
Friday 10 May 2019

How the Topic Arose Muhammad the Greatest

Muhammad the Greatest
by Ahmad Deedat
Chapter 1

"And most certainly, thou (O Muhammad) are of most sublime and exalted character."
(The Noble Qur’ân, 68:4)

About ten years ago, a distant cousin of mine - Mr. Mohamed Mehtar Farooki gave me a typed quotation by the French historian, Lamartine. The quotation purported to prove that Muhammad (pbuh), the prophet of Islam, was the greatest man that ever lived. Mr. Mehtar was in the habit of passing information on to me, believing that I might put the same to some good use at the proper time and place. Before this he had presented me with "The Call of the Minaret," an expensive book written by (Bishop Kenneth Cragg). By analysing this book I discovered the masterful deceit of the Christian Orientalists. Lamartine's tribute to our prophet inspired me and I had a great desire to share his thoughts about our Nabee with my Muslim brethren. The opportunity to do so was not long in coming.

I received a phone call from the Muslim community in Dannhauser, a small town in Northern Natal,, who were organising a birthday celebration of the Holy Prophet. They invited me to give a lecture on that auspicious occasion. So I deemed it an honour and a privilege, I readily agreed. When they inquired, in view of their advertising needs, as to the subject of my lecture, I suggested on the inspiration from Lamartine, "Muhammad (pbuh) the Greatest."

On my arrival in Dannhauser, I noticed a lot of posters advertising the meeting which in essence said that Deedat would be lecturing on the subject "MUHAMMAD THE GREAT." I was somewhat disheartened and, on inquiring was told that the change in the title was due to a printer's error.

Some two months later, I got another, similar invitation. This time from the Muslim community of Pretoria the administrative capital of South Africa. The subject I had mooted was the same - "Muhammad (pbuh) the Greatest." To my dismay the topic was again changed to "MUHAMMAD THE GREAT." Identical reasons and excuses were given. Both these incidences happened in South Africa, my own country. But, let me give you one more example of our inferiority complex - so much part of the sickness of the Ummah.

On my lecture tour of the mighty United States in 1977, 1 discovered that our soldiers in the New World also had feet of clay. Out of the many sad experiences I have had, I think that this one will suffice to prove the point. The Muslims of Indianapolis were advised to organise a lecture for me on the subject "What the Bible says about Muhammad (pbuh)" T'hey agreed to advertise just that, but their timidity did not permit them to do so. They thought the topic was too provocative, so they, in their wisdom (?), toned it down to "A PROPHET IN THE BIBLE." A lifeless, insipid title you will no doubt agree. Which Hindu, Muslim, Christian or Jew would be intrigued to attend? What does "A PROPHET" mean? To most A PROPHET means ANY PROPHET, and who would be interested in attending a meeting where just any prophet in the Bible was debated? Job, Joel, Jonah, Ezra, Elisha, Ezekiel are just a few of the many mentioned in the Bible. As was to be expected the attendance left much to be desired.

What is the cause of this sickness? This inferiority complex? "Yes!" We are an emasculated people. Dynamism has been wringed out of us, not only by our enemies but by our own spiritless friends. We even dare not repeat Allah's Own testimony regarding his beloved
And Most Certainly, Thou (O Muhammad) Are of most sublime And Exalted Character.
Noble Qur’ân 68:4

To Be Continued....

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