
Friday 4 May 2018

Fasting and creativity

Fasting and Creativity

In order to realize his potential, man must achieve in his life pattern a balance between continuity and change. As soon as he becomes stuck in a permanent syndrome of routine and habits, he shuts out from his life fresh and new vistas, and that expansion of the mind and the spirit which exists within him as a potential realization. A temporary change from daily routine to something different can release creative energy, refresh the mind, and restore strength and vitality to a body which may have become tired and stuck in a daily routine.

In the fast of Ramadhan the believer experiences just such a change. The change is effected in the realm of man’s biological existence and interferes with the daily routine in respect of food, drink and sex. The change is so fundamental, so disruptive of daily routine, that the believer lives a different life in Ramadhan. This movement from routine not only refreshes the body and restores vitality but, more importantly, releases creative forces with the potential of penetrating worlds that were hitherto inexperienced and unexplored by the believer, worlds which transcend his normal experience.

To Be Continued ....

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