
Sunday 5 April 2020

Healing by Arz - Pine Nuts - Sanauber - Chilghoza

Healing Through Prophetic Medicine in Islam

Healing by Food

أرز  Sanauber / Arz (Pine Nuts)

أَرْز :ٌ بفتح الهمزة وسكون الراء: وهو الصَّنَوْبَر. ذكره النبىُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم فى قوله: "مَثَلُ المُؤمِنِ مَثَلُ الخامَةِ من الزرع، تُفيئُها الرِّياحُ، تُقيمُهَا مَرَّةً، وتُميلُهَا أُخْرى، ومَثَلُ المُنَافِقِ مَثَلُ الأَرْزَةِ لا تَزَالُ قائمةً على أصْلِها حتى يكونَ انْجِعَافُها مَرَّةً واحدةً". وَحَبُّه حار رطب، وفيه إنضاجٌ وتليين، وتحليل، ولذعٌ يَذهب بنقعه فى الماء، وهو عَسِرُ الهضم، وفيه تغذيةٌ كثيرةٌ، وهو جيدٌ للسُّعال، ولتنقيةِ رطوبات الرِّئة، ويَزِيدُ فى المَنِىِّ، ويُولِدُ مغصاً، وتِرْيَاقُه حَبُّ الرُّمان المُزِّ

Arz (Pine-nuts ~ Chilghoza) is also called Sanaubar. The Messenger of Allah (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) mentioned the pine, when he said:

"The example of a believer is the example of the green plant that the wind twists, sometimes leaving it straight and sometimes bending it.

The example of the hypocrite is the example of the Arz, it will be standing on its roots then all of a sudden it is completely dry".

The seed of the Arz is hot and wet. It is a relaxing and maturating substance, and has a sting that can be prevented if the Arz seeds are soaked in water. Further, the Arz (pine) seeds are difficult to digest but are nutritious; help relieve coughing and dry the moisture or vapor that accumulates in the lungs. They energize semen production but constipate, unless one eats bitter pomegranate seeds with them.
to be continued .....

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