
Friday 21 September 2018



Now  let us move  on to the next point.  Which particular  way will lead us to this goal and help  us to attain  our objective? In this matter  also we will obtain  guidance  from  the  Seerah of the  Prophet   Muhammad  (SAW). One  must  understand this clearly  that  a  task  cannot  be  performed   randomly   in any  way   one  likes.  For  every   task  there  is  a  prescribed method.   For wheat  cultivation   there  is a particular   season, and if one expects to harvest  its crop it must be cultivated  in that  season   only.   Otherwise   the  seed  too  will  be  wasted however  great  the wholeheartedness  and sincerity  involved in the cultivation   effort. Additionally the  land  will have  to be  tilled  for such  cultivation. Can  you,  without   tilling  the land  first,  expect  to  get  a crop  just  by  sowing   the  seeds? From  this we  can  conclude   that  there  is a specific  way,  a specific   procedure,    and   a  specific   method    for  growing wheat.  If this method  is not followed  we will not be able to grow  wheat.   

Similarly,  in order  to establish  the  system  of justice   and   equity    which    was   established   by   Prophet Muhammad  (SAW) we  will have  to adopt  the same method as  that  chosen  by  Muhammad   (SAW)  the  Messenger  of Allah   (SWT).  If  an   individual    under    a   misconception follows  a particular   method,  but  sincerely  believes  that  an Islamic revolution  can be brought  about by following  such a method   and  an Islamic system  of justice  and  equity  can be established,  he  will  be  rewarded   by  Allah  (SWT) on  the basis  of his sincerity.  But his efforts  in this world  will not bear  fruit. Our next  query  would  therefore  be to explore  in detail  the method  used  by the Prophet  Muhammad  (SAW) to bring  about  an Islamic Revolution

How  did he establish a just  and  equitable   order?   
how  did  he  put  an  end  to the system  of injustice,  oppression, exploitation and established 'God's  kingdom  on earth'  --- going  through  various  phases of struggle?

Once   we   have   made   this   conscious    decision   what    is required   next  is for us  to undertake   an intensive   study  of the  noble  Seerah of  the  Prophet   Muhammad   (SAW)  and find out the method  the Prophet  (SAW) adopted   to achieve his  objective.  This  is required   because  in order  to bring  a revolution    in  any  society  not  every   method   will  prove effective  and  useful.  Instead  the method  adopted will be in accordance with  the  kind  of change  desired   or the  nature of  revolution   to  be   brought   about.    Let  me   quote    an example   here.    A communist  revolution  is achieved   by  a particular  method.    It cannot  be brought  until  and  unless the devotees   and  comrades of this school  of thought   instill "class consciousness"  in a society,  that  there  are 'the haves' and  'the  have-nots',  the privileged  and  exploitative classes on  one  side  and  the  downtrodden  and  oppressed  classes on the other. Until  such  consciousness is awakened  firmly into  the minds  of the oppressed  classes  the first step  in the path   towards   a communist  revolution  will  not  have  been taken.  Class consciousness will have  to be created  first.

The  next  stage  will  be  that  of  "class  struggle".  Now   the classes  will be made  to clash with  each other.  Without   this the  second   step  towards   a communist  revolution  will  not have  been  taken.  Apart  from  this, communists  use  several other   ploys   like  creating   chaos,  instability,  and  similarly fanning   the  flames   of  regional   and   linguistic   prejudices that  'We are Sindhis,  we are Baluchis, we are Pakhiuns,  we are Punjabis, we are Mohajirs.  Ours is  a civilization,  culture and language that is separate and distinct from others'.  Fomenting intolerance, hatred  and prejudice   against  each other  in this way,  is  the  latest  technique  adopted  by  the  communists. Well   planned   bomb   blasts   or   other   acts   of  sabotage, whether  it means  targeting   the  lives  of many  an innocent people    including   women,    children    and   the   elderly    or whether it requires  them  to be used  as sacrificial lambs,  are necessary    towards     the    efforts    of   bringing     about     a communist  revolution.  Now   suppose   there  is a  humane and  noble  individual  who  has,  through   error  of judgment, become   a believer   in  the  communist  ideology,   but  is not willing  to take part  in such  acts of terrorism   despite  being a  Marxist.    He   cannot    therefore    be   a  true   communist because    a   communist   revolution   cannot    be   achieved without  taking  part  in  such  activities. It is achieved   by  a particular   method;   there  exists  a set  pattern   for  it. 

In  the same   way   in  bringing    an   Islamic   Revolution  the   only useful  and  effective  method   will be that employed by the Prophet  Muhammad (SAW).  Consequently our  inquiry and effort would now be to undertake  an objective study of the noble Seerah of the prophet and try to find out the way in which the prophet brought an Islamic Revolution.

To Be Continued....

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