
Friday 13 September 2019

THE SWORD OF THE INTELECT Muhammad the Greatest

Chapter 3

The enemy, the sceptic, the missionary and their passive camp followers will not stop bleating that "lslam was spread at the point of the sword!" but they will not venture to answer our question -- "WHO BRIBED CARLYLE!?" In 1840 when Carlyle defended Muhammad (pbuh) and refuted the allegation about the sword, there was nobody around to bribe. The whole Muslim world was in the gutters. The countries of Islam were all under subjugation by the Christians, except for a few like Persia, Afghanistan and Turkey who were only nominally independent. There were no riches to flaunt and no petro-dollars to bribe with! 
That was yesterday and many yesterdays ago, but what about today, in modern times? It is claimed that "Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world." The overall increase of all the sects and denominations of Christianity was a staggering 138 per cent with the incredible increase of Islam by 235 per cent in the same period of time of half-a-century. It is further affirmed that in Britain and the United States of America, Islam is the fastest growing faith. It is said that in Britain "There are more Muslims than Methodists in the country."  

You have a right to ask, "What sword?" The answer is, "THE SWORD INDEED!" {Thomas Carlyle} It is the sword of intellect? It is the fulfillment of yet another prophecy; IT IS HE (God Almighty) WHO HAS SENT HIS MESSENGER (Muhammad) WITH GUIDANCE AND THE RELIGION OF TRUTH (Islam) THAT HE MAY MAKE IT PREVAIL OVER ALL RELIGIONS, AND ENOUGH IS GOD FOR A WITNESS. Holy Qur'an 48:28

The destiny of Islam is spelt out here in the clearest terms. Islam is to master, overcome and supersede every other faith - That He (God Almighty) make it (Islam) prevail over all religions … In Arabic the word is Deen [Usually translated as Religion, which literally Islam is not.] (literally meaning "Way of Life",), to supersede all, whether it be Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianism, [In the time of Thomas Carlyle this was the team applied to Christianity.] Judaism, Communism or any other "ism." This is the destiny of Allah's Deen. The same Qur'anic Verse is repeated in chapter 61 verse 9 which ends with this slight variation - (Never mind) Though the unbelievers might be averse to it (Islam).

To Be Continued....

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