguish the heat of the stomach and the Fast.

The stomach’s appetite would then increase and become ready to accept (and digest) other foods.

to be continued .....


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