
Friday 12 October 2018



To conclude,  please  listen  (and  read!)  carefully  the  gist  of my  speech  tonight.   Love  for Prophet Muhammad  (SAW) fundamentally demands his true following.  True following which  is full of blessings   and  luminosity that  is no  doubt desirable in life's  routine   matters,  but  what   it essentially demands from  us is that  our  entire  life should  be directed towards  the  same  objective  as  that  of  the  Prophet Muhammad  (SAW).  And  that  cause  was  the  struggle  to make  Allah's   Chosen  Faith  (i.e. Islam)  prevail   over  every other  system:  the actual  establishment and implementation of a truly  just  order  enshrined in Islam.  It was  exactly  for this  mission   that  the  Prophet  toiled  so  arduously  for  23 long  years  and  for which  his blessed  Companions (RAA) devoted   their    entire    lives,   suffered    hardships,    cruel opposition, and  torture  and for which  they even laid down their   lives.   

That  we  follow   in  the  footsteps   of  Prophet Muhammad  (SAW)  and  his  blessed   Companions  (RAA) and   
that  our  life interests   and  pursuits  be  shaped   by  the Seerah of the Messenger (SAW) and his Companions (RAA) 
is what  love for the Messenger (SAW) truly  demands.

With  the  help  of a brief  outline   of the  Seerah of Prophet Muhammad  ($AW) the real meaning and  demands of love for    the    Messenger    Muhammad    (SAW)    have    been explained  to  you.   We  need   to  think   and   contemplate further   on  this  subject.  I am  not  saying   that  you  should agree  with  everything that I have  said  on this topic but  do consider carefully  and with  an objective  frame  of mind  my point  of view  that has come before  you.

‘Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds'.

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