
Friday 12 July 2019

ADMONITION AS REVEALED Muhammad the Greatest


I may furnish just one incident from the life of the Prophet. An incidence which reflects the highest degree of his sincerity in recording a Revelation in the Noble Qur’ân even if it seems to reprove him for some natural and human zeal. 

 It was in the early days of his mission in Makkah. Muhammad (pbuh) was deeply engrossed in trying to wean the leaders of the pagan Quraish to his teachings. Apparently one of them was giving him an attentive hearing when a poor blind man by the name of Abdullah lbn Umm-l- Maktum tried to barge in into the discussion and wanting to draw attention to himself. The blessed Prophet said nothing, but perhaps a thought went through his mind (why don't you have a little patience, can't you see (sense) that because of your impatience I might lose these customers). I believe that lesser men, sinners and saints, will not be questioned for such lapses, but not so for Muhammad (pbuh). Did not God choose him and honour him with that lofty status as recorded?  

And Most Certainly Thou (O Muhammad) Are of Most sublime And Exalted Character. 
Noble Qur’ân 68:4

To Be Continued....

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