
Friday 26 April 2019


FAQ'S Frequently Asked Questions About Islam

In conveying the message of Islam to a non-Muslim, it is usually not sufficient to highlight only the positive nature of Islam. Most non-Muslims are not convinced about the truth of Islam because there are a few questions about Islam at the back of their minds that remain unanswered.

They may agree with your contentions about the positive nature of Islam. But, in the same breath, they will say - "Ah! But you are the same Muslims who marry more than one woman. You are the same people who subjugate women by keeping them behind the veil. You are fundamentalists, etc."

I personally prefer asking the non-Muslim upfront, what he feels is wrong in Islam. I prefer asking directly, what they feel is wrong in Islam with their limited knowledge, whether right or wrong and from whichever source it may be. I encourage them to be very frank and open and convince them that I can take criticism about Islam.

In the past few years of my Daawah experience, I have realized that there are barely twenty most common questions that a common non-Muslim has regarding Islam. Whenever you ask a non-Muslim, "what do you feel is wrong with Islam?", he poses five or six questions, and these questions invariably fall among the twenty most common questions.

Logical replies can convince the majority.

The twenty most common questions about Islam can be answered with reason and logic. A majority of non-Muslims can be convinced with these answers. If a Muslim memorizes or simply remembers these answers, Inshallah he will be successful, if not in convincing non-Muslims about the complete truth of Islam, then at least in removing misconceptions about Islam and neutralizing the negative thinking about Islam and Muslims that the non-Muslims have. A very few non-Muslims may have counter arguments to these replies, for which further information may be required.


Q1.Praying Behind Beardless Imam?
Q2. In Japan, only eight rakat Tarawih is followed... read
Q3. Is it allowed for an ulcer patient to leave the Fast ?... read
Q4.  Isaal-e-Sawab through Recitation of the Qur'an... read
Q5.Does a Wife have the right to refuse sex with her Husband?... read
Q6.Visiting Graveyards on 15th Sha'ban... read
Q7.Wet-Dreams... read
Q8.Social Services in
Q9. Are Menstruating Women Permitted to Recite or Touch the Qur'an?... read
Q10. Why do we quote Allah (swt) as - Him / His?... read
Q11.Islam And Universal Brotherhood - Part 1... read
Q12. Islam And Universal Brotherhood -Part 2... read
Q13. Islam And Universal Brotherhood - Part 3... read
Q14.Islam And Universal Brotherhood - Part 4 ... read
Q15.Islam And Universal Brotherhood - Part 4 ...cont ... read
Q16.Does Islam Make The Face Veil Obligatory For Muslim Women?... read
Q17. Inheritance... read
Q18. Which School Of Thought Should A Muslim Follow?... read
Q19.Quoting the Bible for Daw'ah Purposes... read
Q20. Is The Qur'an God's Word? – Part-1... read
Q21. Is The Qur'an God's Word? – Part-2... read
Q22. Is The Qur'an God's Word? – Part-3... read
Q23. Is The Qur'an God's Word? – Part-4... read
Q24. Is The Qur'an God's Word? – Part-5... read
Q25. Is The Qur'an God's Word? – Part-6... read
Q26. Is The Qur'an God's Word? – Part-7... read
Q27. Is The Qur'an God's Word? – Part-8... read
Q28. Is The Qur'an God's Word? – Part-9... read
Q29. Is The Qur'an God's Word? – Part-10... read
Q30. Is The Qur'an God's Word? – Part-11... read
Q31.Relationship with the Parents... read
Q32.Why aren't Islamic Missionaries as active as Christian Missionaries?... read
Q33.Do the Muslims Believe in Jesus (pbuh) and his Second Coming?... read
Q34. Is it Compulsory to Wear the Trousers Above the Ankles?... read
Q35.Dr. Zakir Naik talk Proves a big draw in Bangalore... read
Q36.How Shameful, We Don't Have a Media of Our Own!... read
Q37. If a husband and wife have a mutual divorce... read
Q38. Is a Muslim woman permitted to go out for a job... read
Q39.Can a rich Muslim wife give portion of her Zakat to her poor husband?... read
Q40. Is it allowed for a wife to address her husband by his name, as our previous generation didn’t do so?... read
Q41.What is the authentic Islamic ruling about it?... read
Q42.Da'wah or Islaah?... read
Q43.Why do so many People Embrace Islam in today's time?... read
Q44. Is Hinduism the oldest and therefore the best Religion?... read
Q45.Why don't muslims in india follow the islamic criminal law?... read
Q46.Burying Better than Cremating Dead Bodies... read
Q47.Slam's Viewpoint on Wills, Bequests and Inheritance... read
Q48.Wife's Consent Prior to a Subsequent Nikaah... read
Q49.Similarities between Islam and Hinduism - Part-1... read
Q50.Similarities between Islam and Hinduism - Part-2... read
Q51.Similarities between Islam and Hinduism - Part-3... read
Q52.Similarities between Islam and Hinduism - Part-4... read
Q53.Similarities between Islam and Hinduism - Part-5... read
Q54.Similarities between Islam and Hinduism - Part-6... read
Q55.Similarities between Islam and Hinduism - Part-7... read
Q56.Similarities between Islam and Hinduism - Part-8... read
Q57.Similarities between Islam and Hinduism - Part-9... read
Q58.Raising One's Hands During Salaah... read
Q59.Forbidden Times for Salaah... read
Q60.Marrying women from the People of the Book... read
Q61.Difference between Mary and Miriam... read
Q62.Prohibition of Musical Instruments... read
Q63. Is Man Created from Sperm or Dust?... read
Q64.Dyeing One's Hair... read
Q65. Is it Permissible to offer Nafil Salaah after Witr Salaah?... read
Q66. Islamic Research Foundation Replies...... read
Q67.Women in the Mosque... read
Q68.Why do Muslims follow the Lunar Calender... read
Q69.Why are all prayers and supplications not answered or fulfilled by Allah (SWT)?... read
Q70.Why Building of Temples and Churches, and Propagating Other Religions, is Prohibited in Saudi Arabia?... read

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1 comment:

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