
Monday 27 April 2020

Healing by Thalj - Ice

Healing Through Prophetic Medicine in Islam

Healing by Food


Explanation of ice by Ibn Al Qayyam is so tough to understand, please give it a try.

ثلج : ثبت في الصحيح‏:‏ عن النبي ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ أنه قال‏:‏ ‏(‏اللهم اغسلني من خطاياي بالماء والثلج والبرد‏)‏‏.‏ وفي هذا الحديث من الفقه‏:‏ أن الداء يداوى بضده، فان في الخطايا من الحرارة والحريق ما يضاده الثلج والبرد، والماء البارد، ولا يقال‏:‏ إن الماء الحار أبلغ في إزالة الوسخ، لأن في الماء البارد من تصليب الجسم وتقويته ما ليس في الحار، والخطايا توجب أثرين‏:‏ التدنيس والإرخاء، فالمطلوب مداواتها بما ينظف القلب ويصلبه، فذكر الماء البارد والثلج والبرد إشارة إلى هذين الأمرين‏.‏ وبعد فالثلج بارد على الأصح، وغلط من قال‏:‏ حار، وشبهته تولد الحيوان فيه، وهذا لا يدل على حرارته، فإنه يتولد في الفواكه الباردة، وفي الخل، وأما تعطيشه، فلتهييجه الحرارة لا لحرارته في نفسه، ويضر المعدة والعصب، وإذا كان وجع الأسنان من حرارة مفرطة، سكنها‏.‏

Narrated by Bukhari that Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam said "O Allah! Wash my sins with water, ice & hail". (Hail is the ice balls that fall with the rain).

The above Hadith tells that diseases are treated by inverse (opposite natured) medicines, & because SINS possess heat & fire, their cures are the inverse / reciprocative substances which are ice, hail & cold water. We can't say that hot water removes dirt more efficiently (as can be seen in case of clothes washing), but cold water strengthens the human body more than the hot water.

SINS affect a human in two ways, DIRT & WEAKNESS, so it is necessary that the treatment of sins should be with a substance which cleanses the heart & vitalizes it simultaneously, that is why water, ice & hail were mentioned in the Hadith (Dua'a) above, as an indication to cure dirt & weakness by cleaning & vitalization.

ICE is no doubt cold by nature, & whoever says that it is hot, he is mistaken. He might had a doubt that the animals / insects are born in hot environment, although insects are also found inside the cold-natured fruits & even they are sometimes seen in the vinegar which is also a cold substance.

After drinking cold / iced water, there is another urge of thirst, the reason is that coldness irritates the heat (unless all of it is extinguished).

Ice is harmful for the stomach & nervous system. If someone has toothache, ice is beneficial (to be kept under the teeth).

to be continued .....

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